Rank and File Skink Bases

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by The_Curly_One, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. The_Curly_One

    The_Curly_One New Member

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    Hey all.

    I've recently settled on an army to play with and I'm starting to build the models. I am putting my saurus and other larger troops on cobble stone, to represent a temple city. On my Skinks however I was going t put them in water/swamp bases to represent scouting into the jungle and that they are aquatic. I was also going to cut off some of the skink's ankles so it looks like they are wading through the swamp

    My issue is that I have a rank and file skink unit with kroxes in it. I was wondering if I should have the same effect on the skinks with the kroxes (and the salamander unit too), just leave them with the same bases, or simple switch them to the cobble stone temple bases? I'm skeptical of the second choice just because it might seem weird to have a whole bunch on skinks walking on water.

    Thanks for any advice!
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Hmm tough question, you really wouldn't want to try to cut the krox off at the ankles. I suggest you make a skink on a stone base, and make a skink in the swamp and see how they look. You could do a half and half base with stone and swamp on it, like the stones have been covered by a bit of swamp, could look good.
  3. Scarloc
    Chameleon Skink

    Scarloc New Member

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    If you have a good saw the krox should not be too had but you loose some cool looking feet. I would create a more swamp puddle grassy bog base for him and maybe leave some big footprints for him.
  4. Krox-Power

    Krox-Power New Member

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    Or if you have a whole bunch of skinks, you could do both. Extremely tedious, but then you would have stone-based skinks for your krox units, and swamp-based skinks for skirmishers. A whole lot of work though.....
    And pricey....
  5. The_Curly_One

    The_Curly_One New Member

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    The bases aren't hard or too expensive. Its textured plasti-card and a few seconds with a dremal to make the edges flush with the base. my 10 bucks of water textured plasti-card can base about 112 skinks. :smug:

    What I've been thinking is that I base the skinks in the water and have the krox (and sally) on a sand bar/ island. This provides unity in my skinks and doesn't kill my jeweler's saw. I'm not really should how its going to come out with height difference. It will exaggerate the krox's height but that just might make the unit look better. I'll probably end up rigging something up to see which one I like better without killing a krox in the process.

    If anyone has tried this before please comment on how it looks and how well it works. Thanks!

    As an off topic question... What's up with the new smilies I'm seeing? they are kinda distracting. lol
  6. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah sounds like a good idea. You can put a krox behind a base and lower your line of sight, so basically you see the base and the krox from ankles up. Might give an ok indication of whats going on.

    The new smilie thread is here:

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