8th Ed. 2500pt friendly Life Slann with Tetto

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Ho'key Po'key, May 8, 2015.

  1. Ho'key Po'key

    Ho'key Po'key Member

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    New to the forums here and really enjoying everything. I've been collecting Lizardmen for about eleven years now but have only really gotten into playing regularly for the last couple years. This is the list I've come to enjoy, even if some units are not optimal.....I'd love suggestions though.

    Life Slann BSB with Harmonic Convergence, Soul of Stone, Channeling Staff, and Obsidian Lodestone


    Skink Priest (lvl1using Lore of Beasts) with Dispell Scroll

    Skink Chief with the Egg of Quango, Dragon Helm, and Enchanted Shield

    Scar-Vet with Armor of Fortune, Shield, and Great Weapon

    Two units of ten Skink Skirmishers (Priest goes with one of these)

    Skink Cohort, seventeen strong with full command and two Kroxigor. (Chief and Tetto go here)

    Saurus Warriors, twenty five strong with full command

    Five Chameleon Skinks with Stalker

    Bastiladon with Solar Engine

    Twenty five Temple Guard with full command and Banner of Eternal Flame (Slann and Scar-Vet go here)

    Ancient Stegadon with Engine of the Gods and Sharpened Horns

    2500pts on the nose! My normal opponents are High Elves, Skaven (boo hiss!), and Warriors of Chaos (almost exclusively Khorne). I only win about half the time but the other half are very costly victories for my friends, we normally end out with just a couple mangled units each left on the table. I am very much a novice player but enjoy the heck out of the game. We play straight 8th Ed as none of us have dropped the money on The End Times or Storm of Magic.

    I like the Life Slann+Tetto combo, even if the magic phase can be a fickle friend. I run Tetto with the Cohort sandwiched between the Kroxigors mostly for asthetics with the Egg Chief up front. This block can be a surprisingly effective unit, especially if Tetto can get Iceshard and Harmonic off. Flesh to Stone from the Slann is super nice too. I think it is a pretty straight forward army but even so, it is fun to play.

    I've considered dropping the Bastiladon, and shifting points around in other areas, to get a couple Salamanders in there. The Bastiladon is consistently underwhelming, a dang shame I love it so much.

    I'm open for suggestions and if anyone sees something that isn't particularly in line with the rules, let me know.....always learning.

    Thanks everyone in advance!
    Last edited: May 8, 2015
  2. Irish_Lizard

    Irish_Lizard Member

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    Wasn't sure a friendly list could be made with life and tetto, your list is friendly without being weak. big fan of salamanders and my bastilidon is related to yours as he tends to explode most games as soon as someone looks at him( 2 boltthrower shots, one cannon, golden hounds, searing doom, spirit leech, pit, etc).

    Your skink chief needs to lose either dragon helm or enchanted shield as you can only have one magic item per slot(weapon, armour, arcane etc).
    Do you remember your champ on the chameleons? I always forget until combat and I'm desperate. I'd say to try mounting up the scar vet, even run solo he is really good and really fun.(Armour of destiny cold one and great weapon has netted more than one vamp lord for me).
  3. Ho'key Po'key

    Ho'key Po'key Member

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    Doh! I completely forgot about the one per slot restriction. I will correct that and rework the points, thanks for pointing that one out.

    I have forgotten the Stalker in the past but it has happened before too that I hid them so well in deployment, I forgot about them entirely!

    The revised list is:

    Life Slann BSB with Harmonic Convergence, Soul of Stone, Channelling Staff, and Obsidian Lodestone


    Skink Priest (lvl1using Lore of Beasts) with Dispell Scroll

    Skink Chief with the Egg of Quango, Light Armor, Shield, and Javelin

    Scar-Vet with Armor of Fortune, Shield, Biting Blade, and Potion of Foolhardiness

    Two units of ten Skink Skirmishers (Priest goes with one of these)

    Skink Cohort, seventeen strong with full command and two Kroxigor. (Chief and Tetto go here)

    Saurus Warriors, twenty five strong with full command

    Five Chameleon Skinks with Stalker

    Twenty five Temple Guard with full command (Slann and Scar-Vet go here)

    Ancient Stegadon with Engine of the Gods and Sharpened Horns

    Two units of Salamanders

    This feels better to me. I would have liked to do the Scar-vet mounted but I'd have had to change quite a bit of things to get the points for the AoD, GW wielding, Cold One riding Scar-vet in there. It was tough to correct the Chief, find the extra ten points for the Salamander switch, AND make a Scar-vet that would work (and live). I could drop a Skirmisher unit, up the Cohort to 23 models, and give the remaining Skirmisher a Brave (to satisfy the 25% Core) to get the points. However, I'd feel naked with only one Skirmisher unit. Two is fewer than I really like, to be honest.

    I would like to give the mounted Scar-vet a go. The next lowest performing unit is the Saurus block. I could drop them, add Skirmishers and Cohorts up to the 25% mark, and have the points for it.

    Hmmm......options......I'll give this current one a game or three to feel it out. Thanks again for the input though, lots of things to consider and try out.
  4. TheGreatFatSlann

    TheGreatFatSlann Member

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    I run a somewhat similar list, with a life slann and tetto. I used to play slann with high magic, but once i realised that his big spells (walk between worlds, arcane unforging, fiery convocation) tend to either suck up the entire MP or get dispeled, and that tetto was doing most of the work, I switched to life.


    Slann Mage-Priest (Lore of Life) – BSB – Standard of Discipline; Disciplines: Soul of Stone, Becalming Cogitation, Harmonic Convergence; Magic Items: Obsidian Amulet, Channeling Staff

    Saurus Oldblood – Shield; Magic Items: Sword of Anti-Heroes, Armor of Destiny, The Other Trickster’s Shard, Potion of Speed (5)




    Saurus Warriors x 25 – Spears, Spawn Leader, Musician, Standard Bearer

    Skink Cohort x 10

    Skink Skirmishers x 10

    Skink Skirmishers x 10

    Skink Skirmishers x 10

    Skink Skirmishers x 10


    Temple Guard x 35 – Revered Guardian, Musician, Standard Bearer – Razor Standard


    Ancient Stegadon – Sharpened Horns

    Salamander Hunting Pack – Additional Handler

    Salamander Hunting Pack – Additional Handler

    I find that the Oldblood in the TG really adds that final punch which they were missing - a guy capable of murdering in challenges as well as rending troops. I tried out the Skavenpelt Banner a few times, but frenzied TG tend to be chaffed under awkward angles, and they then overrun away from the battle. Also I wish I could fit in another ancient steg, but the points simply arent there
  5. Ho'key Po'key

    Ho'key Po'key Member

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    Holy wow! I only thought I had a lot of points sitting in my TG/Slann bunker!

    I was considering dropping my Salamanders to Razordons and using the points saved to give my Scar-vet the Cold One, AoD, GW treatment. I have virtually no experience with Razordons but they don't seem to be nearly as good as Salamanders. I believe my army would suffer from this possible change, even with the added Scar-vet beatstick. Any thoughts?

    I had those two banners in my list originally but dropped them in favor of the Egg Chief. I do see their usefulness and have been looking at ways to get them back in. What do y'all think about dropping the Chameleons for the banners?
    Last edited: May 13, 2015

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