I finally decided to do this: My entire krox collection in one ETC list. Characters. Slann - Lore of Light - General - BSB: S of Diciplin - becalming - Dispel Scroll Tetto ekko Core 16x Skink Cohort - 2 Krox - Musician - Standard 10x Skink Cohort - Musician 10x Skink Cohort - Musician 12x Skirmishers - Javelins and shield 14x Skirmishers - Javelins and shield 14x Skirmishers - Javelins and shield 14x Skirmishers - Javelins and shield Special 19x Krox (deployed 6 wide for horde) - Champion 6x Chameleon Skinks 6x Chameleon Skinks 2399 pts 5 Hardchoices Edited: 12-05-2015 Tetto Vanguards Slann boosts Skinks redirect and harrases KROX! SMASH!!! Im going in without much regard for competitiveness or wise decisions here (obviously) But if anyone have any minor comments on how to adjust this, im all ears
Go Krox Go! Looks like fun. Not much feedback I can offer on it. You do seem to have quite a lot of points invested in magic, maybe drop the lvl 2 priest for Salamanders, Terrachief or Scar-Vet?
a couple of single sallies might actually be quite useful, now that you mention it. Softening fragile ASF'lves before the clash could come really handy. aaaand its not like that priest will cast a lot of spells anyway ^^ Im just having a hard time giving up the arcane vassal and cube !!
With this list, you just want your krox smashing all game long. I just wonder where your Slann will go, do you have points for the Ethearal mastery somewhere, or do you just ploink him in a unit of Skinks? I think this list might be harder to play then it looks, as you really need maximum efficiency from your krox, everything should be used to get them smashing. You will suffer hard against things like DE denial lists, but against things like Dwarf gunlines(if they still exist) you should do fine. Key is Walk between Worlds I would say, try to get that spell of, and vanguard those krox, no matter what you are up against, even it it means you are walking up to a Star Dragon imho.
No arguing your points: that is exactly what will be the main focus. The Slann is the main problem, as he will easily get caught of guard. I have found the Ethereal form to do me more harm than good in my meta..this I will have to deal with. Walk between worlds, hand of glory and Soul Quench will be important to get of, the later to clear chaff and get rid of avoidance lists. Tettos comet will be great for area-denial, and since the front arc of the krox will be MASSIVE it will be hard to get clear of them. My hope is that the skinks will be efficient enough to hurt avoidance further.
in ETC losing Blood and Glory does not end the game. It gives you 1 extra battlepoint, and 2 additional if you remain unbroken yourself. This is an all or nothing list. If it succeeds he can have that battlepoint. If it doesn't, then the point wont matter anyway.
adding a banner to your cohort probably isn't that hard. probably just one less skirmisher... or something.
I will try to remember what is going on, but my guess it that it will be Chaos! If you can live with "And then my krox-block smashed _ _ _ _ while my skinks shot up som other _ _ _ _ " Then I will meet your expectations
Epic! What a great looking unit. I'm curious to see just how much carnage they could unleash. I hope they weren't purple sunned off the table.
So much choppy in one unit. Think it will be a great looking army, especially if your Krok centrepieces are finished.
"You cant have more than 450pts in a a Unit under ETC restricts" ".......but....oh ......ooooh.....oh SOTEKS RATHOLE!!! " long story short...I didnt get to play big-block krox -.-' because of the models I brought we had to split it into 3 smaller units to make it legal.... If people care I can still do a bat-rep, but it wasn't that interesting to be honest. The magic combinations I wished to use didn't work, as my combat block was suddenly 3 blocks. Furthermore I didn't get Speed of Light (...F_ _ K!! ) , but my opponent, who had Kairos, did. That the focus-point of my entire list suddenly changed was a major problem, and I played terribly and unfocused -.-' I got: Phas protection, shems (traded from Bironas), banishment and light of battle. He brought. Kairos (Picked, Speed of light, flesh to stone, iceshard blizzard, spirit leech, the withering and soul-blight..cant remember the last) 2 Nurgle Heralds - One got the D3 wounds sword 1 Slannesh Herald on Steed 10 Horrors 20something unit Plaguebearers 12 Daemonettes a unit of 3 Screamers a unit of 8 Fiends 2 units of pesky pests with wings I think that was it Key notations for the match will be: 1. I still hate plaguebearers 1.1 Plaguebearer aren't more fun when they get backed up by Kairos 2. Light of Battle is unspeakably good when used in a bubble effect! Unbreakable krox, are krox that rox. 3. Wardsaves dont care about S7....at all....in fact they thrive against it...as they see it as a challenge.
I also cannot wait to hear how this will play out. ^^ this detergent has the Kroxi-action-power-formula...