7th Ed. Cupped Hands + 12 on Miscast

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Foolie, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. Foolie

    Foolie New Member

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    It seems like Cupped hands needs a FAQ by itself (does it work on a 2? Do you roll the miscast before or after you pass it?) and I have another question to add:

    What happens if you pass a miscast roll of 12? Does the irresistible force apply to the miscast spell? Is there any effect on the enemy caster?

    My guesses would be: Yes and only if the enemy caster knows the miscast spell. (And yes and after to the two parenthetical questions)
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Hmm another intriguing question. It would indeed suck to give an irresistable spell to your opponent, but that is probably how I would play it. It is meant to be a little bit random, magic is fickle.

    I would, after the miscast, roll to see if cupped hands works, then allocate it to the enemy mage (another question, what if there are several enemy mages in range?), then roll for the effect of the miscast. Since you have already put the miscast on your opponent they get the 12 effect. But then I guess it counts for the spell that was originally cast, maybe it has no effect? I don't think I'd try to give the irresistable to the Slann since he has already passed the miscast off on to the opponent.

    Strange item though..
  3. blackhawk
    Chameleon Skink

    blackhawk Member

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    well i think it wont work becouse it states that "THE spell is cast on a IF"
    not a spell.

    on the other hand it is quite worth the risk if allocated at a wizard lord.
  4. slannfrog
    Cold One

    slannfrog Member

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    How does it work according to GW?

    Do choose to use the Cupped hands before or after you roll the result of the miscast? If its after the miscast roll I'd choose not to use it if I roll well.
  5. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    I was wondering, can the item still be used to ignore a miscast even if the enemy army has no wizards? What if we're facing Dwarves or Tomb Kings?
  6. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    i would say yes it does work that is just an added effect because the inital effect is to discard the first miscast then you transfer it to an enemy mage and as for tomb kings they say that hierophants are mages in all respects so they would still get to take your miscast test

    as to the orginal question that shouldn't matter since the spell has already been targeted it will still hit where it is supposed to hit so i don't think there is an issue there the only difference is that you now got an irrestiable force spell off and didn't lose a spell

    granted if the enemy mage loses a spell is up for grabs

    as for strewart's remark about which mages can get hit by it in every other situation where there is multiple targets for the same effect ie. frenzy charge etc. you get to choose which one to target

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