8th Ed. Narcissistic Special Characters from my fluff pieces

Discussion in 'House Rules' started by Scalenex, May 14, 2015.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I kind of wondered if it was a good idea to put my story characters to stats, I doubt I'll ever actually try to convince someone to let me play one, but it was a fun exercise building them.

    All characters have the following special rule.

    Curse of Scalenex: If a character with this special rule dies in the last turn of a game or the turn immediately preceding it, both players receive victory points for the slain character, providing someone is sad about it.

    Hero to Lead Them

    Kaitar M4 WS5 BS0 S4 T4 W2 I5 A3 Ld9

    Heavy Armor, Shield, Mace of the Carnosaurs

    Mace of the Carnosaurs: +1 Strength and d3 multiple wounds

    Scaly Skin 5+, Coldblooded, Predatory Fighter, Hates Daemons, Balanced, Curse of Scalenex

    Balanced: Kaitar counts as Skink character for the purpose of restraining PF models in a unit he has joined. If Kaitar is General, all PF units within Kaitar’s command radius may restrain overruns or pursuits as if a Skink character were nearby.

    A Skinks Quest

    Hero: 120 points

    Zat-kai M6 WS4 BS5 S4 T3 W2 I6 A3 Ld6 (9)

    Hand Weapon, Shield, Light Armor, Amulet of Chotek’s Wrath (Ruby Ring of Ruin), Crown of the Brother’s Bridge

    Scaly Skin 6+, Aquatic, Cold-blooded, Hatred Daemons

    Crown of the Brother’s Bridge: Telepathy has its perks. The crown bestows +3 to Zat-kai’s leadership. When his unit is base contact with only one model or he is fighting a challenge, Zat-kai receives Always Strikes First and +2 WS. Zat-kai causes Fear while wearing the crown. If Zat-kai is unengaged, enemies within 6 inches of him have Stupidity (he’s messing their heads).

    New Alliances

    Hero: 95 points

    General Belrikt M6 WS5 BS6 S4 T4 W3 I6 A4 Ld8

    Aquatic, Scaly Skin 5+, Cold Blooded, Hates Daemons, Respected Soldier

    Respected Soldier: Belrikt restrains Predatory Fighters within a 12 inch range rather than the usual six inch range.

    Blessed Hide Armor, Fangs of Sotek, Blowpipe,

    Amulet of Chotek’s Wrath (enchanted item): Ruby Ring of Ruin by another name

    Blessed Hide Armor (magic armor): Heavy Armor, 4+ Ward Save

    Fangs of Sotek (magic weapon): Paired Weapon, +1 Strength

    Speaking Stone (enchanted item): As long as Belrikt is alive, Lizardmen are treated as Trusted Allies regardless of what race they are fighting alongside. If he issues a challenge, it cannot be refused. Belrikt can use this freely in tandem with the Amulet of Chotek’s Wrath despite both being of the same magic item category.


    Hero: Not sure of points yet

    Live Huan-kai M6 WS5 BS5 S3 T3 W2 I6 A3 Ld6

    Hand Weapon, Blowpipe

    Aquatic, Scaly Skin 6+, Cold Blooded, Level 2 Shadow Wizard, Chameleon, Scouts, Arcane Vassal, Loner, Telepathic, Vault Looter

    Loner: Huan-kai may never serve as general. With Lizardmen, he may only join units of Chameleon Skinks. With Warriors of Chaos he is considered a Suspicious Ally and must initially deploy within 12 inches of the WoC general.

    Telepathic: If Haun-kai is in base contact with a single model or is fighting in a challenge, his opponent must pass an Initiative test or Huan-kai receives +3 WS.

    Vault Looter: You may spend up to 50 points to purchase BRB or Lizardmen Army book magic items for Huan-kai.

    Dead Water

    Hero: Not sure of points yet

    Undead Huan-kai M6 WS6 (4) BS5 S4 T4 W2 I8 A4 (6) Ld7

    Light Armor, Choltehe’s old Amulet, Lustrian Javelins, Shield

    Aquatic, Scaly Skin 6+, Level 2 Shadow Wizard, Limited Chameleon, Scout, Telepathic, Undead, Vampiric, The Hunger

    Limited Chameleon: Enemies suffer a -1 to hit Huan-kai with shooting if he is by himself.

    Telepathic: If Haun-kai is not using the Sword of Tzunki and is in base contact with a single model or is fighting in a challenge, his opponent must pass an Initiative test or Huan-kai receives +3 WS.

    Choltehe’s old Amulet: Huan-kai receives a 3+ Ward save against the first wound he suffers in a battle.

    Sword of Tzunki: You may choose to use the Sword of Tzunki at the start of a close combat. The sword adds +2A and the wielder is always treated as WS 4 regardless of their actual stat or any trait adjustments (including telepathy.

    Legacies or Dead Water

    Hero: Not sure of points yet

    Legacies Kayishen M6 WS3 BS0 S3 T3 W3 I3 A2 Ld7

    Hand Weapon

    Ethereal, Ghostly Howl, Terror, Undead, Level 2 Lore of Vampires Wizard, Hover, Hates Lizardmen

    Legacies or Dead Water

    Lord: Not sure of points yet
    Legacies Renliss M6 WS7 BS5 S5 T5 W3 I7 A5 Ld10

    Heavy Armor, Scimitar of Chotec, Dishonored Sacred Pelts

    The Hunger, Undead, Vampiric, Level 4 Wizard, Stupidity, Magic Generalist, Wizard Feeder, Hates enemy wizards

    Magic Generalist: Renliss starts play with 5 spells rather than 4. Renliss may take spells from a mix of the Lore of Vampires, Death, Beasts, and/or Heavens. If End Times rules are used, he may mix in Undeath spells as well. If you are playing pre-End Times rules, at least one spell must be of the Lore of Vampires. Decide how many you want from each before rolling.

    Wizard Eater: If Renliss inflicts the last wound on an enemy wizard, he automatically passes his Hunger roll to regain a lost wound. He also gains one randomly determined spell from that wizard from said wizard for the duration of the battle and suffers a -3 penalty to his WS, I, and Ld traits for the rest of the battle.

    Scimitar of Chotec (plus short sword): Magic Weapon, Paired Weapon. the Scimitar of Chotec inflicts Strength+1 hits that count as Flaming Attacks.

    Dishonored Sacred Pelts: The Jaguar and Skink Priest skins he wears bestow an additional +1 to Renliss’ armor save and a 5+ Ward save. If the magical item is destroyed, only the ward save is lost.

    Vampiric Powers: Quickblood (ASF), Summon Creatures of the Night (may boost Dire Wolves, Bat Swarms, and Fell Bats beyond their starting size.


    Lord: Not sure of points yet
    Lady Adrienne M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T4 W3 I5 A3 Ld9

    Illusionary Armor, Pistol, Shard Bracelet

    Eye of the Gods, Level 4 Lore of Shadows Wizard, Grey Eminence, Mark of Slaanesh

    Shard Bracelet: Contains the Lore of Slaanesh Slicing Shard’s spell per the Warriors of Chaos book.

    Illusionary Armor: Armor disguised as clothes bestows a 4+ armor save. Opponents attacking Adrienne (but not her unit) receive -1 to hit her.

    Grey Eminence: If Lady Adrienne is general, she can take Core, Herom and/or Special choices from the Empire and Vampire Count troops. At least half of the Core and Special by points must be spent on Warriors of Chaos army book units, but non-traditional troops they are treated as full parts of the Chaos army in all respects, not as allies.
  2. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Hey Mr Copycat! I have draft rules of my own from Nov 2014 which I was planning to use for a Scalenex vs Spawning of Bob Fluff Character Beat Down.

    Does anyone want to guess why I would have won?
  3. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Was it @NIGHTBRINGER? I mean, just look at his hat

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Hat... what hat? This little hat? There is no chaos trickery under this hat.
    Sudaj likes this.
  5. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Please, we all know what rabbit you keep under that hat...

    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Shhhhh... it's supposed to be a secret! :angelic:
  7. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    I meant who out of Scalenex and my assembled armies (mines got Ogres and O+G) would win.


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I'm afraid it matters not... @Scolenex would defeat your combined forces with ease. He's become too powerful. ;)
  9. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Your characters have special armor and mine are all played by Sean Bean.
  10. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Correct. The prize goes to the child with the dead dead eyes.
  11. Scolenex

    Scolenex Well-Known Member

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    Leave me out of this...
  12. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    95 pts seems a little light for this guy. 3+/4++ and Hatred with 3 wounds has got to be worth more than that. Not to mention all his other goodies. I'd price him at least 50 points higher, if not more.

    I like the rest of them though! Awesome special rules/items you've come up with. I think all LM should have Hatred towards DoC personally. Glad you've incorporated it.
  13. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Oops, you are right, 95 points was the original price I set up for a "naked" Skink General, I forgot to add for his extra goodies.

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