And he did a bait and switch with the game ball. With those powers of deception, he will pick up ladies even faster. Anyway, here's a Swedish gem I picked up on TV tropes along with this picture for blatant lies. In Sweden, those who own a television must pay a yearly fee. Sometimes, controllers visit people who have not paid, to check if they own one. What follows is a paraphrased urban legend of one such visit. A controller is standing in the doorway of an apartment. A TV is turned on and clearly visible in the living room. Controller: I see you have a TV there. Resident: No, that's a washing machine. Controller: Look, I can clearly see it's a TV. Resident: I'm telling you, it's a washing machine. Controller: Ugh, fine. Knowing he'd need a witness to argue the case in court, the controller returns the next day with a colleague. In the living room stands... an actual washing machine.
I'll get you, Xbalanque, even if it is the fourth thing I do (I've got a few comics in the pipeline already)
I used to like Chuck Norris jokes. Then Chuck Norris started endorsing quasi-fringe political candidates and platforms.
Oh, no, thank YOU, @NIGHTBRINGER, for letting me know such a great thread exist! Somehow I hadn't notice this at all. I guess that's what I get for only using New Posts function...