8th Ed. Upcoming 2500pt tournament

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by MrBGone, May 14, 2015.

  1. MrBGone

    MrBGone New Member

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    Hey guys,

    I have been trolling the site for quite a while and I gotta say that I really love this forum. There are really great and comprehensive articles here. I'm finally going to pull out my slowly growing Lizardmen for a tournament coming up soon and I would love some insight on a couple of lists im considering. Fingers crossed that the Lizardmen keep truckin in 9th.

    Tetto'eko is amazing and is in both lists.

    List #1: Cold One Rider Bus
    OB - Cold One, Piranha Blade, GW, Armour of Destiny
    OB - Cold One, Sacred Steg Helm, GW, Tali of Preservation, Other Tricksters Shard

    SV - BSB with Eternal Flame banner, CO, GW, LA, Sheild
    SV - CO, GW, Armour of Fortune, Dragonbane Gem, Ironcurse Icon
    Skink Priest - Lvl 2, Dispel Scroll, Lore of Beasts

    Skink Cohort x 25 with 3 Kroxigor, musi
    Skink Cohort x 25 with 3 Korxigor, musi
    Skink Skirmishers x 10, Blowpipe
    Skink Skirmishers x 10, Blowpipe

    Terradon Riders x 3, Fire Leech Bolas
    Cold One Riders x 12, Full Command
    Chameleon Skinks x 5
    Chameleon Skinks x 5

    This is something i've been working on for a while now because I love the Cold One Bus. Not to sure exactly how wide i'll run them. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Tetto'eko is key here of course with the Terradon's and Skirmishers helping keep things off of my CO's flanks.

    List #2: Dual Carno
    OB - GW, LA, Charmed Shield, Tali of Preservation, CoC, Carnosaur with Loping Strides and Bloodroar

    SV - BSB, GW, Shield, Armour of Destiny, Carnosaur with Loping Strides and Bloodroar
    Skink Priest - Lvl 1 with Dispel Scroll, Lore of Beasts

    Skink Cohort x 20, musi
    Skink Cohort x 20 musi
    Skink Skirmishers x 10, Blowpipe
    Saurus Warriors x 22, Full Command, Spears

    Bastiladon - Solar Engine
    Terradon Riders x 3

    Ancient Stegadon - Sharpened Horns, Engine of the Gods

    I love the big beasts in the Lizardmen book. They just look so damn cool. I have yet to use the Ancient Steg so that could be interesting. I'm unsure of the Saurus Warriors in here but with Gor'rok they can be a strong anvil unit. Not sure if I need Tetto'eko in this one or if the vanguard would be wasted in this list. I kept Bloodroar on the Carnos to hopefully get the Terradons in there to dual charge a unit that breaks and to keep units off of my flanks. I want to play a dual Carno list but am having trouble finding good synergy to go with them. Thoughts?

    Thanks for taking a look! Looking forward to your comments and ideas.
  2. classicflava
    Cold One

    classicflava Active Member

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    I'll give feedback on both lists. Is this a comped or uncomped tournament?

    Cold one bus list: I would switch piranha blade to sword of might and add dawnstone to your first oldblood cowboy. If you cant find the points just stick with a great weapon on him. Having the 1+ rerollable armor and a 4+ ward is REALLY good. I would take the flame banner off the scarvet bsb. Give him armour of fortune and luckstone or dragonbane gem. A lot of people take fire wards because of the lore of metal and the falme banner will really screw you if you encounter that. javelin and shields are better on skink skirmishers.

    Double carno list: other tricksters shard with a carnosaur is really good. You usually only get 1-2 wounds through so you really need to make sure they fail saves. Gor Rok is cool and all but i personally dont think he is worth his points. You can take a scar vet cowboy kitted out for about the same pts. 22 Saurus is not enough. In my experience anything below 30 isnt very effective because there arent enough bodies. I would also consider removing bloodroar and its best used out on the flanks where the enemy isnt in general and bsb range. Since your carnos are your general and bsb you will want them centralized in your army.
  3. MrBGone

    MrBGone New Member

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    Thanks for the feedback classicflava!

    The tournament isn't comped.

    I really wanted to try the Piranha Blade but I like the idea of switching it out with the dawnstone and sword of might. I might just give that a try. I like the javelin and shields on the skinks but right now I've only got ones modeled with the blowpipes. However, I have had some good games with the blowpipes.

    As for the double carno list I realized that I am short on points in core and will have to move some things around. I usually have the Other Tricksters Shard on my OB and forgot all about it in the build. Its such a great magical item. I thought maybe the Saurus unit was a little small. Should I drop things to get more guys or drop the unit all together. Gor Rok looks so damn cool and his rules are pretty decent. I've had some really good luck with him but It might just be a little to much to have him and Tetto'eko in there. If I use a big Saurus bunker should I even bother bringing Tetto'eko? As for the Bloodroar I think your right. Its a good amount of points if I cut it and having them as the general and BSB I probably wont get to use it to its full effectiveness.
  4. classicflava
    Cold One

    classicflava Active Member

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    i am in the same boat with my skink skirmishers (i have 20 painted with blowpipes). Are you planning on taking the OB out of the cold one unit? If not just give him a great weapon. Only reason i run a sword of might is mine runs around on his own and if he charges and is challenged out by a unit champ the cold one might kill it before the OB can attack and then i lose on static combat res. Only other reason to keep the sword of might is if you are anticipating seeing ethereal stuff. I have a painted Gor Rok model as well and i use him as an OB on foot or to use as a model for the OB on the carno when the carno dies. He does make the saurus unit stuborn but i just dont think he is worth his points unless you are running lore of beasts and get curse of anraer. Combined with his shield it makes units need a 4+ to pass their dangerous terrain checks when charging him
  5. MrBGone

    MrBGone New Member

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    I probably won't take him out of the Cold One bus unless I really need to. The 4+ to pass dangerous terrain sounds kind of fun but I think I'm going to go with the CO List. It seems to have more synergy. I'll probably play test a version of the Carno list with some of the modifications that you have mentioned after the tournament. I really love the big beasts and would like to play a fairly viable list with them all. Having a big unit of Cold Ones breathing down my opponents neck sounds great too.
  6. MrBGone

    MrBGone New Member

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    I played around with the COB list a bit and here is what I have now.

    OB - Cold One, Sacred Steg Helm, GW, Tali of Preservation, Other Tricksters Shard
    OB - Cold One, Piranha Blade, Armour of Destiny

    SV - CO, GW, Armour of Fortune, Dragonbane Gem, Ironcurse Icon
    SV - CO, GW, LA, Shield, Obsidian Lodestone
    Skink Priest - Lvl 1, Dispel Scroll, Lore of Beasts

    Skink Cohort x 24 with 3 Kroxigor, musi
    Skink Cohort x 20 with 2 Korxigor, musi
    Skink Skirmishers x 10, Blowpipe
    Skink Skirmishers x 10, Blowpipe

    Terradon Riders x 3
    Cold One Riders x 10, Full Command
    Chameleon Skinks x 5
    Chameleon Skinks x 5
    Bastiladon, Solar Engine

    I'm not sure if I need the Bastiladon in the list but its a pretty fun and awesome model to play with. Is it worth giving up a kroxigor with some skinks in a cohort and a couple of Cold ones though? The flame banner is out as well. It has always been my go to low points cost banner but survivability and murder/death/kill BSB sounds better. I gave my second SV a unit buff item. I felt I really might need some magic res. What do you think? As for the OB with the Piranha Blade, I am playing an OK army tomorrow to test out the list and there is definitely going to be an OK army at the tourny so im going to give it a shot. The Sword of Might with Dawnstone will definitely come into play if this doesn't work out. My idea with him is to hold him in the second rank and push him into whatever Monsterous Cav I come up against. I think he could really help me turn some fights.

    Comments and criticisms please!
    Last edited: May 21, 2015
  7. classicflava
    Cold One

    classicflava Active Member

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    No dawnstone? It really makes an old blood nasty. Also chances are that flame banner will screw you over in one game. If you run into character with a flame ward (which is fairly common) you will be in trouble
  8. MrBGone

    MrBGone New Member

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    damn meant to erase the flame banner
  9. MrBGone

    MrBGone New Member

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    Without taking out the piranha blade I'm not to if I can get the dawnstone in there.
  10. MrBGone

    MrBGone New Member

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    Got my first test run in with the CO list and It did really good. My opponent rolled pretty terrible but everything pretty much worked out the way it should. I forgot Predatory Fighter quite a bit and also the D6 roll of Tetto'eko's at the beginning of each friendly magic phase. The bus and Terradons vanguarded up and I had turn one so I moved up in front of my opponents Clan Rat horde with General. I blocked his charge with the Terradons and on my second turn smashed into him. From there I just kept hitting him with the unit and killing things. Having the Krox in the Cohort helped out a lot too as a Doomwheel was able to get to my back lines but with only a few wounds left. The Piranha Blade worked out as he had some Rat Ogres that I was able to take care of but I was really missing a Dawnstone on one of my OB's. All in all I liked the way this list worked. I need to try it out on a few different armies.
    n810 likes this.
  11. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    Hope I'm not spoling anything here, but I thought (and I don't have the army book to check) that if a non-slann BSB took a magic banner (Eternal Flame here) it couldn't take other magical items. Memory might be going in old age but is this correct?
  12. MrBGone

    MrBGone New Member

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    Gary_M you're definitely right. I did the copy paste and change in that post but forgot to erase the flame banner.
  13. laribold
    Cold One

    laribold Active Member

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    Funnily enough, I think the Flaming Banner is probably a better bet for you.
    Regen stuff can be such a total nightmare that I think it's worth the risk for the time you might come up against a 2++ character (in which case your Pirhana Blade OB should just take them on, as the magic weapon attacks won't be flaming). Or in the worst case scenario of a fire resistant unit (Dragon Princes or Chaos Dwarves) then the BSB can just bug out, leaving the unit no longer flaming.

    If you come up against Trolls or Crypt Horrors, you don't want all those lovely S7 hits being regened away (especially against Trolls and their vomit attack!)

    Nice list though! :)
  14. MrBGone

    MrBGone New Member

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    That is my biggest worry with this list. I have the Beam of Chotec off of the Bastiladon to hit regen units and hopefully do some damage but without that I have no flaming attacks. In the game against the Skaven player he had a Hellpit and without the flaming attacks it took some time getting rid of it. In the meta around here it might be beneficial for me to take the Flaming Banner to deal with things and having the ability to run him out of the unit if need be is always an option.
  15. MrBGone

    MrBGone New Member

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    I played in the tournament this weekend and took the CoB list as is. I was a little worried about a couple of the armies because they were rocking End Times but ended up doing pretty good.

    I played a Daemon list in my first game with the End Times Bloodthirster and a bunch of other nasty units. That game was a lot of fun and really close but I was able to pull off a win.

    The second game was against a Dwarf army with big blocks of Hammerers, Quarrellers and Long Beards sporting mostly great weapons. That and the cannons made this game a little tight but my skinks were able to keep the artillery busy while my CoB supported by Krox and Skink Cohort took care of the 3 blocks.

    The third and final game was against a Chaos Legion list that was just scary effective. It had 2 cannons, 2 chimera, DP, Herald with 1+ rerollable, nurgle warrior block, 2 chariots and Skullcrushers. The guy playing the army was pretty smart as well. He stayed away from my CoB as much as he could and after I blew through a couple of units he multi charged with his big guys. I lost all but my 2 lords and 1 vet then ended up breaking and getting run down. It was a total ass kicking from the beginning. Especially when Tetto'eko and his unit decided to break after being flamed and just wouldn't regroup. The dice gods were pretty fickle on that one.

    All in all I really like this list. It is pretty effective and the characters are really deadly. I'm pretty happy I stayed with the Piranha Blade as it came in handy quite a few times. I did miss the Dawnstone though as that would have been nice to have. Not taking the flame banner wasn't a problem either as there wasn't much that had regen out there this time. I think I might retool my characters a bit for the next one but other than a few more games I may switch to something a little softer. The guys will probably get sick of seeing that CoB in their face every time or they'll just figure out how to kick its ass. Either way it was a lot of fun and I can't wait to play more.

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