8th Ed. 1k Tournament Battle Report

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by LrMoruthane, May 11, 2015.

  1. LrMoruthane
    Jungle Swarm

    LrMoruthane New Member

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    Hi everyone :) i'm going to do my first battle report from the last weekend tournament.
    This was my list
    1 Tetto Eko
    1 scar-veteran BSB with great weapon and gambler's armour
    10 skinks in cohort (tetto bunker)
    30 Saurus warriors full command with hand weapon and shield
    3 terradon riders with champion with javelin
    1 bastiladon with solar engine

    Don't remember very well these battles so sorry if i miss something:p:p
    First battle: Dark Elves
    1 Dark Elf Sorceress lvl 4 Lore: Fire
    5 Cold One riders
    2x10 units of Darkshards
    20 Black arc Corsairs
    Table: There where a Misterious Forest (the one that give Poison attacks) and one Altar that gives +1 on wounds

    (Dark Elves goes first)
    With the big unit of saurus i tried to charge on everything, but with the long range of Darkshards it was a bit difficult. In my last turn i charged the black corsairs with like 18 saurus and the scar-vet (yeah, a lot of them died with magic and shots :( ), i win this fight and the corsairs run away.
    I think that the battle magic in this game was awesome. First turn 12 dice to channel spells, so a cassandora's comet and a chain lighting help me to take of 2 cold one and 1 unit of Darkshards. I left bastiladon behind (i guess i coud charge with it, but bleeh) and shot his magic pew pew to every enemy it can see. I almost lose the tettoeko by a double 6 and the explosion of almost all of the bunker, but he goes through the leadership check.
    I tried to go with the terradons to do some stone damage, but a free reform from the Corsairs destroyed this unit. I did this bad i guess.

    Result: I win this battle by like 100 points over my enemy.

    Second Battle: High Elves

    1 Mage lvl 2 Lore of High Magic
    10 Sisters of Avelorn
    10 High Elf Swordmaster of Hoeth
    18 High Elf Archers
    2 Great Eagles
    5 Shadow Warriors
    5 Silver Helms
    1 White Lion Chariot
    Table: There where a Misterious Forest (the one that give fear) and one Altar that gives +1 on channeling
    (I went first)

    Like before, the magic phase help me a lot. A few cassandora's comet, armonic convergence and the re-roll of the die (thanks to tetto eko) help me to do a lot of damage to Sisters and Archers (The mage went with sisters, i killed like 7 of them and they lost the leadership check)
    He put the shadow warriors behind me, so i tried to kill them with some stones and the terradon's attacks, but he charged me with eagles and warriors and they died :( (they do two casualties on shadow)
    He did something wrong, he wanted to charge my tetto bunker with Swordmaster and chariot, but he go first with swordmaster, and the chariot crashed with my Saurus unit, doing some chariot barbecue jajajaja. The swordmaster eventually destroyed mi tetto and the bunker (1 mage by 1 mage i guess =( )
    In the end the bastiladon can't do damage, but it helps me to contain their Silver Helms. (He charged me from behind, but do no damage)
    Result: The judges declared it a draw (After 4 turns). We count our points on table and i have 444 points, meanwhile my oponent have 443 jajajaja.

    Third Battle: Vampire Counts.

    2 Necromancer: 1 lvl 4: Vampire Lore; 1 lvl 1 Lore of Undeath
    1 Mounted Vampire Lord lvl 1:Lore of Undeath
    10x Dire wolves
    5x Dire Wolves
    5x Hexwraiths
    20 Skeleton Warriors

    Table: There where a Misterious Forest (the one that give Stupidity) and one Altar that gives +1 on channeling
    (I went first)

    This time the battle magic doesn't go as good as before :(. First spell, 1 chain lighting and double 6. The lighting jump 2 times and destroyed 2 Hexwraiths and a few Skeleton warriors, but i got the F10 impact to nearby miniatures, and almost exploded my bunker. The next phase, again double six (For a cassandora's comet that do nothing) and i lost 2 lvl of magic, so i can't cast more magics =(.
    Terradon riders help me a lot here, they destroyed both units of dire wolves, with stones and javelins, but exploded against the skeleton warriors (they go with spear).
    I think that the wrong thing that i did in this game is that i forgot to charge with saurus warriors. A miss charge and the skeleton go away from me, and it got dificult for saurus to follow them.
    The tetto eko(with no magic) got charged by Vampire lord and the bastiladon got charged by 3 Hexwraiths. I HATE THOSE ETEREAL THINGS!, my bastiladon flew away and got destroyed by vampire lord and hexwraiths.
    Result: I lost this battle, only destroyed the dire wolves :/

    I have a very good time playing, and i didn't think how powerful Tetto can be, and that everybody were afraid from my Saurus unit. I always think that cold-blodded would help me in Leadership check, but de BSB help me a lot (thanks to airjamy for his advice)

    Thanks for reading, any advice or something, PLEASE DO!
    (sorry if the english is not good, first time writing this much jejejeje)
    Any question i'm here to answer
    miturian and n810 like this.
  2. pipe stark 77
    Jungle Swarm

    pipe stark 77 New Member

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    tanks for share!!!
    short and good description for all matchs
    considering your results , what changes would you make to your army and why?
    Which do you think was the biggest disadvantage against vampire Counts?

    Sorry for my english, im like a tarzan !! xD

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