armor for the Engine of the Gods

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by mcasefire, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. mcasefire
    Cold One

    mcasefire Member

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    Hello to you all.

    I am wondering if any of you all might have any great or good ideas on creating armor. I am a big converter. I am trying to make my brachisaurus look a little more terrifying. I have placed an Engine on his back and it fits well. I would like to place armor down his neck, his legs and his chest. I have the chest portion done. I have taken the middle round section of a pop can. Cut it out and greenstuffed lizard icons and designs on it. I am scuplting a dragons head so it can be placed ontop of his head, kinda like the temple guard have. Anyways if anyone has ever done homemaid armor for anything please share. Thank You. I will also be bringing you pictures as I get going on it. In the section MIKES LIZARDS you can see what my brachi looks like as of now.
  2. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    You could make a sort of chain mail out of the little shield totems from the TG sprue.
  3. mcasefire
    Cold One

    mcasefire Member

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    Boy oh boy that would be alot of shield totems.. I was thinking that I could cut some pieces of aluminum. pin them in place. Use some green stuff on the edges to give it some design and to give it some depth. Thats alot of work as well. I could always sculpt green stuff into armour. I guess by laying it into sections I could then sculpt each section. Man I know if I could pull this off. It will look amazing.
  4. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    For armour plates that big it is tough because there isn't much you could base it on model-wise. I think starting with a base of aluminium or something is a good idea, use a bit of GS to add detail or bulk it out where needed. Should look cool.
  5. Benster
    Jungle Swarm

    Benster New Member

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    Go to Micheals or AC Moore and take a look at beads. You'd be amazed what you can find and in a huge variety of shapes and sizes. They aren't all spherical, so you can find some great stuff for making larger armor pieces. Many also have useful designs pre-carved into them, and you can modify with greenstuff as needed.

    NOTE: usually there are two bead lanes in these stores, one for round beads and one for more charm-like beads. You probably want to check out the latter. I found some great leaf-shaped ones that make great shields for wood-elves for example.

    Worth a look at least.
  6. beardedgecko

    beardedgecko New Member

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    use jewelers chains. they look in scale with the minis, and you could bunch it up around the head to look like a coif andthen stack it up around the neck.

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