A Few Hobby Questions

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Haroith, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. Haroith
    Jungle Swarm

    Haroith New Member

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    Hey folks, got a few general hobby related questions that I guess fit here the best.

    Recently purchased the Carno/Trog kit and realized I wanted both, so I tried to finagle my way into being able to hot swap the heads/riders. I found that the head pieces just snap right in to the neck slot, and if I attach the skink/saddle to the appropriate head via the reigns, they stay on in a good position. The top spine piece was left loose as well and fits snugly in the space along the spine. Pics below for reference.

    All the individual pieces.

    Trog + Skink pieces.

    And attached. You can see a slight gap towards the front of the spine right below the skink where it doesn't fit quite as snugly in the slot.

    Carno + Kroq-Gar/Oldblood pieces

    And attached. Spine piece fits in perfectly and a fingernail will pop it out. Saddle is slightly floating above the model. Also I noticed that his fancy arm has some bits that stick out and hit the back of the saddle which make him not slot into his saddle easily. Should I just file em down/snip em off?

    Main question in regards to the above model(s). Would it be feasible to magnetize the neck piece, or is it even necessary? In snaps in pretty snugly and takes a small pull to pop out, so unless I drop it, it won't be coming out.

    Secondary question, also got some Ripperdons recently, and while they do kinda slot onto the flying stands, sometimes they'll fall off. Has anyone magnetized them, and if so, what size magnet did you use? Would be perfect if there's a size that slots into the hole in the bottom of the model, but I'm not sure what the measurement is.

  2. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    I don't use magnets so I can't comment, but if you do decide just to use the slots don't you worry it might damage the paint job?
  3. Haroith
    Jungle Swarm

    Haroith New Member

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    I think I'm going to be painting the bits that are close together with the model fully assembled, Carno or Trog version. So the bit on the neck that slips in won't be painted. The rest just sits in and relies on gravity really to keep it in place, spines just kinda push in slightly, and Oldblood/Krog-Gar has his little nubbin thing. I plan on painting the spines while they're pushed in as well so anything that would scrape a paint job would already be against something so there shouldn't be an issue of it scraping off. The only part that 'snaps' into place is the neck, and that can be taken care of if I paint it while attached.

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