8th Ed. 8000 Lizzards vs 8000 HE

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by lordkingcrow, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    So my buddy and I thought it would be cool to see what we could field. He has a pretty sizable HE army and we both have Lizardmen. Here is the list I was going to use for our upcoming battle. Keep in mind, I'm pretty much putting everything we both have together, so my options are a bit limited, but there is some wiggle room. What do you all think?

    Lords and Heroes

    Old Blood
    Carnosaur w/ loping stride, GW, Armor of Destiney, Dawnstone, Other Trickster's shard

    Old Blood
    Carnosaur w/ loping stride, GW, Glittering Scales, Dragon Helm, Talisman of Preservation

    Slann Mage Priest
    BSB, Skavenpelt Banner, Channelling Staff, Soul of Stone, Harmonic Convergence, Becalming Cognition, Focus of Mystery
    Goes with Temple Guard

    Skink Shaman
    lvl 2, dispell scroll
    Goes with cohort

    Skink Shaman
    lvl 2, Cube of Darkness
    Goes with cohort

    All on foot Scar Vets and Old Blood will be in infantry units as needed. Cowboys will be with Cold One units.
    Scar Vet
    Cold one, GW, Helm of Discord

    Scar Vet
    Cold one, GW, Gambler's Armor

    Scar Vet
    light armor, enchanted shield, Berserker Sword, Talisman of Endurance

    Scar Vet
    L. armor, shield, Sword of Strife, Seed of Rebirth

    Scar Vet
    L. armor, shield, Sword of Battle, Talisman of Protection

    Old Blood
    Steg Helm, Armor of Fortune, Sword of Striking

    x3 Skink Chiefs
    L. armor, sheild, Ripper, spear, and one has the Egg of Quago


    x3 Units of 45 Saurus Warriors with command

    x2 Units of 15 Skirmishers with Pack Leader

    x2 Units of 14 Skirmishers with Pack Leader

    x2 Skink Cohorts w/ poison attacks


    35 Temple Guard
    Command, Razor Standard

    x2 Units of 10 Cold One Riders
    Command, Spears

    6 Kroxigor w/ Ancient

    x2 Bastiladons

    x2 Stegs


    x2 Ancient Stegadons w/Engine of the Gods

    x2 Salamander Hunting Packs w/ extra handler
  2. miturian

    miturian Member

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    what are you going to do about magic? still only 2d6 powerdice, or more than that?
  3. Elholm

    Elholm Member

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    you seem to be pretty CC oriented with 4 big saurus blocks, what have you thought about the skinks priests lores? and do you have any ideas about setup of your army, like owerwhelming one flank with monsters and a WbW saurus, have you considered taking some saurus warriors and promote them to more temple guard?
    i think you should consider crown of command on one saurus and use that as bait of some kind since they (probably) wont run.
    further more do you use open lists or what about any house rules?
  4. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    I had been thinking about a pincer approach with this this.

    skirmishers skirmishers skirmishers skirmishers

    OB C. ones Steg. Sal. S.Warr A. Steg Temp. G A. Steg S. Warr Sal. Steg. C. ones OB

    Bast. S. cohort S. cohort Bast.

    The skirmishers would allow my infantry blocks to have a -1 to hit with shooting as they would be partially covered during the advance. The Ancient Stegs also supply a 6++ for said core blocks. The Bastilidons do what they need to and cover my infantry flanks. I planned on giving both skink priests Lore of Beasts so they can both have Wyssians and anything extra is...well, extra. My flanks, as I said before, will sweep in a pincer and hopefully collapse at least one side. I haven't placed the three chiefs, one block of saurus, or the krox as I figured I could put them in where I see the need for more support.

    The problem with replacing some of those core blocks of saurus for temple guard is that it takes away from my core total. Remember, 8000 points means I need 2000 points of core. It's a lot and my only other option are skink, which I don't have nearly enough models to cover what I would need. Crown of Command is interesting, but I've just never really seen the need. With cold blooded we have some of the best leadership in the game as is, though I will consider it.

    No house rules that really jump out of the norm that I can think of. I mean, I know we have some that we have agreed on in past games, but nothing that would change the way in which I would play this army. We do not play with open lists. We both like to have our surprises. :D

    As for magic... We were thinking about rolling three dice and having the defending player get the highest and the lowest, but it's still a bit up in the air. We also thought about just going with 4d6. What do you guys think?
  5. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    Well that's annoying... I had everything space out just how I wanted and it just pushed it all together.

    skirmishers............................................skirmishers............................. skirmishers............................................ skirmishers
    ....OB...... C. ones..... Steg.... Sal.... S.Warr... A. Steg... Temp. G... A. Steg ...S. Warr... Sal.... Steg...... C. ones..... OB....
    ......................................................Bast. ......S. cohort ............................S. cohort..... Bast.
  6. borkbork

    borkbork Active Member

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    I would definately do 4d6 otherwise magic will be to weak for the size of the game. Perhaps with the restriction that a single mage can max use 12 dice per turn.
  7. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    Also, what do you all think about changing up the Oldblood on foot and giving him a flying carpet? Always thought that would be fun, but never had the excessive amount of points to make it a viable option.
  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Nice. Me likey big games.

    I do have questions and comments

    I played a 6000 point game once and I came away with the conclusion that Skink Cloud tactics are hard to pull off because there isn't much room. One thing I learned is that larger units of Skirmishers are a good idea, which you have.

    I would recommend a Skink Chief in every single Skirmisher block. Ld6 makes a big difference for panic tests. Also a Skink Chief has decent hitting power letting your Skirmishers almost go toe-to-toe with HE chaff.

    I would recommend going mundane for your Scar Veterans unless you are very good at keeping track of things. I ran an army with six Skink chiefs all with a different cheap magical item and I couldn't keep it straight. Besides, magic weapons become a liability against the Banner of the World Dragon.

    I don't see what the Cohorts with poisoned attacks are for. You already have a lot of Skirmishers and melee poison is pretty redundant against the HE's T3.

    I guess it's a personal preference but why do you have a Slann, a crap load of bound spells, and several L2 Skink Priests. I think a double Slann army would be more efficient. You give both Slann Harmonic Convergence, give one the Channeling Staff and the other the Forbidden Rod that's a fair number of power dice.

    Why so little Rare? Only two Salamanders at 8000 points? Lots of blocks of T3 infantry? Since you are filling up 8000 points, why not more EOTG Steggies in lieu of vanilla Steggies. Ward saves. Wouldn't you want Sharpened Horns to kill Phoenixes just in case?
  9. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    As for the scar-vets, I have them numbered and will be writing down their location as they are placed. I know what you mean though, it's a lot to keep track of.

    Yeah, not sure why I put poisoned attacks in there, as they are just bunkers for my shamans. The points could be spent in better places.

    I ran with only one slann basically because I wanted to do duel OB carnosaurs and, to be frank, while I understand the need for magic, the martial aspect of the game is what really trips my trigger. I have the shaman purely for Wysians to boost my saurus, plus they hold my dispell scroll and Cube of Darkness. I really like bound spells and have had pretty good results in the past with them. Nice part about the bound spells is that I can toss one dice at them and if they go off, then my opponent has to weigh between using his dispell dice, leaving him open for a bigger/nastier spell, or just letting it happen to him and hope that I don't roll well. Plus, if it doesn't go off, I don't have to worry about broken concentration.

    A big restraint I have are the models my friend and I have between us. I would absolutely love to run more salamanders, but his lizardmen army is pretty new and I only have two. So much of what I have is based off of what I have available to me. You do make a good point though, a bunch of salamanders would be pretty nasty. I might run proxies so that I can run more. Also, I might cut away some fat and upgrade my steggies like you suggested.
  10. Angaturama

    Angaturama Member

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    Mate, I put poisoned attacks on a skink unit of 12 guys once. They brought down a fully Healled War Sphynx!!! All its lives just gone in seconds of Lucky 6's. If you don't have any strong-hitting units with a strength 8 in these kinds of situations you end up needing these attacks. They come in soooo handy.
    ZeTe likes this.
  11. ZeTe

    ZeTe Member

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    i always give my cohort poison attacks as it makes them more viable in combat , and you can use them to tar pit beefer units and still have a good chance of taking a good portion of the enemy unit with them (throw in FC, a chief & a priest for better LD and you might actually win the fight, plus they can be beefed up with some krox for hitting power &pred fighter)

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