8th Ed. Need some help making a list from what models I have.

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by dfgendle, Jun 6, 2015.

  1. dfgendle
    Jungle Swarm

    dfgendle New Member

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    I'm kinda getting back in to the game after a long absence and can't really afford to buy much atm but I'm going to warhammer world next month to play with some old friends and need to make a 1500pt list.

    I have:
    1 old metal slann with the 4 palanquin bearers in peices
    2 old metal salamanders with 8 crew total
    24 saurus with spears
    17 saurus with h.weapon
    2 saurus standards and 2 musicians
    8 more saurus waiting to be made up
    5 kroxigor
    2 old metal teradons
    33 skinks with javlins
    16 old skinks with bows
    12 old skinks converted to have blowpipes
    5 old cold one riders that need to be converted to fit the cold ones (I'd rather not use these as the cold ones are derpy as fuck and they need a lot of work)
    a few old metal skinks

    I was thinking about using the spear armed saurus as temple guard as I know neither of my opponents would mind at all. And will probably be able to make up a skink priest or two and saurus vet with bits.

    I can maybe afford to spend another £20-30 on this army before I go but would rather not, I have quite a lot of bits left from the saurus and have no problem doing a bit of conversion work and things if anyone has a suggestion for something a bit out there

    I'll be playing a bretonian and ogre army. Probably will be teaming up with the bret player as we both have smaller armies and the ogre player can get to 3000pts easily. Not sure if I'll need a slann at this low points. We're not playing end times so only 25% lords/heros

    Thanks in advance.
  2. borkbork

    borkbork Active Member

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    First off....about.the old Slann. You can drill a hole in the bottom and put some brass rod in it and mount it on a base that way without the bearers.
    Then you can replace the bearing arms of the temple guard with normal arms from the plastic Saurus kit and you will have 4 additional models.
    That is what i did anyway :)

    About your list you have indeed two options....big unit of Saurus or big unit of Temple guard

    Anyway here is what i would go for when i see your models (am not the most experienced lizardmen players so apply a pile of salt where necesarry).

    Slann! Wandering deliberations is pretty good i think at lower point levels.

    A scar vet on cold one (if points allow it)

    2 x 11 skink skirmishers with javelins
    1 skink cohort + 2 Kroxigors in it (use your bow skinks and jav skinks for this)

    Temple guard
    6 chamo skinks (user you blowpipe skinks for this).

    2x Salamanders

    This should fit in 1500 points and in a set up like this you have two combat blocks, some shooting and chaff, and a good magic phase.
  3. dfgendle
    Jungle Swarm

    dfgendle New Member

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    Great idea with the old slann, I was trying to work out how to fit all those models on a small base haha. And extra saurus are always good. The new base size is 40x40, right?

    Thanks, really helped a lot. Every suggestion seemed to be that big dino's were strictly necessary for lizards to be competitive. Definitely want a bastiladon at some point, probably made to look like a venusaur because that's what it is really.

    Should I make my slann BSB? Any advice on magic items and the magic phase in general? Magic has changed a lot since I last played.

    Any advice tactics wise Vs. ogres and brets?
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2015
  4. borkbork

    borkbork Active Member

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    Nope, its 50x50...so he takes up de space of 4 Saurus/temple guard

    For the Slann a BSB on him might be nice
    As for other stuff...many people give him the combo of "channeling staff" (from BRB) and the Becalming cogitation (if i got the right one, it is supposed to make him roll +2 channeling dice).
  5. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    For now, the unconverted cold one mounts could be used as small unit fillers in a Saurus unit or the Temple Guard. It would look like the unit had mascots or beasts of burden.

    That could help bump the size of those units up, without acquiring additional models.
  6. borkbork

    borkbork Active Member

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    Yeah, there is a lot of love for big dino's, but they are not necessary and against certain match ups they can also be a weakness.
    As always, it is the smallest guys bearing the biggest load. I think every lizardmen player will agree that the only unit you really can not do without are are Skink skirmishers. :)

    You will find quite a few lists here on with no big dino's. Myself i dont use them as well. The list i am playing around with at the moment features, 3 cowboys, Terradons, 3 x skirmishers, 2x chamo skinks, a Saurus bunker for Slann, but not a single large monster.
  7. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Heres what I would do:

    - convert 2-3 Cold ones into Scar-vets / oldbloods (Depending on your communitys comp-system)

    - 33 skinks + 16 bow skinks means that you can field 3x 16 skirmishers with Jav and shield (how I do)
    The bow skinks can be used as any skink, just put it in the second rank :)
    AND: since you have 1 skink extra after that - > convert him into a priest ! :D

    - 12 old skinks converted to blowpipes - > convert a bit more and you have 2x 6 Chameleons.

    - Do as @borkbork says and convert your bearers into a command group.
    put them in front rank and fill in with the saurus = now you have a TG unit

    I am a "No saurus" kinda guy.....not of my own preference...so I field 3 skirmish units in core and 3 cohorts....so I suggest another box of skinks.
  8. borkbork

    borkbork Active Member

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    Best advice ever :)
  9. dfgendle
    Jungle Swarm

    dfgendle New Member

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    Thanks for all your help. Need to get converting and painting now. Not long to go and I don't want any grey units at warhammer world.

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