40k blues

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Lounge_Lizard, Jul 29, 2008.

  1. Lounge_Lizard
    Cold One

    Lounge_Lizard New Member

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    My friends at the local store convinced me to start a 40k army, and that's just fine. Problem: what race should i pick? Minis.wise, i think orks are just great, but it is the gameplay that is my main concern (spelling?).
    lizardmen is my first (and so far my only) army, and I'm absolutely enamored with it, with the minis, the fluff, and most important the gameplay. I feel it is almost an ideal army to learn, not because it is easy to play, but because it has everything (shhoting, magic, combat, movemente), mainly movement. I am a speed freak in the table, and I was wondering: what is the most adequate 40k army for an already die-hard lizardmen player?
  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Well I have always thought the Dark Eldar would be a cool army to collect. Also they are very fast.

    From what I've heard they are quite tough to play, but can also be very good if you learn to use them well.

    Although having said all that I'm not actually a 40k player :p
  3. Apollo3

    Apollo3 New Member

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    If you have the money to start another army, then sure. but 40k as a game is far inferior to fantasy IMO. It's basically whoever rolls more shooting dice wins, very little strategy involved. The game is a bit faster paced usually, but it isn't as fun or rewarding. If I were to play 40k again, I'd collect Tau just because I have a bitchin colour scheme thought up for them.
  4. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Alright, so you want advice eh :D .

    My first 40k army was Dark Eldar, so I can definately ensure you that they are the fastest army hands down. They can field a portal that can be placed anywhere on the field (allowing units held in reserve to pour forth), are all fleet of foot, and have access to a plethora of 18"-24" moving troops and vehicles. That said, their army book is very outdated, which causes a huge amount of hassle (a 3rd edition codex played in a 5th edition environment :rolleyes: ).

    Discounting Dark Eldar (unless you want to risk it), you could have a go at a Speed Freaks or Eldar army. I myself have not seen the 5th edition rulebook, but I hear that they have nerfed the skimmer rule and eased the vehicle damage charts. This means that the Eldar Falcon-heavy list isnt the go-to cheesy list, so I would suggest flipping through the 3 codexes
  5. Lounge_Lizard
    Cold One

    Lounge_Lizard New Member

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    Hummmm... the idean of gun totin', ferrai red junkyard trucks full of screaming frenzied orks is just too good to pass up, I guess! :smug:

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