8th Ed. War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [3k BatRep vsChaos]

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by NexS1, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [2250 BatRep vsEmp

    I'm not sure which list you're looking at! Haha
    I haven't run piranha blade in some time! And lore of heavens waks fun, but not too potent.

    I've been running sword of bloodshsed on my cold one Oldblood with 1+ rerollable, charmed shield and potion of speed. I find str5 is enough for him to successfully load up on combat res while the scar vet accepts challenges.
  2. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    OK, so I played a game last night against WoC (*shudders*).
    I won. So that's 2 games in a row against WoC. Go me.

    This is not going to be a full-out report. It's going to be a summary or cool things that happened. Here it comes, right into your eye holes!

    I had:
    Slann (bsb, +1 LD, convergence, cogitations, HSOC, no other items)
    Oldblood (piranha blade, 1+/1+)
    scar vet (dinohorse, halberd, 1+/4++)
    2x 25 saurus (one with spears, one with swords)
    3x 10 jav squirmishers
    5 chammos
    25 temple guard (banner of trogdor burninating the countryside)
    2 sallies
    steg (EotG, sharpened horns)

    He had (roughly)
    Kholec Sun eater
    2x 9 trolls
    2 chimeras
    vortex beast
    other monster that has a sword in his back and uses the WS of its master
    3x 10 dogs
    3 dragon ogres


    He deployed fairly evenly across the table. I blocked his right flank vanguard with chammos and deployed TG and sword saurus on my right flank, basty centre and steg/spearus on left flank. I snagged first turn.

    I moved up a bit, baiting some long charges and the sallies did nothing. Picked some minor wounds with shooting, and he retaliated with a few charges. chammos were run down, a unit of skinks were smooshed, scar vet ran down some dogs (giving me a good position in behind his lines) and I was really not unhappy.

    Next I charged a chimera with skinks and spearus warriors, vortex with steg, and fought the sword in back beast with sword and boards. Steg massacred the vortex, sword and boards held up sword in back beast and the piranha blade oldblood (in the spearus warriors) had all 4 of his wounds saved with a 4+ regen... gah

    His next turn sun eater killed the steg outright, saurus knocked a few wounds off the sword in back beast, his hard hitting unts were all clogged up between his monsters and couldn't charge so he shuffled around a bit and his dragon ogres smashed into the side of the spearus unit. Oldblood fluffed every single attack and the his saurus unit dropped a single dragon ogre before it struck, but they were OK from having +2 toughness cast on them last turn.

    In my turn, i fled a unit of dogs off the board and charged some trolls with my scar vet, and continued to fluff the oldblood's piranha blade attacks.
    The TG moved up a touch and slann cast a few spells, regenning a few lost wounds around the place. Worth noting a cast dwellers below and only killed 2 trolls.
    For all the oldblood's trouble, his unit died and he got run down and the chimera overran into skirmishers. My sword saurus killed the sword in back beast. Finally. Won combat with halberd scar vet. Trolls hung around.

    A chimera charged my basty, the other one killed my last unit of skirmishers, everything else was too scared of my TG (+4T, 4+ regeneration) to charge them. Scar vet won combat again. Gold.

    My turn came around and I failed a charge with both Sword saurus and TG, but I made up for it with a 12 dice magic phase. dwellers killed throgg and 2 more trolls, beefed up the TG again. Scar vet drew combat. MVP right there.

    In the last few turns, the scar vet continued to beat down the trolls, getting healed by lifebloom and making his 4++ saves. A super beefed up TG unit charged and DESTROYED dragon ogres, then overran into sun eater. Chakax put 4 wounds on sun eater in a challenge and took none in return (T9 chakax is bowse). After sun eater lost combat, opponent conceded.

    Fist half of the game I rolled crap. Then things turned around and the scar vet MVP was just the bomb.
    Lizardmen have another win. HUZZAH!
  3. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Amazed that the 25 Saurus were able to defeat other monster that has a sword in his back and uses the WS of his master. Maybe I shouldn't be, I dunno. Seems like something they would need help with though.

    SV cowboys are usually always MVPs for me too. Sounds like Chakax did awesome too! T9 is pretty intense though.

    Oldblood had an off day :/ Maybe go back to using your Sword of Bloodshed?

    Gratz to the win! Teach those stupid WoC players that they ain't all that.
    NexS1 likes this.
  4. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    well... the beast only had 5 or so attacks. the difference between S6 and S7 is moot when all they'd get is a parry save anyway, especially staying steadfast until 21 models are killed.....
    Chakax rarely makes his exorbitant cost back, but with the help of the slann, he did (although slann + chakax = >200 over sun eater's cost.... but that's WoC for ya)

    The Chimerae are such pains though. with a 4+/4+(+) they just don't ever die.... grrr

    Thanks, friend! Next game I'll have to play elves, because i think my friend is sick of seeing lizards haha

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