I was thinking about now making a 2k list but i cant really decide what to do cause so far ive played a few battles with 1k and 1.5k. I really like different things i wanna try to do for my 2k list. Magic for one even tho i have only run with 1 or 2 priests in 1k-1.5k. I really like magic cause ive had it turn the tables for me on a battle that i was losing. I would like one list with very heavy magic pretty much i would just fry them completely every magic phase. Im thinking pretty much a Slann for leader 3rdgen maybe. Then would 2 priests work? Also one idea was having the Priest fly around with the slann casting through him is that a common thing for just setting up for a failure? One think i love the lizardmen for is they put up come crazy fights ive seen my Kroxigors destroy people left and right and same with my warriors. So i would love a list that just makes them sweat on the assault phase. For this list im thinking a Oldblood on Carnosuar or Coldone. A JSoD and proably some Sarus Cavalry and Terredons and such mostly just hits hard and fast with probably KRoxigors Salamanders and a Big block of warriors or 2. With Skinks all over i cant forget my shooty screens that are great for pestering. LAstly i was going with a balanced list i pretty much have this one set for the most part i just would like a few ideas on the CC and magic list cause I know im not the best player and still fairly new so any help will be great.
Suprised no one answered this so I'll do my best here. 1) Heavy Magic - The Slann 3rd Gen is where to start (Though I love 2nd Gen), and yes a flying skink priest is awesome. You may also want to try a JSoD in that list to take out opponenets spell casters thus making your magic phase the only magic phase. 2)The second list all sounds good, but please remember Krox and Salamanders are pretty standard in most armies. 3)You can make a pretty balanced army with a JSoD a skink priest with some dispell scrolls, skinks, a saurus block, some Kroxigor and Salamanders, that should do you well in most battles. Good luck dude, sorry no one got to this.
Yea, I must agree with Craken as what he says is pretty spot on. The assault type list is rather common these days, and if you look through the boards you will find several very good lists that follow the formula. On the other hand, the magic heavy list w/Slann and two skink priests has fallen out of favor as skink priests can no longer function as power dice generators for the Slann. For this reason, I would agree with Craken that dropping a skinkpriest would do well. A JSOD would help as a diadem could bring unused dispel dice into the game, or a 2nd gen upgrade would improve your magic phase much more than a single priest. That said, if you post 2k lists for what you are thinking, and the models you already have, we could probably give you more constructive criticism on which path to take. P.S. Krox PSHWA