7th Ed. How To use Skinks??

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by FACEY, Aug 1, 2008.

  1. FACEY

    FACEY New Member

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    i have decided to create a lizardmen of the southland army, meaning limited or no saurus. i am going for an all skink army. i am wondering what is the best way to use them

    -what sized units
    -what weapons (atm i have 43 skinks with blowpipes)
    -what to do if being charged at
    -how far to speparate the when deploying

    y'no all those tedious questions that i need answering sorry.

    thanks for the help :D
  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    I'd say take advantage of the bows that are offered to southland lists.

    For being cherged I would say flee or swarm, although you still won't have much of a fighting chance in CC. I'd say seperate your army as much as possible, and try and get los of terrain in there. Later
  3. FACEY

    FACEY New Member

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    thanks. i had a game with 40 skinks with blowpipes. when charged i always stood and shot, didnt work all the time and then im screwed so i wont do that again. so whats swarm??
  4. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Swarm is probably not a technical term, just me refereing to sending all the skinks you can to attack units. but like I said probably won't work too well where they don't get rank bonuses though it should give you flank and rear and outnumber if done right.
  5. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Although Im sure you have already searched the boards for already existing threads ;) , here are some threads that bring up some useful points which might answer some of your questions:

    Skink tactics


    Southlands lists & comments


    That said, I have a couple suggestions for you as you build your list. First, as a primarily southlands player I must advice you that you can never rely on your skinks to win the day. No matter what, it is still going to be the Krox and Terries that will win you the game. The difference in a Southlands list is that the Skinks are going to be doing the gruntwork rather than Saurus. For that reason, always make sure that your list has filled the special and rare slots or you will often find that your skinks will not pick up the slack.

    That said, for a list heavily featuring skinks and fast support troops, blowpipes are the worst armarment to have. Blowpipes are great for scouting units that can stay stationary for a turn or two, but for the most part your basic skinks will not be able to use them effectively. I would suggest a combination of 10% blowpipes (for scouts) 40% javelins and shields (for the units that are march blocking, baiting, and doing anything that involves regular movement) and 40% shortbows (the best weapon choice IMO, w/18" range these units can stay out of charge range of a unit while still being within short range at 9", these are the units that are going to do the 'swarming' by congregating around isolated units and shooting them up).

    Skink units should always be between 10-13. You might want to boost a unit to 13 to avoid panic tests at 3 deaths, but any larger and your unit looses the manuverability that are its greatest assets. You want to be able to move units through openings between both friendly and enemy units while avoiding charge arcs, so the smaller the better.

    When being charged, it really depends on the situation. With so many skirmishers and fast troops, it should be you dictating the circumstances of combat, not your opponent. You should position your Krox's and other combat units so that if an enemy charges your skinks, they will get flank charged in the next turn. For that reason, you should generally flee from a charge. This will normally result in a failed charge (guarenteed flank charge next turn), and will save you your skinks (assuming they rally). Standing and shooting is generally pointless as you normally will not cause more than 1-3 casualties. You should, however, stand and shoot if it is likely that your unit will be run down even if they flee. This way, you can take off a rank bonus if you are lucky.

    Unfortunately, the rest of your questions are largely circumstantial depending upon your army list and the variables of any given game
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