8th Ed. GT Lizards 2500 pts

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Furgil, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. Furgil
    Jungle Swarm

    Furgil New Member

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    I've got an Infantry army of Spartan Hoplites and Peltasts that works well as Lizardmen. It has some practice in a Swedish Comp GT earlier this year. I adjusted it for this GT since comp isn't as heavy. They are allowing each special character to be taken by only 1 person and I managed to get Tetto'eko to assist my army.

    It doesn't have much variety, but the Magic us about the best that can be bought and the TG are nearly unbeatable (especially with buffs) and the Skinks are good at irritating enemies and handle anything without armor and the combat characters are pretty solid and murder-rific.

    Swedish Comp : 8.0

    "Spartan Phalanx" Lizardmen - 2500 pts

    + Lords (764pts) +

    1x "King Leonidas" - Saurus Oldblood - 249pts
    & Light Armour, Enchanted Shield, Obsidian Blade, Talisman of Preservation

    1x "Pythia: Oracle of Delphi" - Slann Mage-Priest - 515pts
    +Lore of High Magic, Wizard Level 4
    + Battle Standard Bearer, Banner of Swiftness
    +Focus of Mystery, Harmonic Convergence, Reservoir of Eldritch Energy, Soul of Stone
    + Channeling Staff, Ironcurse Icon, Obsidian Lodestone

    + Heroes (429pts) +

    1x "Dienikes" - Saurus Scar-Veteran - 154pts
    + Cold One, Great Weapon, Armour of Destiny

    1x "Ephor High Priest" - Tetto'eko - 185pts
    + The Eye of the Old Ones, The Stellar Staff
    + Lore of Heavens, Wizard Level 2

    1x "Ephor Priest" - Skink Priest - 90pts
    + Lore of Beasts, Wizard Level 1
    + Dispel Scroll

    + Core (630pts) +

    18x "Helot Peltasts" - Skink Cohort - 120pts
    + Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

    18x "Helot Peltasts" - Skink Cohort - 120pts
    + Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

    18x "Helot Peltasts" - Skink Cohort - 110pts
    + Musician, Standard Bearer

    10x "Helot Peltasts" - Skink Skirmishers - 70pts
    + Javelins with Shield

    10x "Helot Peltasts" - Skink Skirmishers - 70pts
    + Javelins with Shield

    10x "Helot Peltasts" - Skink Skirmishers - 70pts
    + Javelins with Shield

    10x "Helot Peltasts" - Skink Skirmishers - 70pts
    + Javelins with Shield

    + Special (677pts) +

    43x "Spartan Phalanx" - Temple Guard - 677pts
    + Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Razor Standard
  2. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    Love the idea of the theme. Have you modelled them with hoplon shields?
  3. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    A comp score of 8.0 is not heavy?
    I really like the Greek theme you are doing. Been on a Rome 2 kick lately, cant get enough of the history.
  4. Furgil
    Jungle Swarm

    Furgil New Member

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    8.0 is a medium-strong list for Swedish Comp. My non-Tetto'eko list is maxed out much better for a 13.4 Comp score (a level 1 heavens Skink instead of Tetto'eko and 2 of the skirmisher units are turned into Cohort units which makes up a massive amount of comp points). Tetto'eko was allowed and comp wasn't a major factor, so I tried a tougher version of my typical list. I think it will seriously help me in some matches and some scenarios where I need to engage early or capture objectives quickly.

    The models are from Crocodile Games "War Gods of Olympus" Spartans. They look very similar to the Spartans in the movie 300. The Oracle is a mostly nude chick I found from a different company that is being carried by a pair of Spartans with another Spartan holding the Standard next to them on the same 50x50mm base.

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