New guy needing advice!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by frazzle194, Jun 22, 2015.

  1. frazzle194
    Jungle Swarm

    frazzle194 New Member

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    Hi there guys, my name is Frazer and I bought some lizardmen about a year and half ago with the idea of making a pretty big army and devoting a lot of time to them but it turned out that I could'nt so they got locked up in a cupboard and unfortunately forgot about! Now I've fished them back out the cupboard and now I'm really devoting time to them as a few of my friends have now started fantasy armies too, so I was wondering if I could maybe get some advice on playing styles and possibly also what units to get, I currently have a unit of temple guard, a unit of saurus warriors and a unit of skinks, so any help would be much appreciated and thanks for reading this if you have!
    Qupakoco likes this.
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Welcome to L-O!

    For painting inspiration, look no further than the Lizardman Painting and Converting forum. We have tons of amazing talent on this website.

    As for a color scheme, our army is very flexible when it comes to variety. Lizards look good in almost any circumstance!

    Your army sounds like a pretty basic start. Your next investment should probably be something along the lines of a Salamander or a unit of flyers. That way you'll have the basics all filled out. After that I'd look to the characters, get yourself some magic and muscle.

    The ways to build an army are endless! If you can't decide just pick the model that you like best.

    See you around the forum!
  3. Tlaxbitza

    Tlaxbitza Member

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    Want to wish you good luck on bringing your Lizardmen out of the lost temple city of the cupboard. lol May the Old Ones provide ancient knowledge to strengthen your battles in combat!
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forums!

    For a look at different play-styles, check out this link. The rest of the Tactica Index (linked below) should be packed full of goodies to help you shape your initial purchases and gameplay. What you get depends on your play style. Qupakoco had some good advice for getting the basics covered.

    Let us know if you have any specific questions about tactics, fluff, rules, or anything else.

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