8th Ed. 800 pt Starter Army

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by doittoit, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. doittoit

    doittoit New Member

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    Hey guys, I'm looking for feedback on this 800 pt starter army I've thought up. My brother and I just started playing Fantasy (and will be sticking with 8th edition) and we're working up 800 pt lists to play our first games against each other. He'll be playing Warriors of Chaos.

    - Scar-Veteran w/ Light Armor, Gold Sigil Sword, Enchanted Shield
    - Skink Priest w/ Level 2, Lore of Beasts

    - 23 Saurus Warriors w/ Hand Weapons and Shields, Musician, Standard Bearer
    - 10 Skink Skirmishers w/ Javelins
    - 10 Skink Skirmishers w/ Javelins

    - 5 Cold One Riders w/ Spears, Standard Bearer

    Total: 799 pts

    The Scar-Vet would be my General and would hang out with the Saurus Warriors (6-man ranks). I gave him the Gold Sigil Sword because I figured my brother would be throwing a lot of challenges my way, being Warriors of Chaos and all. I wasn't sure which Lore would be more useful on the Skink Priest, but Lore of Beasts seemed handy. Also not sure if the Skink Priest should hang out in a unit or just behind everyone.

    For reference, I expect my brother's starter army to include Chaos Warriors (no clue what weapons or mark he might pick at the moment), Chaos Knights, a Sorcerer, and maybe an Exalted Hero or some Warhounds.
    Qupakoco likes this.
  2. miturian

    miturian Member

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    it's difficult to fit everything needed into an 800-pt army, but I would suggest considering switching the priest for a BSB - magic is fickle, leadership rerolls are not :)
  3. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Hmm, I'm partial to Heavens because of the lower casting cost AND because I <3 Iceshard Blizzard. But Beasts is handy too. Both are good on a Skink. As for positioning I would leave him in a unit until you kill the puppies. Otherwise he's just a little pile of VP waiting to be eaten.

    Agreed though, magic is fickle in low point games like these. A BSB will definitely be worth his points if you field one.

    And welcome to L-O!!
  4. doittoit

    doittoit New Member

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    Huh, maybe I'll hold off on Skink Priests for a little bit for now then, at least. If my brother tries out a Sorcerer I may take one though, just to keep things balanced out. I had figured I wouldn't need the BSB at lower points and that Cold-blooded could carry me, but I didn't have any experience to base that on, haha. We may actually increase our starting out points size to 1000 or so, as well.

    Also thanks!
  5. novatomato

    novatomato Member

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    I think you've got a really good base for a starter army there. You have a little bit of all the basics and with room to grow you'll be able to pick up all the more diverse stuff (ie monsters et all).
    I would keep your first few games at about 800 points though, so both yourself and your brother can really get to grips with the rules. This will also help you figure out your own particular preference for play style and will help you decide on your next additions to your army.
  6. doittoit

    doittoit New Member

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    Yeah, that was kinda our idea: to get a sense of all aspects of the game in our starter armies/games, and then branch out from there. We'll definitely be playing several games with probably a different (as much as possible) list every time to get an idea of all our options. Thanks for the starter tips!

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