AoS Age of Sigmar Rumours - Mk II. (Our new name)

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Mr Phat, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Lol, if it's a Pokemon than they have an IP conflict already! Ruh roh...
  2. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    If the name means many things like angel and so forth. I think people who never saw them before called them that cause they must of saw them land from the sky. Just my guess, Lizard angels.... but they have no wings. Wingless lizard angels unless they found jumpacks while in space.

    My boyfriend linked me the rumors and that yesterday, I was like 'I already know that'
    He started moaning on how we are going to get just cards, similar to Malifaux. Nah, I don't think that will happen. They like adding fluff, and other trinkets so I think they won't murder the good old book flicking tradition just for pieces of card that could go missing (I'm looking at myself), unless players have a digital version; now they need page flicking sound effects.

    *Edit* (Always when I send a comment then it hits me)
    I just realised the name holds similar to the Legion of Everblight (Hordes), there is a creature called Seraph, as I recall a Seraphim. Those are a type of winged dragon.
    Maybe Lizardmen became a type of dinosaur/ Dragon.... I don't know anymore.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2015
  3. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    I wonder if they will have the good sense to make these Battlescrolls fit readily available office supply products:
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  4. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    New from BoLs, apparently coming from the info given to retailers..

    "– It’s not 9th edition WFB, its a totally different game.

    – There is no 9th edition coming.

    – There is no huge rule book coming. Age of Sigmar is the main product.

    -The 96 page book in the box is a hobby book, painting, history, how to play examples etc.

    – The 4 pages of rules is indeed the rules. Laminated.

    -The 4 pages of rules and all War Scrolls will be free and online July 4th at midnight. This will be a living document.

    -There may be additional books in the near future, hobbyist/collectors items. Not at all needed for the game, and may not even have the rules in the them. Things such as: Age of Sigmar: Epic Book of pictures, how to paint….etc.

    -There is no Hardcover big rulebook like we had in WFB, no 3 rule books in a slipcover like in 40k. Just the Age of Sigmar box."

    Conflicts with a few of the other rumours out there.
  5. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Seraphim are the angels "closest" to god according to medieval and Roman Christianity

    Closest in the physical sense of the word (as physical as you get talking in these terms).
    They guard and caretake the throne of God, and are described as tireless and relentless beings.
    They are associated with fire and heat, and if you gather up the entire semantics surrounding them you could say they embody the word "intensity".
    Only Archangels are above them in the angelic hierarchy.

    I seem to recall something about them being purifiers. Burning uncleanness from souls and other angels, but I cant recall if that is something I've read elsewhere.

    It all seems to add up pretty well with the Lizardmens old duties....and the rumored new ones as well: sit next to the portals of the old ones, get some fire into that cold blood guys!

    I dont like the name that much though, but that might change when we see more.

    Why not Sauraphim ?
  6. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Or perhaps Xoraphim for added Lustira-ness ;)
    Mr Phat likes this.
  7. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Even better!

    ....god I hope those rumours you just laid out are bull-drop!
  8. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Wait... What? So we are getting a mini-game (that's what I'm calling AoS now) but no 9th apparently, they ditched End Time and 8th books into the void, we will be sitting there for a long while playing the mini-game. True can always go back to 8th but it makes me wonder if there will be rule changes down at the workshop. I can imagine a scenario 'I will play fantasy next week, comes back and see's buckets of trees littered around the table. Congrats you're playing AoS'

    If it is the idea that they could be doing card sheets, yep, a little folder and on the front I will stick a picture of a lizard; has to be a smiling one or something.
  9. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    That's what some of the more trusted members on Warseer have been saying for quite some time. This is it and nothing more. It's okay to hope for more (I am!), but it's a foolish hope so don't hold your breath.

    With that said I heard something about formation being the limiting factor/balance and they'll come out in form of these scrolls. Could be more wrong rumours, but we'll see.

    I suppose one way to look at this is to hope that ETC will comp the fvck out of AoS otherwise it'll be chaos.
  10. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Also I'm curious about what people think about the new LM? I mean we don't know anything, but so far I seriously doubt they'll resemble what we have now. Streamlined stats coupled with a few keywords (special rules) coupled with the single sentance that we apparently appear out of nowhere to battle chaos? Yeaahh... Whatever you do be prepared to be dissapointed xD

    At any rate I somewhat doubt GW managed to catch the essense of LM although I could imagine a keyword concerning coldblooded.. Dunno though.. We'll see. :)
  11. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    This is not correct per Dante but Dante is to the Bible what fan-fiction is to canon.

    Archangels are merely one rank above plain vanilla angels. Seraphim are five or six ranks above Archangels. (Again per Dante...)

    Much, much, better. Maybe L-O should [tm] that right now — with your permission. ;)

    Sauraphel could be the singular, a play on words with: Fell Saurus.
  12. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    All we have is that they might have renamed us Soraphon , possibly they meant Sarophim or Saurophon, ...gahhh! Now I am getting them all mixed up.

    So far, one odd name, which they may or may not have licensed from the Pokemon franchise. (Could Hasbro be parent corp of both? )
  13. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Seraphon isn't a Pokemon, but the username of a DeviantArt user who has dedicated their skill to drawing cutsey versions of Pokemon, Digimon, and cats in general.

    So no trademark infringement, although I'm expecting GW to issue a cease and desist anyway.
  14. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Yeah I'm more curious about whether or not people truly believe we can recognise our army in AoS
  15. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    I honestly do not know what to think at the moment, I will most probably pre-order the box on Saturday just to see what it is.

    Though personally the largest gripe I have about this if AoS is it, is basically the lack of fluff. I.e. what kind of fluff will we get without a core army book. Most probably not too much unless you start reading their novellas, and those are telling a story and are not pure fluff based.

    In that case they cant, since he/she used the name before them. Though knowing GW they might do it anyway, just to try and bully their way.
  16. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    I'm just kind of excited to add another game into my wheelhouse without needing a whole new set of models.

    And if the new lizardmen models are anything like the new sigmar/chaos models i am SUPER pumped. That dracoth sculpt is insane, and i imagine the lizardmen will be just as awesome.
  17. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Oh good. I think.
    Now all that needs doing is to propagate the nickname Sauruphon as a replacement.

    In the section that talks about deploying and setting up terrain, it mentions needing to decide which of "Eight Realms" the terrain is from. Now where is all that defined? Are there terrain descriptions in the 96 page book? What states that a chariot cannot cross a lava lake or that lava lakes only turn up in the Realm of Fire?
  18. Malebranche

    Malebranche Member

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    This actually gives me hope;
    There may be no 9th edition - but Storm of Magic wasn't 9th. End times wasn't 9th.

    If AoS is recognized as a completely different game, this means they can pick up WHFB where they left off at any time without going backwards. Granted we might get less attention than we should, but I can't really see AoS being successful enough to completely eliminate us. It actually leaves a VERY big opening (in my opinion), for the two games to work together, with WHFB being picked up again (maybe not for 2 years - yes I'm calling it) and continuing from AoS.

    Even if that isn't their plan at the moment (but they haven't done anything to stop themselves from doing it), WHFB's movement mechanics and rank and file combat fills a niche that the new game can't, and once sales drop they will see this. Sure they'll get a new market, but I feel like it will appeal more to kids, who are fickle at best. Little Timmy can only get so much from his parents before they say no, and the vast majority of older wargamers who play warhammer will simply go back to 40k if they're forced to play a dumbed down version of the game.

    I came over to this game for the more tactical rules, not because theres a shortage of fantasy tabletop games.

    I have a feeling this is NOT the end...
  19. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    While Dante takes his liberties its still "essentially correct"....essentially.

    I also checked up on the hierarchy thing and I see you are right.
    I overrated Archangels :D

    Fun thing though! me educating myself on the subject let me to discover a different take on the word "Seraph".
    Apparently it can also mean "serpent" or rather "fiery serpent".
    (Source: https://adventistbiblicalresearch.o...rpretation-hermeneutics/serpents-and-seraphim )

    Fiery serpent....

    I am going to yell it ONE MORE TIME

  20. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    First of all: I love you guys spin on the word! Suarophon and Xuarophon are both brilliant. It will now be my next assignment, to insert these into my own genetic fantasy setting, for my role playing games :D obvious their badassness would be over 4 thousand....billion.....heptillion.... etc ( that just turns to infinity, so no point in going there ;) )

    I really like to see the actual rules to full extent and see what these *careful-about-not- accedentently-writting-our-cooler-name* seraphon's are all about. Let's hope they'll, at least, sparkle our imagination ;)
    Slanputin likes this.

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