AoS AoS - Did You Know That... ?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by spawning of Bob, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Did you know that AoS ruined all of our dreams?

    The players roll off for who goes first in every game turn. (FFPP p2,c3, Battle Rounds) (Flimsy Four Page Printout, page 2, column 3...) Occupying the Fortified Manor Tower (Scenery p 10) with your general gives you the option of adding one to your roll.

    Skink Priests are designated Priest on their warscroll. Slann and Kroak are not. This matters in the Chapel (able to pray for healing) and Eternity Stair (adds one to roll for a remains in play hex). Not sure where else.

    Scar Veteran with Battle Standard (Astrolith Bearer) is designated Totem. If he is on a temple of skulls, his inspire reroll failed to hit rolls ability range doubles to 20".

    TiqTaqToe has no ranged attacks, but, with his 'don he puts out 7 melee attacks instead of the regular terradon's 4.

    Terradon javelins have double the range, fire twice as often and wound on 3+ not 4+, all compared to Sunleech bolas. Is anyone else going to snip off the fireleech bolas from their 8th ed terradons? (but they do D6 rolls to wound - effectively D6 x 50% chance of wounding - which is different to D6 wounds)

    (This is a long one - justification below) Only your general can use a command ability. Or he can use inspiring presence. Not both. No other models with command abilities can use them unless they are general (or specific exceptions)

    The FFPP doesn't mention command abilities except here "In your hero phase, your general can use one command ability. All generals have the Inspiring Presence command ability, and some may have more on their warscroll." It doesn't exclude other models from using command abilities.

    The LM scrolls have command abilities for most heros, Slann have a hero phase ability (celestial config) as well as a command ability. Battle standard bearers have a hero ability but not a command ability. Referring to the scroll and the FFPP together, it is ambiguous whether command abilities only apply to the model which is your general :( (which would make the game a lot simpler because there are so many possible modifiers)

    BUT in the scenery file page 7, Magewrath Throne, it says this: "Throne of Command: If your general is seated on a Magewrath Throne, all other Heroes from your army can use a command ability listed on their warscroll if they are within 15" of the Magewrath Throne in your hero phase, even though they are not your general."

    Therefore, only generals generally use command abilities. RAI, you are back! Oh how we missed you...:facepalm:

    hread rules: You must start all replies with "Did you know that AoS....." and then add something derogatory. Otherwise the moderators will need to step in with a caution.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2015
    Madrck, Slanputin and Ixt like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Did you know that AoS can be perfectly summarized by Hitler in a sub 4 minute video?
    serbianwolf, Madrck, Scalenex and 4 others like this.
  3. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Did you know that AoS took my baby?

    The summoning of units seems to be unique to Slann, Liche Priests, and the vampires and necromancers in the VC Scroll. Even Skaven Greyseers and daemon wizards can't summon more units.

    In reply to the above post. That didn't take long.
    Slanputin and Ixt like this.
  4. Ixt

    Ixt Well-Known Member

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    Did you know that Sunleech Bolas are poorly worded?


    "Sunleech do D6 wounds! It's not in the weapon profile, but in the description."


    "Sunleech Bola hits only do 1 damage, but you roll D6 wounds, which essentially guarantees that you get that one wound?"


    "Sunleech Bolas trigger D6 wound rolls, which are all capable of wounding on a 4+!"

    Which interpretation are y'all going with? 3 seems right.

    Ambushing pseudo-D6-wounding Skink Patrol Terradons hitting on a 4+, a 3+ with a nearby Skink Chief? Yes, please! Looks like Seraphon discovered the Melta. 8)

    Skink Chief nearby, elects 8 Terradons for the ability... hitting on 3+... 8 rolls, 6 hits... 6d6 wound rolls... 21 wounds on 4+... 10 or 11 wounds.. HOT TAMALE!... swoop into combat... re-rolling hits and wounds... RUN FOR THE HILLS! O_O
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2015
    Qupakoco and Gogery like this.
  5. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Did you know that AoS lets crossbows shoot twice as fast as archers using bows?

    Did you know that AoS has no hills or rules for them in the scenery compendium?
  6. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Did you know that AoS lets Chameleon Skinks teleport around the map completely freely? You remove them from the table and can place them anywhere on the table in the same turn! Beam me up (and immediately back down) Scotty!
    Qupakoco likes this.
  7. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Did you know that AoS is sneaky[?] and it caused @Caprasauridae to miss the words "subsequent turn"?
    neoanomally and Ixt like this.
  8. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Did you know AoS is melting the polar icecaps!!!??!!

    Did you know that you can ALWAYS use a ranged weapon during the shooting phase? ALWAYS. Even if you're close enough to hit with a melee weapon.
    Ixt likes this.
  9. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Did you know that AoS is killing the grass in my lawn?

    But Oxyotl can! His specifically says "this turn or any subsequent turn."
  10. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Did you know that AoS failed to name this the Legolas Rule, but this is OK because I dubbed it that in some other thread?

    Did you know that AoS is meant to be played on a tabletop? rather than a lawn?? (I hope there are photos of this; is it like one of those huge garden chess sets...?) :D
    Qupakoco likes this.
  11. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Did you know that I read the Oxyotl's rule, then the rule with exactly the same name and everything in the Chameleon entry and didn't notice the small difference? Anyway, even with the subsequent turn reatriction, teleporting anywhere on the battlefield is very potent.
    Qupakoco likes this.
  12. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Did you know that AoS causes cancer?

    That's all.
    Qupakoco likes this.
  13. Korhedron

    Korhedron Member

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    Did you know AOS kicked my dog?

    And did you know that wizards can only unbind spells within 18 inches?
    Did you know that, furthermore, this makes our summoning utterly and completely broken, along with the undead? Start with 2+ slann, an engine of the gods and a couple of bodyguard units, fly your casters to different corners, and summon 2+ more armies unto the field every turn you can keep the enemy casters away... Totally balanced, this edition.
  14. Madrck
    Temple Guard

    Madrck Member

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    Did you know that AoS has made it so GW has now taken over as the most hated company in the history of gaming. If in doubt I grew up in the era of Activision and EA.
    Did you know that AoS doesn't use Slann as a pronoun on the opening page of the compendium.
    Did you know in AoS Kroak a BSB and Chakax means that Kroak is unkillable unless they have like 12 cannons. Or you fail to roll a 4+ on two dice(each Chakax can absorb 7 wounds for Kroak)
    Did you know in AoS we still have unit champions, even though they have so little effect now you feel they are only there as an homage to a better time.
    Did you know AoS has made me bitter without playing a game and that has now made me sad :(
    serbianwolf and Gogery like this.
  15. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Did you know that Madrck was slightly drunk when he wrote "Hey bill"?

    Did you know that AoS is holding my family at gunpoint?

    Did you know that jungle swarms description is unclear but by any number of "models" it means "bases". If they are near terrain they regenerate, but the wording is even worse - either meaning regen D3 wounds for a "swarm" of 10 bases, or regen D3 wounds for each of ten bases in a swarm. The Skaven Ratswarm wording is much more precise (just like skaven engineering) and their swarms add a new model (base) to the unit every hero phase. To me that means that Jungle Swarms (the unit) only gets D3 regen regardless of size. Therefore both jungle and rat swarms should be fielded as MSU.
    Madrck likes this.
  16. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Did you know that in AoS you can win on the first Hero Phase of the game, and there's nothing your opponent can do to stop it? You just need the Skaven Screaming Bell and Daemon Kairos Fateweaver. With Screaming Bell, it says:

    "[If result of 2D6 is] 13: Improbable Victory!: Against all probability and reason, you immediately win the battle (and are hereafter branded a cheat –not that that should bother a true skaven general)."

    All you need to do is roll 13 on 2D6. With Kairos, that's easy as breathing:

    "Oracle of eternity: Once per game, you can change the result of a single dice roll to the result of your choosing."

    EDIT: Just wanted to add that this isn't my finding, I saw someone posting it on Reddit.
  17. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    You can't get 13 off 2 D6!

    You can only get 15!
    Slanputin and Ixt like this.
  18. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Did you know that AoS stands for "Age of @Scolenex "?

    Jungle Swarms could be the MVP. 5 wounds per model (base), impossible to pop, maintain full damage output even with 80% losses, cause MWs, situational regeneration, easy to hide from mages / shooters, you can make bases for the cost of a packet of 2 minute noodles and some craft glue (I am never buying warhammer product again(for a while) , you could make bases any size you like (because bases aren't there anyway), small bases means less models can attack you in melee or more of yours can attack them if you are being aggressive, they are close to immune to bravery based attacks, improve your saves by infinity percent by putting them in terrain, you could adhesive putty them to the WALLS of terrain pieces and they would look cool.

    Swarm only armies would be tough to annihilate and have a save x wounds to model ratio of 5 and a successful wounding hit to model ratio of 1.1 with .83 of those being unsaveable mortal wounds. This compares with your generic TG model with 2 and 1.1 (0.88 with rend -1) (The TG has a 4+ save - he will need 2 hits against to die (on average).

    Hey, @pendrake there are some new stats to think of. Useful for comparing base model to base model.
    wounds x probability of save divide by model count = survivability ratio
    melee wound output divide by model count = melee damage ratio
    ranged wound output divide by model count = ranged damage ratio
    Now I can compare an Old Blood directly to 10 TG, or 3 Rippers or 2 jungle swarms or whatever in terms of defence or offence. It is not a points system, but it does give relative value assuming you know what you want the thing to do (survive or kill)
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2015
    Ixt and n810 like this.
  19. borkbork

    borkbork Active Member

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    Did you know Orc Rock lobbers cant fire according to RAW!!!

    this game sucks donkey balls.
  20. Ixt

    Ixt Well-Known Member

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    ...? Looks like it can... I'm not finding any contradictions, anyway.

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