Man it has been forever since I've been here. Life took my far away from my beloved Lizards. I have to say this site looks fantastic. Also amazed to see many of the same staff. Missed you guys Hopefully will be here more often .
Craken! I thought the evil sellers of prefabricated kitchens had brought about your eternal destruction. Welcome back to the best forum based around the most recently castrated wargame on the planet.
Good to have you back. Wish the circumstances were better. EDIT: Check out the first few threads on the moderator forum if you want to see a summary of how our new tools work. We don't have a moderator control panel anymore. If you want to moderate something, you go to the thread directly and click on thread tools. We also have a reports notification in the upper left corner of the screen. Reports are rare because our forum is so well-behaved. Mostly it's reported spam (far less frequent than it was before) and requests to delete accidental posts.