Looks neat. Makes me think that we should've a Plateosaurus type monstrous cavalry unit being ridden by Kroxigors.
Or a saurosuchus could be cool. I really like the details, they put into these great creatures. Makes you just hope so much more for them, to announce lizardmen as a faction, in a soon to be expansion. My fingers are crossed.
It really seems to me that this could be the warhammer fantasy game, we all have been waiting for. I like that the game developers are this committed. Now granted that it is the total war team we're dealing with here; I was suspecting some level of detail and gameplay. These things just doesn't all ways add up, to a great game. I'm still in the "not-going-to-fall-for-this-game" mode, until they actually admit that lizardmen will be in the at some point. Simply because it could be so absolutely awesome to play as the scaly army and battling skavens and chaos in the open world map of Lustria. Also seeing them put to life all our amazing creatures. Since we have so much cool stuff to bring into battle. "Please give me lizardmen, please give me lizardmen, please give me lizardmen! "
It would be an odd starting farction, but I believe most armies will find their way so I wouldn't worry too much about it. After all what's better than awesome dinosaurs and fireball casting frogs?