So I like Lizardmen and was fence sitting about getting into fantasy or converting them for 40k, now.. I'm leaning more towards the latter but am open to suggestions. I'm mostly interested in conversion ideas for now, be that for 40k forces of the old ones or Angelic Seraphon looking things.
Happy to be welcome, kind of in limbo with the updates, the new game doesnt really resemble fantasy but I might try any new Lizard minis they make for my 40k army ideas went through the trouble of making a big counts as ally force codex, might have some spelling errors
Welcome to L-O! Nice to see another 40K Lizardmen list popping up. We have another user currently working on a similar system. It's be interesting for the two of you to collaborate some. Don't hesitate to ask any questions about either 8th edition, AoS, or painting and modeling! We're always happy to help.
Welcome! I'd be interested to see how your list develops. And whilst you're here I'm sure we can tempt you to the dark side
Nevermind @NIGHTBRINGER, he brings up Star Wars at every opportunity. I also wouldn't trust the offer. Darth Vader is a dark lord of the Sith and Cookie Monster never shares. Welcome to the forums! Let us know if you have any questions about anything. I look forward to seeing your conversions.