AoS Is an army list forum necessary?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Scalenex, Jul 5, 2015.


Without points for units, do we even need an army list subforum?

  1. Yes, definitely keep it

    18 vote(s)
  2. Maybe, wait and see

    18 vote(s)
  3. No, lump it in with the tactics forum

    8 vote(s)
  1. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    We expect that everyone behave, and watch their language and/or comments.
    If you prefer 8th or AoS does not matter, we assume that everyone behave and accept that not everyone else share your ideas or feelings about the game.

    As AoS matures, time will decide if this part of the forum earn its right to live or not. At the current time we do not have enough information about AoS to properly decide on a course of action.

    Though I am surprised in regards to the people saying lists does not exist in AoS.

    When reading the rules as RAW, this is correct. Lists does not exist anymore, all you are supposed to do is bring all your models and keep putting them on the table until you get tired. Though personally I struggle with this part, since it basically mean I need to bring the majority with my models, just in case I end up playing someone who has decided to put all their models on the board.

    Even if you bring all of your models, there will always be some models that are better than the others, which you want to place early on. These could in theory go into a list, if you wanted to share it with the community, both to get feedback on it, and to show what worked for you. Especially since we are now allowed to pick any warscrolls and use them in our army.

    If (or perhaps when) the community or GW adds a way to balance armies by size, we would also be back to lists.
    Scalenex and Ixt like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  3. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Sorry, That was me. I kinda hope we don't have any; I was 'hearing' more reverence in your comment than perhaps you intended. My bad. :bag:

    Small point: This system DOES have lists. There are two lists at the end of each Compendium of Warscrolls... :bookworm: ...they call them Battalions I think, but lists by another name.

    Chuckle. But seriously, a different name might help to distinguish this sub-forum from its OLDhammer/8THhammer counterpart.
  4. Sleboda

    Sleboda Active Member

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    How about Seraphon Forces or Age of Sigmar Deployment Strategies or Seraphon Unit Synergies?
    Bowser likes this.
  5. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Seraphon Forces --- if the limitation of just using one book compendium was a thing, but is it?
    Age of Sigmar Deployment Strategies --- long, but abbreviating AoS to three letters helps that.
    Seraphon Unit Synergies --- this one is a good thread title for the tactics sub-forum.

    "AOS Force Rosters" ??
  6. Sleboda

    Sleboda Active Member

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    The deployment one is the one I liked best. It reflects how "lists" really are now -

    You have a bunch of models you would like to use, but deployment really sort of dictates what you'll actually end up fielding.

    It used to be "here is my army list that I will use today, no matter what the scenario, terrain, or other factors are.". Now it's "here is my collection of models that I will draw from as we go through deployment."
  7. Ondjage

    Ondjage Member

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    How about "AoS scenarios"?

    A subforum where people can invent and discuss scenarios, posting the narrative, army lists for both sides, any special rules and win conditions etc.

    This would allow for people to use their creativity in a constructive way within the parametres of AoS!
    n810 and Ixt like this.
  8. KingCheops
    Temple Guard

    KingCheops Active Member

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    Just to point out a very valid spot where it is fair to call someone a cheating son of a skaven is deploying models from outside your Grand Alliance.
  9. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    Why? There is nowhere in the rules that specifies that this is not allowed.

    While I agree it should not be allowed for fluff reasons, we cannot scream RAW one day, and next day argue against it.
    Scalenex and Ixt like this.
  10. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    I think the question is:
    (paraphrased your original a bit)
    I am leaning toward Yes.

    But then, I find myself looking over the cheese selections on the menu.

    I also thought the alliances limitation was in there somewhere. Have you spotted it? Maybe what I think I remember was just one of the rumours...

    That said, the keywords on each warscroll entry look like they are structured to provide the mechanism for exactly that sort of limitation. I noticed they are ordered from broadest category, Grand Alliance, to narrowest category. (However, I did not check every last scroll.)

    Scenarios could be specified such that:
    • First keyword has to match
    • First and Seconds keywords must match
    • 1st, 2nd, 3rd.... etc.

    This is a valid point, it is all different now:
    Depending on phrasing and context:
    collection, could = inventory
    inventory, could = selection
    selection, could = list.
    We are pondering which of several synonyms is best. N.B. The war scrolls call lists: organizations but sometimes battalions.
  11. Ixt

    Ixt Well-Known Member

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    Glad I'm not the only one who's been thinking that.
  12. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I definitely think an AOS list forum is valuable. Fluff and themed lists are feasible now and encouraged! Even just throwing your list with the amount of models in each unit with an explanation of the synergies. @Bainbow has a perfect example on the Skinks useless? Thread:
    JackwolfskinK likes this.
  13. JackwolfskinK

    JackwolfskinK Member

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    Yesterday I played in a doubles tournament, allowing each pair to take 100 models between them. The victory conditions from the book were taken into consideration, and after te first game myself and my partner ash found that they were vital to the succes of the game.
    The main thing we had to think about, was numbers in our army. Obviously because we had a model limit, but also because if we had an army that was 40 wounds less than the enemy, we could triple all victory points we earned.
    So In our first game, we slapped everything we had between us on the board, and it was a slow and messy game between for players, where we got about two rounds in resulting in me losing two units of ten blood reavers, and the enemy losing Manfred Voncarstein (this was evidently not a single combat between these units :L).

    In our second game, we thought, let's just place ten scrolls on the board between us. A small model count, of a few nasty bits. This was because we our next opponents were using battle scroll organisations. So by placing a handful of wounds on the table, we pressured them to either place their full formations giving us the triple pints, or to place equally small forces and loose their formation bonuses.
    The combination of that, and me fielding a chaos mammoth (which neither of the opponents had encountered before) really got in their heads.

    Basically what I've saying is we had to really think about what we deployed to give us the advantage on the field.
    We found that taking two wizards, four monsters and a unit of re-summoning spirit hosts was enough to keep the enemy's duly arrayed host at bay and claim the necessary objectives to win us the game.

    Sorry this is such a long post, basically I learnt that there's more tactical planning in AoS if you want to win, than just bringing along 10 Carnosaurs five slaan and 85 Temple guard.
    StealthKnightSteg, n810 and Bowser like this.

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