Old Fan/Possible New AoS Player

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Dinobot, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. Dinobot

    Dinobot Member

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    First post ever on here, so hey everyone, awesome site!

    I've been a huge Warhammer fan since I was young, and the Lizardmen are my favourite race by far. (Dinosaur/reptile addict since I was a kid) I've collected all of the army books for them over the years, and I love their aesthetic and story. However I've never actually got into collecting the models, because of cost etc.

    Now that I'm older and that Age of Sigmar is out, I'm considering getting into the hobbie more. I've read all of the rules for AoS, and I am fully aware of many of the pros and cons. I'm just wondering what the general opinion is right now among all of you here. Should I start getting into it with the rules we currently have, or wait and see what they do with it in the near future? How many of you are actively playing it? Are there a decent amount of you who play with the rules straight the way they are, or do you come up with house rules to improve it?
  2. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    I don't see why you shouldn't wish to involve yourself now. We're in the middle of a *big* change in rules so there's a lot of contention about. The last edition appears to be tactically superior, but AoS is reportedly quite fun in its own right. As you're new I can't imagine the changeover should adversely affect you too much.

    Also, modelling and painting your miniatures is its own joy with or without rules preferences. Plus there's also the incredibly helpful online community to involve yourself in ;)

    Go for it, essentially!
    n810 likes this.
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Welcome To Lustria,
    as for your questions,
    hard to say....
    the rules are Very New.
    and quite different from
    what we had before,
    this leads to a lot of discontent.

    From what I can gather the
    AoS rules aren't bad, but
    they do seem somewhat incomplete.
  4. Ixt

    Ixt Well-Known Member

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    I'm actively playing.

    Personally, I'd say that AoS is about the same as 8th in terms of tactical depth... slightly favoring AoS for the fact that you can make any kind of formation with your units that you want: that is huge. You can still tarpit, still use avoidance, still do MSU, do all kinds of stuff. You don't get to build characters so much anymore, although the models that you field around those characters will cause them to act differently. So, not much changed in that regard.

    It also seems to scale up pretty well, just like 8th. I play with the rules exactly as they are. I did come up with a little system for pre-balancing matches (building lists) to save time, but two decent players should have no trouble with the rules as they are. Don't be fooled by the 4 pages -- the game is plenty complex.

    Also, there's a new "big book" coming out with scenarios, missions, etc. inside. You can find information about it on belloflostsouls.net or AoS: The Future, campaign book contents (updated).
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2015
  5. Lord Sa'rk

    Lord Sa'rk Member

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    Welcome :D

    I'd say you don't lose anything by trying, the rules are free and it seems they intend to keep the next updates the same way.

    I only played 40k before, even though I usually prefer fantasy settings, but the cost and larger player base of 40k in my area drove me to choose it.

    But now with AoS it's way cheaper to get into it (no need to buy rules nor codexes/army books plus you can just buy a box of some models you like and start playing straight away) and, in my opinion it's fun and far from complicated.

    Dunno about other places but in my town loads of people are getting into AoS, even hardcore fans of the older editions, hell, my local GW usually only had a few people playing 40k some days of the week and now there's always at least one player there ready to challenge you to a game of AoS when you pop into the store.

    I think most of all, people like it because it's fun, a bit more casual granted, but fun none the less, and if you're like me and like to imagine your dudes in epic combats against their foes, not having to constantly pause to flip through a book to find some rule helps with that :)
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  6. Lord Sa'rk

    Lord Sa'rk Member

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    And also this:

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  7. Xlanax_lot

    Xlanax_lot Well-Known Member

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    Definatelly a great time to start! I am ceirtain that what ever you are looking for you will find! There is always eople willing to play whatever ypu wanna play wether that is 8th, Aos, or house made rules I am preaty sure you are going to find all the support that you want and you would find a very welcoming and helpfull comunity....

    One note of advice, dont pay attention to all the hate you see in the web, foruns, youtube videos or even instagram, there would always be people that get frustrated or that dont like what is going on, and its perfectly understandable. But i am preatty sure that most of us will try to find a way to look the bright side and have a blast independent of the sistem of rules you are playing!!!

    Good luck! And I am sure we would all like to see you put paint in some minis! Here have a spiderman :spiderman:
    Ixt likes this.
  8. Dinobot

    Dinobot Member

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    Thanks for the greetings and feedback everyone. So I just bought the only copy of the new Age of Sigmar rule book that my local game store got in. So if anyone has any questions about current fluff, scenarios or anything, I'll be going through it over the next couple of days.
    n810 likes this.
  9. Lord Sa'rk

    Lord Sa'rk Member

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    Oohh, please do relay to us what it says about the seraphon :D
  10. Munkerz
    Jungle Swarm

    Munkerz New Member

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    Oooo yes please =D
  11. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Only one copy to a store?

    Some basics: Price? Number of pages? :lurking: Size format? Hardback?
  12. Dinobot

    Dinobot Member

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    Alright, so. I haven't had a chance to go through the whole book yet, but I've done a quick once over before I've started to dig into it fully.

    Ya there was only one copy of it at the store I go to. Almost everyone in my area plays Warmahordes exclusively, so the store pretty much sees no purpose in ordering more. My friends and I are pretty much known as the "Warhammer Guys".

    First off, the book is hardcover, and I payed $90 Canadian for it. It has around 264 pages, and some really great artwork.

    From what I can see, Seraphon/Lizardmen are barely in it whatsoever. We have a 2 page spread of art of us attacking some chaos, and a couple of pages with some painted models of ours. That seems to be it, but I haven't read it all yet, so we could have a few smaller blurbs thrown about later on.

    Feel free to ask more questions and I'll relay what I can, when I find it.
  13. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    .... somewhat disappointing, considering we mostly saved the world and all. :(
    Ixt likes this.
  14. Lord Sa'rk

    Lord Sa'rk Member

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    Those ungrateful bastards...
    Scalenex and Ixt like this.
  15. Ixt

    Ixt Well-Known Member

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    Looking for Lizardmen in new fluff cuz we pretty much saved everyone's asses

    Two pages of weird art, us attacking chaos as always, not much development
    Nothing ever changes
  16. StegadonSheperd

    StegadonSheperd Member

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    First of all thanks for sharing we will probably ask for more.;)

    Oh how the times have changed...i remember when the majority played warhammer in my club, and there were also the "Historical guys" that smoked cigars...

    That is...hurtful. How many pages were dedicated to the other armies?
    Elves humans etc? Orcs? and the other major players?
    Is the artwork new...i hope so. I suppose the models are the old ones or there would be major news by now.
    Other changes? What can you tell us about the fluff?
    What are the relation of Seraphon and Lizardmen?
    I don't suppose there is any connection with Malekith's dragon? (who was also named Seraphon)

    I don't want my dinos with feathers.

    Thanks m8 ;)
  17. Dinobot

    Dinobot Member

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    I kinda feel like this thread should get moved back to the AoS Discussion section. Considering that's what this is turning into, but I digress.

    The other armies, not counting the Stormcast Eternals and Chaos, get around the same treatment, if not an extra page or 2. The Undead are in third for treatment, and there a few pages on them/Nagash. A fact which I'm happy with considering they are my favourite next to Lizardmen.

    There is plenty of new artwork throughout, many of which is fantastic. A couple however, not so much. No new models except for the new chaos ones and the Stormcast Eternals.

    The fluff is a mixed basket of some cool sounding things, and mixed in with ridiculousness. I can't really just lay out everything that happened, considering it would take a lot to summarize. Long story short as far as I can gather from what they lay out: At the end of the End Times books, the world was pulled into a rift/portal of sorts. The world was broken into 8 distinct pieces/realms and spit back out somewhere. Karl Franz, now Sigmar reborn, flew through space, met a celestial dragon, became bros, and decided to see what was out there in the realms. He travels around discovering portals that connect each realm together, and begins his journey.

    He discovers that even though each realm is only in its primal stage of development/life, that there are remnants of ancient civilizations and the like scattered around. (I.E the world before it was destroyed during the end times.) He meets other powerful individuals/gods that he recognizes, and that recognize him throughout the different realms. The reason why characters are back who died during the end times, is explained essentially as either Sigmar revived them because he saw their potential in rebuilding the realms, they never really died, or "Chaos did it."

    Time goes on, alliances between Sigmar, his allies, and the developing races rise and fall. Chaos gains full control of the realms, but now the other races are pushing them back, and retaking the realms slowly.

    The Seraphon and Lizardmen are one and the same, just a name change. Nothing to do with Malekith (Now Malerion) or his dragon.

    The general idea behind what the Seraphon do is: no one knows who/what they are. We show up out of nowhere, woop chaos ass, and roar in triumph. Then we disappear without saying a word. Special Forces dinosaurs anyone?

    If anyone has any other questions, toss them at me, and I'll answer them the best that I can.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2015
    Ixt likes this.
  18. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    They changed Lizardmen to Saraphon because they can't copyright "Lizardmen," I didn't realize they changed Malekith too but "Malekith" is in the public domain because Malekith was the king of the dark elves in Norse mythology

    Anyway without digression, welcome to the forums.
  19. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    First off welcome aboard

    I painted minis 20 odd years ago and recently started again due to my son showing an interest, never gamed and 8th looked daunting for us, AOS on the other hand, we have played 5 games now and we love it.

    I bet you will too.

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