The Old One, Holy Aartzifartzi, requires the sacrifice of fresh art. Any medium, of any standard is acceptable to the Great One. Post your offering of original Lustrian Hat Art here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Great Plan: Please only post images of completed, original art. If you want to post a WIP (Work In Progress) image, please start a thread in the fluff forum for this. Don't forget to add a link to your WIP with your Aartzifartzi offering. I blame this entire diversion into the Realm of Chaos on: Which Old One has jurisdiction over headgear? Top'hat sounds a bit Nehekharan.
"And then the Culchan had to eat its own old hat, due to a previous remark, about ticket sales in the movie industry. "Perhaps now the Culchan had learned, that predicting box office sales, were a dangerous business...."