Hello everybody~ I've been a bot of a dabbler in miniature gaming, I've tried some 40K, some Anima, X-Wing, Warmachine etc. I never did pick up Fantasy until AoS, which looks about the right kind of game for me. It convinced me to pick up some models—Lizardmen and Beastmen—to get a small start and try out the system. Currently, I'm toying between a green paint scheme and a purple one for my Lizzies... I think I'll post up a picture, when I feel the purple one I'm working on now is a better representation. Anyway, looking forward to delving a little into AoS while juggling the rest of my life =)
Welcome to L-O! Glad to see that AoS has herded you into the lizardly fold. Feel free to post any questions you might have about the game or modeling in general! We're a helpful bunch on here. Just be mindful of the growing pains associated with AoS
Mmmmm, lizardly folds XD Ooooh yes I'm aware of the growing pains. I understand that things are in a bit of an unusual place at the moment, so I'll be keeping that in mind. Really, I'm quite curious to see how things end up balancing out once the system has had some time to settle. Thank you Qupakoco.
Welcome to the scaly side We might seem a bit slow to adapt to this age of \sigma, but I assure you its all due to our cold-blooded nature. On the plus side it gives us another dice to our leadership. .. wait! ... oh yeah that's not a thing anymore. .. well we got bravery 10....
Welcome to the jungle! Yes, we've had a split mindset on here about AoS. There's an active community on here however, so I'm sure you'll find some good resources to mine