Magic items

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by FireLordZero, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. FireLordZero

    FireLordZero New Member

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    I was curious there are a lot of magic items and such, and i'm pretty new to the warhammer scene so I was curious how do i show that one of my saurus or skinks is equipped with a magic item? do i just say they are or is there an actual piece that i need to represent said item. Also on a slightly related note how do i show the diffrence between a normal slaan and say mazdamundi I'm aware that he does not have a model produced by gw.
  2. Gexmofia

    Gexmofia New Member

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    To my knowledge you only need to change the weapon if games workshop supplies the part

    For example if i want my scar veteran to have a spear you must equip it with a spear instead of its regular hand weapon. And lets say you want to give the same model a great weapon instead of a spear, you can just classify his weapon as a great weapon since the model does not come with a great weapon peice.

    But for magic weapons you do not need to repersent this, just tell your opponent what he is weilding or wearing and you should be perfectly legal :)

    Chances are most people arent going to call a scar veteran illegal just because a spear isnt glued onto the model, unless its a tournament. I was playing a tournament once and my stegadon bolt thrower thing broke off and right when i was going to use it he called it illegal and took the model off the table which therefore made me lose the battle :rage: But better safe then sorry!

    Hope this helped :)
  3. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    WHFB is nowhere near as much WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) as 40k is, so it isn't really neccesary at all to model items on. About the most common things to model on are dispel scrolls, scrolls are easy to make with greenstuff or come with a lot of kits. Obviously give him a shield if he is equipped with one, besides that it isn't too critical though it is good to model your character with the actual weapon they have.

    Also note you don't have to tell your opponent what magic items you have, just make sure you have them on your army list so they can verify after if need be. Some people swap lists at the start of a battle, that is up to you and your opponent. Others like to reveal magic items and nasty tricks as they are required so the opponent can't prepare for them, because really in a battle you aren't going to know what all the little gems, necklaces and such on an opponent do until things start happening.

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