AoS AoS - SeraOPhon - my first steps

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Man0waR, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    Well this week-end i had plenty of time and finally I could test the game after being reading and studying the rules and warscrolls. Also watching any video report in youtube.

    Played 3 games.

    1st Game. Slaughter the enemy.
    Objective: just kill the enemy.
    Pre-game conceptions: This was the first game and I suggest my mate to bring some models for the test but I balance it wrong.

    Seraphon army:
    20 skinks
    10 Templeguards
    3 Ripperdactyles
    9 Kroxigors (3 moon hammer <-- Woogity models)

    WoC army:
    3 Skullcrushers
    5 chaos knights
    5 chaos knights (he forgot to bring)
    10 Chaos warriors
    20 Marauders

    I won the roll for the deployment and chose to fight in the L type deploy mode.

    from the short end (left) to the large end (right and right middle):
    Ripperdactyles. set the toad in front of their units in the left flank, where units would obviously move.
    Bastiladon, near a reroll to wound scenary element
    Scarvet BSB

    from my point of view from the large end (left) to the short end (right) WoC deployment:
    Chaos knights
    Skull crushers
    Chaos warriors
    All of them very near to each other
    Marauders so far from the action.

    So the battle begin with Chaos T1.

    He moves forward all to the middle of the battlefield, the chaos knights and Skullcrushers first, along with Archaon. The bsb and chaos warriors a few inches behind and the marauders too far away.

    Seraphon T1

    I move the Rippers near the chaos knights as so the bloated toad and declare to swooping dive.
    Bastiladon checks the element and gains reroll to wounds besides reroll to hit cuz
    BSB sets the banner.
    Templeguard moves forward to protect BSB and be ready to recieve the enemy.
    the rest of the army awaits the enemy to come.

    Bastiladon goes to town and deals 4 unsaved wounds so 8 dmg against Chaos knights.

    I fail the charge with Rippers so they are pretty doomed unless I win initiative.

    Chaos T2

    He moves all forwards focusing the Rippers and making a three combo charge. Decimated Chaos Knights, Skullcrushers and Archaon.
    The BSB set the banner and the warriors move to form a line to block the center of the battlefield while the marauders hurry up with a 6" run to be part of the battle.

    In combat the rippers are slaughtered. One advise, don't risk them, they are glass cannon. Their better use is to attack once the enemy could not react. So better engange with other things then attack with rippers.
    And their performance is poor without swooping dive and the blot toad.
    I only had 1 to retaliate and did only kill one wounded chaos knight.

    Seraphon T2.

    Well I had all his units in my flank and my best unit (9 kroxigors) must decide where to go, So I decided to send them against infantry where moon hammer would shine.

    BSB plants the banner.
    Temple guard moves closer to Archaon
    Bastiladon moves backwards to gain distance from incoming enemies.
    Kroxigor claims the middle.
    Scarnosaur moves forth againts Chaos warriors, and skinks does so.

    In shooting Bastiladon put some wounds on Skullcrushers but isn't enought to remove a model.

    Temple guard charge an exposed Archaon.
    Scarnosaur Charge the centre of the Chaos warriors line up while the skinks charge them to cover the beast from being surrounded by its right side. Also blocking the advance of the incoming marauders.

    Temple guard piles in, also allowing Skullcrushers to fight but Archaon is fully surrounded by the ten models, rerolling to hit thanks to BSB in range. So... you may guess. Dead Lord of the End Times.

    Skullcrushers now inside 3" does pile in and kills 2 temple guards.

    Scarnosaur does like 4 wounds removing 2 models, but don't take a wound due to poor rolls on chaos warriors. Skinks took more wounds but they were gifted by inspiring presence command ability from scarnosaur.

    In batleshock 2 models from chaos warriors are removed thanks to Carnosaur's bloodroar. Nice skill dude.

    Chaos warriors T3

    With no time to moarn their lord. The chaos army rides to the battle.
    the 2 remaining Chaos knights charge the rear of the templeguard while skullcrushers pile in with all models.
    Marauders finally see combat and charge the skinks.
    The BSB set their banner.

    Scarnosaur takes a wound, skinks loses lots of their numbers and they are brave enough to kill a chaos warior and a marauders (hell, they are even worse in combat than before. Their only purpose is to swarm the battlefield and be annoying with withdrawals.)
    Templeguard fight to the bitter end, but only causing 1 wound to chaos knights but no casualties, they are killed in the fight against skull crushers and chaos knights. But now theyll be rewarded in dinoValhalla as they slay Archaon.

    Scarnosaur then bite here and there causing 3 casualties in Chaos warriors.

    No battleshock flees this rounds.

    Seraphon T3.

    The Scarnosaur orders the skink to retreat and they flee while the Kroxigors joins the fight against a spread marauder unit, The 3 kroxigor champions carrying the moonhammers piles in across the enemy covering the whole of them.

    BSB runs away from skullcrushers.

    Bastiladon moves backwards and shoot the 2 remaining Chaos Warriors causing 1 casualty.

    In combat BOOOOM !

    I just rolled the 3 moon hammers... 30 hits. 15 unsaved wounds 30 dmg. The marauders just melted. Didn't roll the other six kroxigor, just the moonhammer.
    I felt excited and dirty as well. When something is so good but it feels wrong due to poor balance.

    Scarnosaur keeps killing chaos warriors.

    Battleshock phase, the last chaos warriors fled due to Bloodroar. And the last chaos knights fails its bravery and runs.

    The game ends here as nothing can do against the 9 crocodiles.

    Post-Thoughts: I had fielded too many kroxigors, anyway even with 3 the result would be the same. Only one more turn. I feel bad to have such an overpowered army now. Seraphon is way too unbalanced.
    I played my cards right, and indeed there was tactic and strategy that worked the way a wanted. Its simple but the more you thought the more complexity you can add.
    Also I learnt to not hurry up with Rippers if they would be compromised, better wait and ensure the slaughter.

    Next games will be reported soon
  2. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    Game #2 The Daemon Gates.
    An improvised scenario.

    Objective for Lizardmen: Destroy the Daemon Gates before it is too late and the Daemons roam free through the realm.

    Objective for Chaos Warriors: Summon forth through the gates 4 Greater Daemons to lead the conquest of the realm (and keep them alive).

    The table:
    At the Chaos deployment zone would be 2 daemon gates, one at each corner of the table atop the hills.

    The rules:
    Summoning was allowed.
    Special Rules:
    - Reinforcements: at the beginning of the hero phase, Chaos Warriors could bring a new unit of Slaves to Darkness on a roll of 5+.
    Seraphon could bring a new unit on a roll of 4+.
    - Daemon gates: 10 wounds 3+ save. Summon daemons: if a chaos unit is near 3" can try to bring a Greater Daemon. If any Wizard or Priest is in 3" the roll improves +1.

    Warscroll limitation:
    5 WS
    1 old core unit at double size of the minimum
    1 monster

    WoC starting army:
    1 tzeench sorceror
    1 Sorceror Lord on manticore
    20 chaos warriors (core)
    3 Skullcrushers
    and i cant remember his 5th ws.

    Seraphon starting army:
    3 Kroxigors (woogity's models ofc)
    3 salamanders
    20 saurus warriors (core)
    3 Ripperdactyles.

    Ok this game was a mess, every turn we deployed one to five things due to summoning and reinforcement.

    So I'll try to do a highlight review.

    Deployment: Chaos defend one portal tossing all his units around and the wizards at 3" to summon at 4+ a Greater Daemon. Forfeits the other one.

    Seraphon, all except Ripperdactyles field in front of the defended portal, Ripperdactyles field at the other side with freedom of movement, placing the toad in the abandoned portal.

    Turn 1 Chaos:
    Reinforcments: Chimera is brought to battle.
    Gate rituals: No Daemon.
    Summoning: A herald of khorne on juggernaut is brought to battle. 10 Bloodletters summoned in vanguard to clash against the incoming lizards

    Skullcrushers Moves forwards.

    Turn 1 Seraphon:
    No Reinforcements:
    EOTG: roll of 15. Summon a Seraphon unit so seeing how the game would be I bring a Slann.
    Summoning: Slann calls a Battlestandard bearer. And 5 chameleon skinks who start hidden. Fails to bring Temple Guard.

    Saurus move forward into a forest. BSB set the banner and the rest moves a little.
    Ripperdactyles runs towards the forsaken gate.

    Turn 2 Chaos:
    No Reinforcements:
    Gate Ritual: A Lord of Change poors into the realm. (1/4)
    Summoning: A new Bloodthirster is brought by Lord of Change.
    Hero Phase: Lord of change nukes Saurus warriors for 4 mortal wounds
    Move & Charges: Bloodletters & Skull crushers combo charge Saurus warriors.

    Combat: SW are annihilated.

    Turn 2 Seraphon:
    Reinforcement: Bastiladon (things were looking grim)
    Summoning: Bring back 10 saurus warriors, Summon Templeguard (10 due to roll of 11+). Fail to bring another EOTG.
    EOTG: D6 mortal wounds on target unit at 25". poor rolls and chaos warriors shield saves'em.

    Hero phase: BSB plants the banner.

    Moves & Charges: Kroxigor charges the blood letters. EOTG & Salamander & Slann charges Skullcrushers.

    Chameleons appear behind enemy lines. And Ripperdactyles charges the lone portal.
    Bastiladon moves to the center.

    Shooting: Chameleon skinks put 6 wounds on Lord of Change. Bastiladon outright kills the Herald on Jugg.

    Combat: Kroxigor MoonHammer melts the remaining bloodletters. The other Kroxigor attacks Juggs. Well all attack Skullcrushers but 2 remain, one heavy wounded.

    Kroxigor and Salamanders took a wound but no casualties.

    Ripperdactyles swoop dive and toad rage... well.... 37 hits from vicious beak. This guys under the right circumstances are deadly. Ok Dead Portal. (1/2)

    Chaos turn 3 (yes i didn't won a single initiative)
    No Reinforcements:
    No gate summon. (1/4)
    Summons: Bloodletters, Herald of Khorne on Jugg & Herald of tzeench (wizard to get easy gate summon)

    Hero phase: Chameleons are missiled to dust by tzeench magic.

    Movements and charges: Chimera and Bloodthirster charge bastiladon cuz it was a ranged menace.

    shooting: Bloodthirster lash the BSB with his whip and outright kills it. Chimera had done the same but couldn't kill it.

    Combat: Skull crushers died and the bastiladon just show how impervious is now, no wounds and it put 6 wounds against the chimera.

    Seraphon turn 3:
    Reinforcements: Scarvet on Carnosaur.
    EOTG: Heals some wounds here and there
    Summons: BSB are call forth again to the battlefield.
    Stegadon with skystreak bow is summoned.
    Fails to bring more chameleon
    And Mystic shield is cast on bastiladon (Yay 2+ save no rends 4+ mortal wounds)

    Movement: Kroxigor moves near the portal and facing the 20 Chaos Warriors. Stegadon moves forward to get things in range. In front of bloodletters.

    Shooting: Salamander fails to wound bloodletters, Bastiladon did nothing, Stegadon put 3 wounds on Lord of Changes (1 left)

    Charges: Kroxigors fails their charge against chaos warriors. Temple guard surrounds the Bloodthirster.

    Combat: Templeguard put a lot of pain in bloodthirster but are slaughtered right there. Bastiladon tries to finish the Bloodthirster but deals no wounds, Chimera couldn't hurt the Ankylosaur.

    Chaos turn 4:
    Reinforcement: Skullcrushers just in front of the ripperdactyles who were trying to sneak their way into the other gate.
    Gate roll: 1 ! on 2+ well chaos couldn't claim a victory so it would only tie if i don't succeed in my goal.

    Summons: deadly injured Lord of change summons a new fresh lord of change.
    Skullcannon is summoned. Some things are summoned others nuked, it was kinda irrelevant.

    Shooting: Bloodthirster, Chimera and Skullcannon focus its shooting against slann and murder it.

    Charges: Sorceror on manticore & bloodletters charge Stegadon, chaos warriors charge Kroxigors.

    Combat: Bastiladon begins to roll 1's on saves like there's no tomorrow. but holds with it last wound for 3 full of tension rolls more.
    Stegadon kills a bunch of bloodletters and recieves 2 wounds from manticore.
    Kroxigors kills a bunch of chaos warriors and took some wounds no casualties.
    Ripperdactyles are slaughtered by skullcrushers.

    Seraphon turn 4:
    Reinforcement: A Slann :p
    Summon: Ripperdactyles (toad on the gate), Chameleon (in hidding) and mystic shield on bastiladon.

    Shooting: knowing i can't lose, i went right for the objective.
    Skystreak bow put 5 wounds on the gate. and here my rival calls the game. Knowing he couldn't prevent my summoning from happening and i would destroy with shooting the gate in the following 2 turns.

    Thoughts: Wicked summoning. I hope GW will set some rules to balance it
    Bastiladon, TG, EOTG, Stegadon,Ripperdactyles & Slann are way too much unbalanced.
    Kroxigor Moonhammer its very good against infantry.
    Nasty Lord of Change Rules, they can summon outright more summonners and outsummon the game. Again, we need better rules for it.

    We replayed the same scenario but the game was kinda the same. So unworthy to be reported.

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