8th Ed. Taloc's Warhammer rules v8.5

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by talocofxhotl, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. talocofxhotl

    talocofxhotl Member

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    I have mentioned on other threads before that I wanted to alter some of the core rules and armies for my own use. I have played WHF on and off for about 12 years and I love the fluff and the world (up until End Times).

    I have felt that the latest edition of army books gave some armies things that weren't fluffy - either to boost sales or to plug a weakness, however; in my mind, fluff should lead the rules and miniatures.

    I will post my changes here for people to view and critique if they so wish. My aim was to make the rules more 'realistic' (yes I know it's a fantasy game) so that laser guided cannons don't exist and that (hopefully) monsters and other unit types are more viable.

    I have gone through all the armies and performed a SWOT analysis and tried to fit the units types an army should have with their fluff. I am also planning to use it to determine points costs to an extent. E.g. The Empire will have slightly better value infantry and war machines to make up for their lack of MI and monsters.

    This has resulted in some armies gaining units and some losing units (i.e. I removed vargheists and bloodwrack shrines and doomfire warlock and added khemri light chariots, amongst others). However, most of this is notes.

    The only army written up is Lizardmen (minus magic items and High Magic lore). Balancing points costs, especially with changes to the BRB is hard so this is a WiP.

    Anyhow, here are the links to the BRB and Lizardmen changes. Formatting may be off - stupid googledocs.

    BRB - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-MHS8GJixcPZkV4aEh2eWZQc1E
    Lizardmen - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-MHS8GJixcPSWhEQmRzQVd1R28

    What I would like is people's views and reasoning on what they think of the changes.

    Also, if you have any ideas about specific armies (e.g Are there any units that Dwarfs should have? Is there a specify hero you'd like to see return for Word Elves? Which army should have the best shooting phase etc.) please post them here.

    Also any armies you think need to lose stuff or have it altered drastically. I am on the fence about Demigryph Knights. I don't think I can justify them in the Empire's lore and fluff. Similarly I am going to change my Basildon upgrades to be short range buff/damage abilities (like 6+D6") to reflect the lizardmen's lack of ranged capability.

    Interested to read your responses!

    Rikard and ASSASSIN_NR_1 like this.
  2. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    I'm waiting for you accepting my request for the lizardmens documents. Then I'll perhaps would be able of getting some feedback, once I can open the document ;)
  3. talocofxhotl

    talocofxhotl Member

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  4. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    Yes that works!
    This might be the recent for no replies so far, as well ;)
    I'll check it out

    Quick note on what I've read so far. I like that the inability at hitting to tough creatures is returned, as it were in the 7th and earlier editions. I always feel is was weird that even the weakest creature could harm a T10. I don't know if it's a good thing balance wise, but I like it better.
    On the other hand, perhaps there should be a Ws v Ws that is ineffective, since even the most skilled warrior can be hit by enough attacks. There are arguments against this as well, I'm sure.

    I do like the only slight changes in the army book, better keep it simple then to far fetched *Cough*Openhammer*Cough*
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2015
  5. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    the reason I haven't looked it because I'm quite narrow minded. I like the Swedish Comp setup, but not ETC and I don't quite like a too fractured community. This is why I've been very supportive of just one.

    With that said I'm obviously willing to have a look on your list, but do mind that I'm somewhat conservative and in the "let's take it slow" boat. I skimmed your list earlier and could see that you added spawns and a couple of new units and that's definately not in the "lets take it slow" boat :D

    I'll reply with a more in depth reply later. :)
    Trociu likes this.
  6. talocofxhotl

    talocofxhotl Member

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    Cool, thanks for the quick feedback TheSauricAce!

    Pinktaco, most of what I am trying to do is restore old units and mechanics that have fallen out which I think were worthwhile. Sacred Spawnings and Armies were from old LM books and WD articles. Velocidon riders are just the return of skinks on horned ones.

    The only really new thing I added was the MCav unit which is down to me having had the idea of it for years :p

    The biggest real change is the splitting of movement phase into two section either side of shooting. I decided to try this (although with some playtesting this may revert) to give some more viability to shooting - particularly with bows - and tactical positioning. Think of it like having a life of archers in front who retreat behind the melee after they shoot.

    Magic phase is combining 8th Ed with Older - the generation of PD and the spell lists.

    Some of the special rules have just been tweaked. I believe that the game would play fairly similarly to 8th (with the exception of the move phase) but with some re-jigged parts and (I think) balance changes.

    I am following SC and ETC to see how theirs progresses. They have some great ideas but I wouldn't be happy with either at the moment. :)

    Whatever happens I will enjoy the discussion about it :D
  7. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    Slightly off topic, but you wouldn't happen to be a certain "lordTaloc" from TPV would you?

    EDIT: Had a good read, I really like the choices and spawning work you've done.
  8. talocofxhotl

    talocofxhotl Member

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    I have no idea what TPV is :D Thanks for feedback.

    Anyone have any ideas about buffs/Nerf/changes for the Bretonnian army book? I'm about to do some work on them. I'm of really focussing on the lance formation, blessing of the lady and knights charging. They should be the strongest army on he urge with the best knights.

    Their unique mechanic is going to still be virtues for their heroes. I am thinking grail knights should be mini-hero stats, probably with special weapons/mount stats. Pegasus knights upgraded to use MC rules.

    Also thinking of having a new hero type - troubadour/bard - to give unit buffs/act like a superior musician.

    Also thinking of giving army-wide rule to give +W's when charging to represent their skill at jousting. Possibly instead +hit or re-roll?

    Going to look at the old heroes - there's a Robin Hood style one and I think a damsel.

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