AoS Mixed Weapon Units

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Baergren, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. Baergren

    Baergren New Member

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    Hey guys,

    Sorry if this is already common knowledge, or if its been mentioned before. Please delete thread if such is the case.

    I just came across this on Reddit and was a little surprised to find it, although I suppose it makes sense in retrospect given GW's new approach to AoS.

    Apparently, despite the wording on Warscrolls specifying that each Unit is armed with either "X" OR "Y", this is actually intended to be each Model, at least in regards for standard weaponry.

    The question emailed into GW was something along the lines of: Does a unit of Judicators need to choose either Skybolt Bows or Boltstorm Crossbows, or can there be a mix? (Disclaimer: I do not know specifically what wording was used)

    GW Response:

    Thanks for your email. the wording on our warscrolls and rules are purposefully vague so as to promote freedom when building your army. If you want a unit of Judicators all with Bows or a mix, that is up to the player. We do not want to tell our players how to build their units.

    So long as you and your opponent are happy with it; go for it. Have fun!

    I hope this helps.

    Kind regards

    Owen Douglas

    So this basically means we can have units os Saurus with mixed Clubs & Spears, which in retrospect makes sense since melee attacks are now governed on a model by model basis. This might actually open up some interesting tactics and unit formations for the game. In the above example you could arm a unit of 10 Judicators with 4 of each standard weapon and 2 specials, this would give the unit both long range utility and greater ability for trying to stop incoming melee units. Saurus could be formed with clubs in the front row and spears in the back (row being a subjective term here) to maximize potential attacks in a combat round.

    It was mentioned to the GW rep here that perhaps the wording should specify model instead of unit, reply:

    Thanks for your email. We understand and will pass the feedback on.

    Please keep an eye out for the FAQ and errata when it comes out. Perhaps they may shed some light on the issue.

    Kind regards

    Owen Douglas

    I am assuming that this means a FAQ/Errata is on the way… soonish.

    Thanks for reading.


    Without knowing exactly the question that was asked this could be a case of GW misunderstanding what the issue was, however given the second response this seems unlikely.
    Freddy25 likes this.
  2. Ixt

    Ixt Well-Known Member

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    I hope an FAQ is on the way. I've e-mailed 20+ rules questions to GW with no response. :p

    Sounds like they're allowing you to mix it up, though! Pretty cool. =] That certainly makes our Saurus Cavalry a good deal more interesting, plus our Terradons and other short-range missile stuff get a good buff from that.
  3. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    I'm hesitant to agree with the email responses. I'd much prefer a FAQ than an email response to one person. It's not really GWs style to actually give you an answer either. The second email response sounds more like something I would expect.

    Who's Owen Douglas?
  4. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    To be honest I dont think ive ever got a response of GW so fair play to you. However, why are you so sure that Owen Douglas is GW staff? He could be anyone...;-)

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