Greetings fellow guardians! My name is Zlatchi, a lost but now returned child of the Old Ones. Long ago in the dark ages of 2003, I was introduced to the Old World and the mysterious land of Lustria, a land full my favourite things: Lizardfolk, jungles, dinosaurs, meso/south american culture, adventure and mystery. How could I refuse? I studied this land and everything in it with great passion, through books, battle reports and personal stories. I saw the pitiful attempts at conquest of the New World by the lesser races. I saw Mighty Empires rise and fall. And twice did I see the revamping of our glorious armies to combat the warm-bloods across the Great Pond. However, a powerful enemy known in the dark tounge as college sought to stifle my time in this vast and beautiful world. The struggle was both long and torturous but as the dust settled and the beast of mandatory education was finally vanquished I raced to back to Lustria with a new found vigour. But when I returned I was greeted by a hellish plane created by none other than the great enemy itself. The forests of Lustria were burning, its cities were gone, It's guardians vanished. The Great Plan... abandoned. I was too late, the End Times had come. So anyway, I have recently gotten back into the hobby, my intention is to "finally" paint that army I've been meaning to finish and once again become the fluffy dinosaur I once was. And I was hoping this site and its impressive community could help me out. Cheers.
@n810: Great to be back! @ASSASSIN_NR_1: Thank you. The plan is to use the official paint scheme (blue scales etc.) but with some snazzy alterations such as a khaki underbelly, warpaint and aztec style patterns on the shields.
Welcome to the forums! We look forward to seeing your contributions. For painting and modeling you can get inspiration and constructive criticism form our painting forum. For gaming we are committed to supporting tactics and discussion for both Age of Sigmar and 8th edition (and sometimes older editions) For fluff, a bunch of good stories, and our seasonal short story contest is in full swing. If you can write really fast you can submit an entry. Otherwise wait three days and take a look at the entry pieces and vote for your favorite(s).
You forgot to mention the wide selection of polls that are available and the collection of Stars Wars material waiting to be enjoyed.