I'm afraid the eidoom Lizardmen army, humble as it is, has been reclusive for many years. No word has been received from them since the time of the great 6th Edition - they've biding their time in some ancient corner of the deep Lustrian rainforest, I expect, casually hunting intrusive forces of chaos. Now the time has finally come for the Saurus Warriors, the Skinks and their bigger, badder comrades to wipe off the dust and come out of hiding. So, on that note, hello guys!
The one and only! Welcome to the forum eidoom! I'm sure you'll find lots of useful content on here, and don't be shy to add your own. May the Old Ones smile upon you.
Welcome Friend... Share and listenign to yours and others findings, post your armies glorious scale shcemes and enjoy this lovely bunch of friendly gamers/hobbyists
Welcome! I hope that the wiping-off-dust process will be well documented on the forum we have paint blogs/tactica (8th edition and AoS)/fluff writing etc here, so take a peek!
Do not trouble the Great One with mere matters of diplomacy. That is for zombie Skinks to do. Welcome to the forums! Whether you like Oldhammer, Age of Sigmar, or just painting we will help meet your needs. We have great fluff writers and artists too.
Thank you all for the very warm welcome! (Especially since we're the cold-blooded guys. ) This is going to be fun, methinks...