Hello everyone! After quite some time of lurking and now with my plans to start a small Lizardmen army, I've finally joined Lustria-Online (and the new website is beauuuuutiful! )! AoS is what got me triggered to start collecting Lizzies (I've been wanting that for quite a while though- actually, since I saw them in a 2006 GW catalogue!). I'll be keeping them on square bases though as I want to play 8th/Oldhammer and Kings of War too! A little bit about me: my real name is Rigtje and I live in the Netherlands. In real life I work as a 2D illustrator and animator at a small animation company. I've been painting miniatures for over a year now (mostly WH40k). Together with my friends I started a gaming group and we've already tried all sorts of games (Mice and Mystics, Pathfinder, Catan etc.), but now we're hooked on 40k! I'm also trying to get the boys to play WHFB/AoS, so I hope that works out (one of them already has a few Dwarves!). But my favourite aspect of the hobby is painting and modeling miniatures! You'll definitely see my Lizardmen here sooner or later! So hope to see you guys around and if you want, you can check out my hobby blog: http://hammernbrush.blogspot.nl and see a test Temple Guard I painted up several months ago... ah heck I'll just show it here! Cheers guys!
Welcome YES! Your Temple Guard looks good, I look forward to see more of your work. Where painting is concerned, you might want to check out neveroddoreven
Welcome to the forums! The Old Ones rejoice whenever a lurker joins the active community. Your standard bearer looks quite nice. I look forward to seeing more. Whether you are up for Oldhammer, Age of Sigmar, Kings of War, or just painting and modeling. Lustria-Online should be able to meet your online support needs. Kings of War have promised a Beasmen, Lizardmen, and Skaven army. Don't know when we should expect the Lizardmen list but they just this week released their beta list for "Ratkin," so they are on pace to sweep up the customers GW alienated with Age of Sigmar. When Mantic releases their planned "All scaly army" we will definitely create a section for them on Lustria-Online.