So, I had been considering making an account for quite a while, but on the basis of me now finally beginning the long and expensive process of reassembling my lizardmen army(read; buying a new one), I decided to go for it. Constructing an army is a large endeavor, and joining a forum filled with people with far more knowledge on the subject than me seemed like a good idea. So yeah, hello people, hope I can contribute something to this community!
Welcome You cane surely find some inspiration to your army, whether it's painting or converting, there are a lot of very talented people here. Gamewise, you can pretty much find help/advice to all editions.
Welcome to the forum, I'm sure you'll enjoy the site. I look forward to your contributions. If there is something on the site that you're looking for, don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you! A nice way to be welcomed. I may seek help concerning the army list I am working on. I have been building it with some others, but outside opinions are always nice, especially since it includes some more, shall we say, unusual elements.
Welcome to the forum. In addition to the aforementioned painting forum, we also have a vibrant fluff forum with a short story contest you look in and vote in. And for 8th ed game play, I recommend the gem that is the 8th edition Tactica Index.