7th Ed. Tin solders 2 Lizardmen vs. Daemons of Chaos – 2250

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Sharp, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. Sharp

    Sharp New Member

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    Like to thank my opponent “Vod” for taking the photos I would report on my other 5 games but I forgot my own camera!

    I had:

    Slaan – bsb, focus of mystery, war banner, scroll
    Scar vet – jaguar charm, shield, lt armour, sword of battle
    Skink priest – lvl2, cube of darkness
    20 x Saurus, FC, Spears
    16 skinks – 2 krox, FC
    10 x skink skirmishers
    10 x skink skirmishers
    16 x Temple guard – FC
    4 x Krox
    8 x Ninja skinks
    2 x 1 Salamanders

    He had:

    Khorne Herald – bsb, jugger, obsidian armour, std of unholy victory
    Khorne Herald – jugger, armour of Khorne, firestorm axe
    Tzeentch herald – scoll
    Slaanesh herald – steed, siren song, level 1 magic
    20 x horrors – std, champ
    19 x bloodletters – std, skull totem
    10 x daemonettes – champ
    5 x furies
    5 x furies
    5 x flesh hounds
    5 x flesh hounds
    3 x fiends
    4 x flamers – champ

    This was going to be a hard game as this was the first time I would be playing DoC and vs. a very canny opponent in Vod. 2 units in his list would be hard to deal with the Blood letters + heralds and slaanesh herald with siren song, But I had the unit for the job and spell to crack this army I hoped.

    with our deployment finished I had placed my salamanders in the central wood on my side with the other in the swamp on my left, The TG went in the middle opposite his main units and I would bait out the siren song with them. The Krox and steg next to the TG to flank him and the Cohort to zip around and hold off his flankers. Skinks and Ninja Skinks went in the gaps and last my spears off to my right to hold that flank. Super man(Jag Charm vet) went in the TG to boost combat. And the skink priest stayed out of sight and sat behind the TG

    For my spells I took the lore of light and the skink rolled potent of far and Second sign of amul

    Vod had his furies on both flanks with the hounds and fiends. In the center he had his two big blocks and the siren song unit in the middle opposite my TG.

    For his spells he had stupidity on the Slaanesh herald and Flickering fire and some other fire spell.

    First moves over, you can see both our flankers did there thing and he moved up his center most units. Vod forgot about the flamers in the woods for two turns and that always helps. My magic started off with potent of far being cast on the slann/TG and then got of a burning gaze on the daemonettes but only killed three.

    My salamander in the wood moved up and splattered the bloodletters killing a few, my left unit of skinks shot the furies killing two. My magic was useless this turn as he dispelled Cleansing Flare.

    He sent forwards the herald and her daemonettes to siren song my TG as I hoped he would then charged in the fiends into the cohort unit, took two wounds for a few skinks and passed his insta test, the right unit of furies went into a skink unit, he then butchered the poor skinks and ran them down but landed into the back of the spears. His magic was better than mine casting stupidity on the Krox.

    The TG gets sirensonged and are forced to charge the daemonettes, the Krox fail there silly test, sit back and watch the TG fight the daemonettes. I move my salamander in the woods up to stop the letters from flanking the TG he can’t wheel into my flank and if he charges the salay he will end up looking at the spearmen. My steg moves around to flank the daemonettes and my left flankers move around some more. My magic gets stopped once more. The salamander flames the letters, killing a few and I kill a hound next to the horrors with some blowpipes and bolt from the steg. The spears destroy the furies and the cohort sees off the fiends. The big combat with the daemonettes and TG is one sided killing off a daemonette and wounding the herald for no loss, Vods down by 11 combat res! And soundly fails the test BUT the BSB jugga gives them a re-roll and he rolls snake eyes! ARGH!

    He sends out both of the Khorne Herald into the TG, his hounds into the Krox, and flanks the spearmen with his seconded unit of hounds he finally sees the flamers and moves them up to shoot something, the horrors move up to support his center. His magic dosint amount to much and we get stuck into combat. His General challenges my scar-vet who takes him up and is soundly smashed. He wipes out a fair bit of TG and wins combat I pass my test. The krox and hounds scrap it out but no side wins. The spears are soundly beaten and turn tail and run getting away by 1 inch.

    My turn and I send in the Steg into the flank of the daemonettes. My left flankers move up and pepper the horrors but don’t kill any and flame the letters some more. My magic dosint go off thanks to some bad rolling on my part. The steg rolls the daemonettes and the juggers kill some more TG, I win by two and the general pass’s his test but the BSB rolls boxcars followed by boxcars (double six’s) as you can see in the picy things are starting to look up!

    the horrors flank the steg and the letters take the place of the BSB he sends the hounds into the rallied spears. Combat sees the horrors make the steg run away and they enter combat with the TG. The slann is forced to accept the general’s challenge and takes a few wounds the letters kill 1 TG and I pass my test. The Krox see of the last of the hounds.

    The steg comes back into the fight I send in a 7 skink unit into the rear of the horrors and salamander into the flank and this was my big mistake as it stopped the cohort and Krox from flanking them next turn! I lost all of the skinks and they run away the salamander and steg kill a load of horrors and the slans ward holds off the Khorne general.

    There’s not a lot left at this point. His Genral finaly kills the slann but the TG steg and sal beat up the horros and he lost combat by a few this popped the horrors and Tzeentch herald and took the letters to below half. The hounds lose to the spearmen and fail there pop test.

    in the washup I was up by 300VP and thanks to my comp score I got a +280VP bouns taking it to a 14-6 win to me. This was an awesome game with so many points where it swung from round to round the TG where the Lizards of the game holding off most of his army and giving me time to flank and re flank him. My magic was held off nicely by vod and some crap rolling so it came down to units.

    Tin Solders 2 had a funny comp system where you are given a handy cap to add onto your VP's hard armys get smaller bonus and soft armys get a boost also harder army books where givin less of a margin.
  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    great stuff, thanks for sharing! :)
  3. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Interesting read, thanks for the pics! Congrats again!
  4. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    Great game! Keep in mind that in the new FAQ that just came out, Slann CANNOT challenge or be challenged as long as he's not in the fighting rank.
  5. Sharp

    Sharp New Member

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    As you can see, there was no TG left in the pic to keep him out of the fighting rank
  6. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Thanks for writing up this Excellent report! Always love pictures, and even more so when it's clearly explained what's happening all the way down.

    Just some questions:
    Did you find the salamander usefull vs an ITP opponent?
    How did you find the Hounds manageble?

    (And hi all!, I just found it fitting to put my first 'real' post here with battle reports. As i will probably read them all :D)

    The Hunted
  7. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    In that case stay tuned, as I am due to right another battle report in the next couple of days!
  8. Sharp

    Sharp New Member

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    Thanks mate

    Panic is only one side to the sal's. vs large bloodletter units like vod had and horas that are T3 with a 5+ ward you will kill a fair few, same for vamps any large blocks will take some heavy punishment BUT the thing i think the salamanders can be used for is the same as eagles are for the high elfs/woodys and harpies for the dark elfs get in close march block/flame or get in front of things to keep them out of key combats as you can see with mine it saved me from being flanked and held of that large unit of letters.

    hard very hard vs liz's they move rather fast has MR and will punish ranked Saurus and Krox i guess a steagadon will hold them in place so you can hit them with something els. Or have a steg ready to come in and kill them with the impact hits

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