Hi. I' m trying to get into the game again after I had a kind of passive phase for ten or twelve years. first Started in the days when stegadons were really heavy ( cause made of metal.) So I'm excited about how things developed and what this new aos thing is like and want to get some support in things like painting an conversion and stuff like that. Greetings Ps: Will post some pics of my new forces in the other forum.
Welcome to Lustria! Well, Slann are known to remain dormant in deep contemplation for many years at a time. I like forward to seeing your work. Enjoy the forums!
I'm not sure if that's unique to Lizardmen players but I had a similar ten year break in WHF and we get a fair number of new members saying similar things. Any event, welcome to the forums. Let us know if you have any questions about fluff, painting or game play (in whatever edition you choose).
Welcome aboard, I had a hard winter of twenty odd years before I was awakened from my sleep, I was never a gamer just a painter and after joining this forum I have learn't so much about all aspects of the hobbie and I have started gaming with my son, tiny steps atm but great fun. Some very knowledgeable and talented posters here, hope you enjoy your stay with us.