8th Ed. 2400 dual carno monster list

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Blastoize, Aug 25, 2015.

  1. Blastoize
    Cold One

    Blastoize Well-Known Member

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    Hello there,

    I am long time lurker and just recently crawled from my spawning pool and join your ranks.
    I am about to attend 2400 ETC rules tourney (teams consisting of 3 generals - my team will hopefully be Vampire Counts, Orcs and Gobblins and my Lizzies), supposedly non-compepetive list prefered, so I decided to field dual carno list. My model range is limited (hopefuly will get my second carnosaur next week) - can update you on what I have in replys.

    Without further adue lets roll on 2 lists I have - any feedback appreciated!

    List 1
    Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur
    - general; bloodroar, looping stride; Armor of Destiny, Crown of Command, Luckstone; GW
    Saurus Scar-Vet on Carnosaur
    -BSB; charmed shield, talisman of perservation; spear, LA
    Skink Priest lvl 1
    -dispell scroll
    Skink Priest lvl 1

    2x 24 Saurus Warriors
    -fc, mus
    11 skink Cohort
    -fc, mus

    3 Ripperdactyls

    Ancient Stegadon
    Ancient Stegadon w/ sharpened horns, engine of the gods

    List 2
    Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur
    - general; bloodroar, looping stride; Armor of Destiny, Crown of Command, Luckstone; GW
    Saurus Scar-Vet on Carnosaur
    -BSB; charmed shield, talisman of perservation; spear, LA
    Skink Priest lvl 2
    -dispell scroll
    Skink Priest lvl 1

    2x 24 Saurus Warriors
    -fc, mus
    10 skink Cohort
    -fc, mus

    Bastiladon w/solar engine

    3 Ripperdactyls
    3 Ripperdactyls

    Ancient Stegadon

    What do you guys think?
    I recognize that I will probably will get obliterated since I dont have enough (or any in that matter) chaff, I lack in shooting AND in magic, which renders two of our stronger phases useless.

    Any feedback is appreciated and encouraged.
  2. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    Aha a the kind of list I love!
    I have played plenty of Dual Carno games and I tell you what I have experienced. I am however a complete noob regarding ETC restrictions.

    The OB looks good, standard Carno build.
    The Scarvet should have a GW aswell, however I would try to get at least Loping Stride onto his Carno. Getting him into combat together with your OB is pretty important as rarely want to charge in a Carno solo.
    The skink priests are good too, I would defintely take at least one with Lore of Heavens Signature. That spell is very very useful against warmachines and has saved my arse several times.

    Core wise I would try to get at least two units of Skink Skirmishers in. I personally haven't tried two units of 24 Saurus Warriors and I can see why they could be good. But I also know that against my usual opponents (high elves and wood elves) my Saurus units usually get screwed over. So I tend to take 40x Saurus Warriors and set them up in a horde or 8x5 depending on the opponent. I don't usually expect them to grab points but they can hold their own against a unit of White Lions. Especially if you get that Lore of Heavens signature spell cast on whatever they are fighting. 20 S4 attacks with PF + another 20 (or less depending on casualties, but hey if they shoot my saurus instead of my carnos then im a happy lad).

    You WILL need redirectors though. If you can't fit them in your core, use Terradons.

    If you use Ripperdactyls I've found that units of 4 are alot more durable than units of 3. A single fireball spell can really wreack havoc on a unit of Ripperdactyls and basically cripple it. I tend to take 3x 4 Ripperdactyls. That way I can toad all of the enemies hardest units and play some mindgames. Keep in mind that any unit of Ripperdactyls can use any Toad for the Toad Rage rule.

    Remember the rules for Inspiring Presence and Stand Your Ground rules. They are 18" instead of 12" and that on its own is very powerful. Do not forget your Terror tests. I was not used to that and after a while my buddies just got annoyed at the amount of times I said "yeaaa you gotta take that fear test again". Also, Terror causes Fear in Fear causing units.

    Challenge with those Carnosaurs! Not many characters will kill a Carnosaur in one combat phase. So even when you know you are pretty screwed in the challenge there is always a chance to get one of those juicy D3 wounds through. Read Zagreekies tactics on why you should challenge.

    Expect to lose your Carnosaurs though. A unit of White Lions will usually kill a Carnosaur after the second turn of combat, if unlucky it dies before it strikes. Thats why it is so important to charge in both Carnosaurs, or at least have backup from rippers in the rear or Saurus Warriors in the front. If you are absolutely forced to charge a unit like that, charge in the Oldblood. Crown of Command can keep it in place for a very long time if you get some lucky rolls. I've had that guy hold a unit of 35 White Lions for 3 turns after his Carno got mashed. Granted I had some luck in the rolls but hey this is Warhammer :p

    If you play to win (which I assume you do at a tournament) a list like that is pretty manoeverable. You can avoid unfavorable matchups with blocks you can't handle in combat. Because of this the list becomes a bit of MSU style. Grab easy points, avoid large blocks. Movement shenanigans, buildings and chaff are your friend. For instance I would avoid Deathstars, kill everything else and then maybe, just maybe attack the Deathstar.

    Good luck on that tournament!
  3. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    I made a list of what I see as a relatively effective Dual Carno list. Keep in mind I have no clue about ETC restrictions and penalties. Here goes:


    Saurus Oldblood
    Carnosaur, Bloodroar, Loping Stride
    GW, Armor of Destiny, Crown of Command, Luckstone


    Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Carnosaur, Bloodroar, Loping Stride
    GW, Charmed Shield, Talisman of Preservation, Light Armor

    Skink Priest
    Lvl 1 Lore of Heavens
    Dispel Scroll

    Skink Priest
    Lvl 1 Lore of Beasts
    Cube of Darkness


    40x Saurus Warriors, Full command
    10x Skink Cohort
    10x Skink Skirmisher (Jav&Shield)
    10x Skink Skirmisher (Jav&Shield)


    Solar Engine

    4x Ripperdactyl Rider
    4x Ripperdactyl Rider
    4x Ripperdactyl Rider

    That comes at 2396. You could possibly drop the Beast mage for a unit of 7 Chameleons which can also be very useful to kill those Warmachines which are the biggest threat to this list. But giving your enemy 3 important spells to dispell can be a big advantage. S5 T5 Saurus Warriors anyone?
  4. Blastoize
    Cold One

    Blastoize Well-Known Member

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    Hey hey,
    thanks for awesome replies! .)

    Thanks for tips! Appreciated! Yes, I did check Zagreekies guide and (probably) all the others Dual Carno tacticas.
    My bad with Scar-Vet - he HAS Bloodroar and Loopingstride, it just somehow got lost when I was re-writing it to the browser from my Battlescribe phone-app.
    Strangely enough I am not going on that tourney to win .) I am just going to have fun and enjoy one of the (most probably) last 8th tourneys.
    I have been playing Skaven since 6th (maybe 5th) ed. and I am finding myself to still struggle a bit with switching palystyles (also I have never been a tournament or competitive palyer, just played inside my gaming group). I also played few games with my lizzies, mainly low format battles though and never have fielded Slann since I don't own one. I tried simmilar list with TettoEko, but don't wanna play him this time around.
    Moreover I only have 3 Rippers now (will probably buy another pack, which will kick me to 6 rippers - still not enough to field 2 units of 4).

    What I do have is 2 Stegadons, 1 Bastiladon, 1 Carnosaur, 3 Rippers, some Saurus (20ish - more are on the way), about 30 skinks (more are on the way) and 8 Saurus Cold One Cavalry + 1 skink priest and TettoEko.
    I am trying to minimize the need to buy more for this tourney, but hell, it might happen .)
    6th ed. KroGar is on its way along with (possibly) some chamo skinks.

    18" bubble is awesome and so is Terror therefore I hope I will not face many Immune to psychology lists (so much of those these days with Vampires, Daemons and simmilar nastines so often seen around).
    I am not sure if I will get my spells through with my 2 priests and Bastiladon/EotG.

    Do you think in a case I dont get my Rippers in I shuld sacrifice something for Skirmish Skinks to get at least some chaffing/redirecting potential?
    Thanks .)
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  5. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    To be fair the spells are just there because you you needed mages for a dispel scroll / cube. If you want to get a spell off you're probably going to have to 6dice one :p

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