7th Ed. Need advice

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by FireLordZero, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. FireLordZero

    FireLordZero New Member

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    I need advice on what I should get next I currently have 8 cavalry, 24 skinks, 24 saurus, Chakax, a stegadon, and a terradon rider I'm debating on whether I should go for a slamander, Kroq gar, or chameleon skinks
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Don't buy charmeleon skinks... Just convert them from normal plastic skinks, much cheaper.

    Write a few small lists and play a few games and see what you like using. Everyone has their own style and units that they like using. You have a good start, and out of the options you suggest I would probably say a salamander would be the best buy, though filling out that terradon unit would be pretty high up there.

    Welcome to the forum, and good luck!
  3. FireLordZero

    FireLordZero New Member

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    Thank you I think i'm going to get the salamander, also are the razordon's any good?
  4. blackhawk
    Chameleon Skink

    blackhawk Member

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    well sallies en razies are heavily debated. everyone thinsk or sallies are best or razzies are best. i personally think razordons are better.

    th eproblem with salamanders is their inaccuracy and low S. bu ton th eother hand if they wound htey probally will kill anything

    razordons have highers strength and are way better for protecting flanks becouse of their multiple art. dice when charged.
  5. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    I'd say you can convert any skink guys from regular skink... Like my skink chars. :smug:
    (just take a look in the converting section for "Lizardmen painting blog ^^")

    But I'd say get some more saurus! 16 more and you got 2 perfectly sized units. ;)

  6. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Salamanders are innacurate? You don't even need to roll to hit, just drop the flame template out and roll artillery for its distance. If you line it up ok, part of it will hit something, the flame template is quite large. And with even one wound, you are forcing a panic check. Never underestimate that, it is a very good and useful ability to have. I had a TK screaming skull catapult inflict a wound on a unit of empire greatswords with the general and a BSB on turn 1 once, they failed the panic check and fled straight off the board.

    On the other hand, razordons do need to roll to hit and have been a bit screwed over in the new FAQ. If they get charged, and one of the two artillery dice is a misfire, the results of the other one are ignored. So there is a very good chance (one in three from one razordon, a pack of 3 will misfire almost once every time) that it will misfire, kill skinks and do no damage to the opponent.

    @hellbreaker, yep but I got my skink characters from the steg kit anyway. Or combining parts between steg kit and skink kit should give you a few cool unique characters.
  7. Klladdy

    Klladdy New Member

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    First off, i don't agree with what i have seen of the FAQ. I check the rule book and it said that THE razordon does not fire that turn... so i think that it was meant to just be 1 razordon (I really like the way razordons look and don't what them to be horrible). I can still see these guys as a anchor without that holding them back.

    Second, this is a bit off topic but i was looking at the slann's entry and saw (under guardian special rule) and say a sentence that says "Because of this, his line of sight is worked out as if the Mage-Priest himself was a large target." Does this mean that he counts as a large target for HIS line of sight but not the enemie's even outside of a temple guard. I didn't see a single thing in that sentence that says that the slann must be in a unit of tempe guard... Does the FAQ say anything about this??? Right now i can't open the link to the FAQ because of a fliter at the place im staying (im traveling right now).
  8. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    I know that the razordon issue has been discussed in detail in the FAQ thread. When combined with the context from the original rulebook the FAQ supports your statement (the single razordon does not fire). Stewart isn't saying anything else. We've established that the verbage used in the FAQ has not really done much to clarify what the actual rules mean and really muddied the waters more than clearing them up.

    The FAQ does deal with the Slann LOS issue and it is in relationship to the TG unit. Firstly, the Slann does not count as a large target, ever. The FAQ addresses the question like this:

    The LM rulebook has this to say:

    Meaning that he doesn't rise on his palanquin if he's in the front rank. Firstly, I can see why clarification was needed to a certian point. But it does clearly state what happens in the rules (from what I can see). The bigger problem is that the FAQ points you towards the TG rules, in which these statements are no where to be found. This is all taken from the Slann descriptions and rules instead of the TG (thanks GW).

    Before I come off as overly critical of the new FAQ, I'll give you the short answer.

    The Slann is only placed in the 2nd rank and may cast spells as a large target, only if he is in a unit of temple guard (of sufficient size to allow him to remain in the 2nd rank). No FAQ is needed to answer this question.
  9. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    In this thread, I did not try to claim that the whole unit didn't shoot. The mere fact that a razordon loses both his dice for a single misfire is enough to weaken them well below the level of salamanders. There has been some discussion as to whether the whole unit cannot shoot as Barotok mentioned, but I think its pretty safe to say that it is just the 1 razordon.

    And unfortunately, the Slann's large target LoS only works from in the second rank of a TG unit, but it doesn't allow enemies to see him.
  10. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    to get back on topic, i would proxy the units you are considering using, and even some of the ones your not thinking of, and see what works for you, (most places and groups will allow this) and simply go from there i know that is not a very definitive answer, but to me it is the most resonable one and will give you what you want

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