AoS Skinks + Misc. rules

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Khelandros, Aug 18, 2015.

  1. Khelandros
    Cold One

    Khelandros Active Member

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    Came up with the following questions recently:
    1) Does a Skink priest with priestly trappings have missile attacks?
    2) Does a Skink chief with blowpipe have a melee weapon?
    3) Can flying creatures perform a "run" move?
    4) Do friendly models outside of your current unit block line of sight?
    5) What is the significance of being able to climb over terrain but not move across it? Can my Stegadon move/retreat over a castle wall, or are we suppose to make arbitrary decisions based on terrain height/models?

    6) Do summoned ripperdactyls come with new bloat toads?
    7) Does the Saurus Oldblood's buff affect himself?
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2015
  2. is4evrdead
    Cold One

    is4evrdead Active Member

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    1.The description words it as it wouldn't but its not that clear imo so id talk it over with whoever your playing wether or not he gets it

    2. for the chief i don't see why not again the description words it as "also" which suggests you can take a melee weapon as well as a blowpipe

    3. nothing in the rules say u can't though that's another one i would talk over with my opponent

    6. their warscroll states blottoads can only be placed during your first hero phase for each unit of ripperdactyls on the field

    7. most effects I've read like his normally state the user in the effect if it includes them so i would to say probably not

    Of course i could be mistaken on these but otherwise hope it helps.

    p.s sorry bout 4&5 I'm honestly not sure on those
  3. Korloq Huan

    Korloq Huan Member

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    1) If you read the Description for the skink priest it says some go to war with a cloak of feathers and Azyrite gem (which does the star bolts), while others carry trappings. Therefore you can either have one or the other. I think the way they've done it, is that you can either have a zappy attacky priest, or a buff monkey priest.
    2) Again, if you read the Description, it reads "Some Skink Chiefs also spit darts from a blowpipe". This means they have either a club or sickle, plus a blowpipe if you want one.
    3) Flying just seems to allow you to move through units, so I would think you'd still be able to run. Just picture it as the flaying unit putting on a burst of speed. I'd discuss it with your opponent though (as is4evrdead said)
    4) I would say no to this one as there doesn't seem to be any rule saying friendly units block line of site. The same is true with 40k, and I think GW is trying to make the mechanics similar so it is easier to switch between the two.
    5) Going along with the 40k vein, in that system, if your model/vehicle can't fit through the gap or physically fit through the terrain, it can't go through. I'd play it like that. Logically a Stegodon or Carnosaur wouldn't be able to climb over a castle wall, whereas a Ripperdactyl would. Thats how i would play it
    6) I've checked this and sadly the answer is no :( Bloat toads are set up in the first hero phase, so any units summoned would not be able to place any more bloat toads. Its poop I know.
    7) Since the description of it talks about lesser kin being affected, I would say no. :(

    Hope this helps :)
  4. Khelandros
    Cold One

    Khelandros Active Member

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    According to the rules, "the number of attacks a model can make is determined by the weapons that it is armed with." Yet the old GW figure has neither of those weapons by default. It almost feels like you either have to add a weapon bit to the model or arbitrary claim he has a default weapon. So... can I start adding blowpipes to all the melee chief models then?

    Here's what I don't get: how can you fail to have line of sight in this game? If units don't block line of sight, it pretty much feels like casting is determined on a "target within range" basis. Other battle reports I've seen on YouTube rarely check line of sight as well. Are you blocked by terrain only or something?

    This seems to be the case. The Scar Veteran with Standard Bearer has wording that includes himself in his bubble buff. Kinda makes me sad about the Skink Priest with priestly trappings: no ranged attacks and excludes himself from bubble...

    The rest I totally agree with, but it would be nice if GW did an FAQ and errata at some point; even the base rules leave confusion to me at times.
  5. Korloq Huan

    Korloq Huan Member

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    Since those models were modelled for WFB, they would model them according, so there is no surprise they don't have both weapons.
    Yup. If you haven't modelled one on then just make sure to tell your opponent that the chief is equipped with one.
    I would say yes to that. Just use a bit of common sense in deciding whether you can see through a particular bit of terrain. For example you refs wouldn't be able to see through a castle wall, but you might be able to see through the Citadel Woods. That way it will make everything make a bit more sense.
    Yeah It makes me sad too, but I can see what they're trying to achieve with having two differently specced priests.

    AoS will definitely need an FAQ, or have an errata that states when they'll update the war scrolls (cos it's very easy fir them to update the scrolls).

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