8th Ed. The Lore of the Old Ones

Discussion in 'House Rules' started by Lord_Itzi-Bitzi, Aug 27, 2015.

  1. Lord_Itzi-Bitzi

    Lord_Itzi-Bitzi Active Member

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    Hello guys!
    First of all sorry if my english isn't the best...I don't have english rulebooks because I'm from Germany so I had to translate a few words from german into english... At the moment I also have holidays and school only starts in one and a half week so that's another modification on my language skills ;)

    But now the real reason for my writing: I always wanted an own magic lore for the Lizardmen because the Slann are always called to be the most powerful mages in Warhammer. So I was very happy when the new Lizardmen rulebook came out with a new lore of magic... but only a few months later my friend's Woodelves got an upgrade and they got the same lore like the Lizardmen plus another own lore... So I don't think this is fair and I had a lot of ideas for spells which I personally miss in Warhammer...for example: Water spells, spells with visions of the future,a spirit of the jungle spell and ice spells...
    But my problem is that I don't had enough ideas for 6 spells and a basespell... I also don't want this spells to be too powerful so that my friends accept them and that they don't become unfair...
    So I need some inspiration

    Here my first ideas: The Lore of the Old Ones (only Slanns can use this lore)

    Loreattribute: When a Slann casts a spell from The Lore of the Old Ones he gets visions of the great plan of the Old Ones...
    After a spell is successfully casted a friendly unit within 12 inches of the Slann can make a normal movement or reform action. The Slann can also decide to save one of his spelldices for a later magicphase as spell- or dispelldice.

    Basespell: The Will of the Old Ones
    The Slann awakes the power of long past times in his troops...
    (Supportspell energylevel 7) A friendly unit within 12 inches gets +1 to hit until the next magicphase of the Slann (closecombat and shooting). If the unit has the rule "predatory fighter ", than this rule is put in to effect on a 5+.

    Spell 1:Sotek's wrath
    The Slann asks for Sotek's help and a flew of snakes answer him...
    (Supportspell energylevel 10) A friendly unit within 12 inches gets the rule "poison attacks" for the rest of the game (closecombat and shooting). If the unit already has "poison attacks" this rule is put in to effect on a 5+.
    On the end of every Closecombatphase every unit of the enemy which is in basecontact with the unit suffers 2D6 hits with strength 2 which also counts for combatresolution.

    At the moment I am working on a frost and a waterspell, but I don't only need ideas...I need suggestions for what the spells could do! So if you have some ideas for spells or for what they could do please write it down here and help me. At the end I will post the whole Lore here.

    Thank you very much for your help and inspiration:)
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    for water you could go with either a monsoon/hurricane type of spell,
    or go for a heavy fog type of thing.

    for either one, you could have them nerf enemy shooting (half range)
    and have black powder weapons only work on a 4+ roll for each attempt.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    Great initiative Lord_Itzi-Bitzi

    That is extremely powerful, and extra move every time you cast a spell, and you can save powerdice to dispelldice if you know something bad si coming your way at some point. That has to be toned down, honestly I think you might need to find another lore attribute. This could work as a spell maybe, but as an attribute I think it is too powerful.

    The spell is alright, but I think it too cheap to cast. It would be really powerfull on anything Saurus, as +1 to hit is more offensively versatile than a boost in WS.
    You could split this up into two spells.

    You really like those powerful spells ;). I have nothing against that, but I think this spell does too much for its energylevel. Maybe change the poisoned attacks to remains in play instead.

    isn't that basically Tempest from High Magic ;)

    As the Slann have been known to change landscapes, you could make a spell where you could make a small pond or river.

    What about the old Mazdamundi earthquake-thingy spell.
    Gogery likes this.
  4. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    ... is it ?
    I was thinking of the weather conditions in the Lustria campaign book. :meh:

    Yea, you could do some geomancy inspired spells,
    Earthquake: draw a line from the caster to a point on the edge of the table.
    all units in it's path take an IN test or die or maybe D3 ST 10 hit ?
    Earthquake: draw a line from the caster to a point on the edge of the table.
    all terrain in its path is moved (auxiliary die + scatter die)
    if terrain ends in movement on a unit, move the unit with it and it takes a dangerous terrain test.
    units inside buildings that moved take an additional dangerous terrain test.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2015
  5. Lord_Itzi-Bitzi

    Lord_Itzi-Bitzi Active Member

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    I think a tempest spell could be a good idea for a water spell... In the rulebook for "Warhammer Thanquol" Tehenhauin summons a tempest while the Skaven trie to siege Itza. Because of all the rain the ground turns into a swamp and many Skaven drowned...
    @ASSASSIN_NR_1 Do you think the basespell would be okay with energylevel 12 ?

    Now I have to write down some ideas and maybe trie to make them not so powerful;) Thank you for your feedback and ideas so far.
    I will probably update this lore and its spells tomorrow :) but if you have more ideas feel free to write them down:D

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    I think that is all right.
    I am by no means an expert, I mean you are getting ideas from our forum's Slann, so those are most likely worth more, also because he probably have been in the hobby way longer than I have.

    You could also make the predatory fighter thing a boosted version of the basespell, that could be the energylevel 12 version, while the +1 to hit could be 7 (or something like that).
  7. Lord_Itzi-Bitzi

    Lord_Itzi-Bitzi Active Member

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    Hello guys! I`m very sorry that I didn`t updated this lore as I promised...but I was very busy the last two days...but I will make this up in the next few days... At the moment I have 4 spells which seem to be fair and 1 that could be a little bit op :D but more of this in the next days...
  8. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    It's a really good idea. Considering the state of the game, now is a pretty good time for such a thing. But I think you should tailor the spells toward LM a bit more. I can see that's what you are trying to do, but make sure you make use of the skink priest rule Arcane Vessal. That would be like a LM's dream come true.

    That Lore attribute is scary powerful considering you gave the other spells such low casting values.

    Instead, I think you should choose one of the two effects and lower it's utility. Something like:
    I think something like the first is way more interesting.

    I think the signature should be toned down a bit too. And have a bit of utility. Something that any LM can use and is specific to LM. Something like this:
    Again pretty powerful. Just make it a remains in play and it's probably good. Something the opponant can dispel. And possibly give it an 8 or 9 casting value so it can be dispelled on 1 die regularly.

    Some ideas for spells that make use of Arcane Vessal:
    Rough ideas. Numbers should vary, but you'll get the idea.
    Casting value: 11
    Range: 10"
    Type: Magic Missile
    Target enemy unit within 10" suffers 2D6 str4 hits. If the target unit is 12" or further from the Wizard, the target instead suffers 2D6 str6 hits. The caster may choose to increase this spells range to 18". If he does, the casting value is increased to 18.

    (since the range is 10 and the strength boost comes after 12, you will either need to boost the spell's casting value OR use a skink priest to trace line of sight.)


    Casting value: 15
    Range: 18"
    Type: Direct Damage
    Target enemy unit within 18" suffers 2D6 str6 hits. Additionally the Wizard explodes with power. All enemy units within 2" of the wizard suffer D3 str10 hits.

    (Since the str10 hits range is only 2, the easiest way to pull off the additional hits would be to engage in close combat with your slann's unit. You can cast Direct Damage spells while in close combat by using the skink to trace line of sight.)

    few more ideas, something anti Skaven without it being directly added to the spell.
    Something like:
    Casting value: 14
    Target enemy unit within 12" suffers D3 str3 hits for each rank of 5 or more in the unit. Additionally if more than 5 wounds are suffered, the unit must pass a panic test or flee at a -2 to it's leadership.

    (skaven generally have at least 1 unit with a lot of ranks and supposedly have a leadership weakness)

    Something water themed:
    Casting value: 18
    Target enemy unit within 12" suffers 2D6 str4 hits. If the target unit is partially in a water feature, every model must then pass an initiative test or be washed away. No save of any kind is allowed. If the wizard is in a water feature and the casting value was achieved, return the power dice used to cast this spell to your pool even if the spell is dispelled.

    (At a casting value of 18 for 2D6 str4 hits is pretty unimpressive. BUT if your slann is in a water feature, it is 2D6 free hits as long as you reach the casting value. Still risky enough because you could miscast throwing all your dice. And at 18, making your enemy pass an initiative test or die, is rather powerful. But not broken considering it is conditional. Although, if both occur it would easily be too powerful. But how hard would that be to pull off? And on a unit that actually matters? It's worth making both possible just to think about how powerful it would be if someone could pull it off.)
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2015
    Lord_Itzi-Bitzi likes this.
  9. Lord_Itzi-Bitzi

    Lord_Itzi-Bitzi Active Member

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    Okay guys... At the moment I can't update this Lore like I wanted because it's much more work than I expected during school and I am soooooo much more lazy in writing and testing new spells than I expected :D
    But I have two new spells which I think are good (the other two spells weren't as fair/cool aus I thought )
    Thunderbolt: (basicly inspired by Danbot (thank you very much :D) and this picture): image.jpg (energylevel 11 Magic missile) An enemy unit within 10" suffers 2D6 str4 hits. If the enemy unit is 12" or further from the wizard who casts the spell the unit suffers 2D6 str6 hits. For every rank the enemy unit loses in cause of this spell it suffers -1 ballistic skill and weapon skill until the next magic phase of the wizard. The wizard may choose to increase the spells range to 18".if he does the casting value increases to 18.

    Konvokation of the Lightning Sun:(this should probably be the ultimate spell number 6 )
    (energylevel 20 Direct Damage) This spell can even hit a target which is in closecombat!
    Every enemy unit within 8" of the wizard suffers 2D6 + the total of all powerdice spend on casting this spell; hits str 4
    After this every enemy model within 5" has to pass a toughtness test or suffers a str10 hit.

    This spell was inspired by this picture:
    image.jpg Thank you for Feedback :) there are more spells in progress... ^^

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  10. Nahuontl
    Jungle Swarm

    Nahuontl New Member

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    I've made my own lore of lustria so here it is: Lore attribute (reptile savagery) every time a spell from the Lore of Lustria is cast, choose a Cold-Blooded unit within 12" and roll a D6. On a 6+ the unit gains Frenzy and the unit gains the Predatory Fighter for a turn. If the unit already has Frenzy, it gains +1 attack. If the unit already has predatory fighter, it comes into effect on a 5+
    Signature spell:Carnivorous Lustria-12 + :Remains in Play-All terrain on the board becomes dangerous terrain for all units without the Cold-Blooded rule. All dangerous terrain becomes impassable terrain except for Cold-Blooded units. Every model present on dangerous terrain when the spell is cast must pass an I test or take a S6 hit, after which the remainder of the unit must be wholly placed outside the terrain feature, on the side on which there was the most models
    1:Cleansing Sun-9+:every unit within the front arc of the caster and within 12" suffers a -1 to hit penalty for one turn. Any Chaos or Undead unit suffers 2D6 Flaming S1 hits
    2: Portal gate of the Cosmos:15+: Remain in Play vortex. Place the small round template anywhere on the board, and scatter it. On a misfire place the template over the caster. All models hit must take a S test or be removed from play. Every turn until it is dispelled roll for scatter. If cast on a 21+ it uses the large round template instead
    3:Snake poisons:-9+:for one turn a friendly Cold-Blooded unit within 12" has the Poisoned Attack rule. If cast on a 12+ the unit also gets +1M and +1I. If cast on a 15+, the unit gains the Poisoned Attack rule and +2M and +2I
    4:Crackling dome of the temple-cities-15+:augment-any enemy unit within 6" of the caster take D6 S5 hits, before leaving the 6" circle around the caster when the spell is cast. Until the start of the next friendly magic phase, if another enemy unit moves within 6", they take D6 S5 hits before leaving the circle by the shortest route.
    5:Blessed star of the Old Ones- 21+:All units with the Cold-Blooded rule on the table gain Stubborn and +1 Ws,Bs,I,S till the start of the next friendly magic phase
    6:The Great Warding-21+:every Chaos or Undead unit on the table takes D6 S5 hits. Also all spells suffer a -5 penalty to the casting total until the start of the next friendly magic phase
    Lord_Itzi-Bitzi likes this.
  11. Nahuontl
    Jungle Swarm

    Nahuontl New Member

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    I'm not sure about the poisoned spell just wanted to represent fast hit and run tactics of Tehenhauin /Sotek/snakes. Also tell me if the spells cost too little
  12. Nahuontl
    Jungle Swarm

    Nahuontl New Member

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    Skink priests would be able to use it and i think Slaan might be able to know all the spells for free.
  13. Lord_Itzi-Bitzi

    Lord_Itzi-Bitzi Active Member

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    Okay... I still have no spell number 5... I tried to make a tempest spell but I couldnt just make the whole playtable to a swamp...or could I ? ;).. But I think the other spells are good... I still have to test them with my friends but I think they are balanced... ( only spell 6 could be to powerful but its the ultimate awesome super spell number 6!!!)
    So: THE LORE OF THE OLD ONES (finaly) A Slann can use spells of this Lore
    Lore attribute: Energy Lines
    After successfully casting a spell but before your opponent chooses to dispel, you may add D3 to your casting results.

    Basespell: The Will of the Old Ones
    The Slann awakes the power of long passed times in his troops... (supportspell casting value 7) A friendly unit within 12 inches gets +1 to hit until the next magic phase of the Slann (closecombat and shooting). The Slann may choose to cast this spell with a casting value of 12 to put the effect of the rule "predatory fighter" in to effect on a 5+ if the unit has this rule.

    1. Protective Konvokation
    The Slann protects his troops with an ancient shield...( supportspell remains in play casting value 8) A friendly unit within 12 inches receives a ward save of 6+ and magic resistance (3).

    2. Vision of the Great Plan
    The Slann concentrates himself to see what the Old Ones had planned...( supportspell casting value 9) A friendly unit within 12 inches of the Slann can make a normal movement or reform action. The unit doesn't has to pass dangerous terraing tests during this action. The Slann can also decide to save one of his spelldices for a later magicphase as spell- or dispelldice.

    3. Rain of Frogs
    The Slann summons exploding frogs on his enemies...( direct damage casting value 9) Place the flame pattern in front of the Slann. Every enemy model under the pattern suffers a strength 3 hit with the rule "flameattacks" even if the model is in closecombat!

    The Slann summons a magical sphere of lightning... ( magic missile casting value 11) Place the 3 inches pattern on an enemy unit within 10 inches. Every model under the pattern suffers a strenght 4 hit. If the unti is12 inches further from the mage who casts the spell every model suffers a strength 6 hit. The mage may choose to increase the spells range to 18 inches. If he does the casting value increases to 18.

    5....... work in progress I guess..........

    6. Konvokation of Thunder
    The Slann summons lightning suns that slay every unfortunate enemy on a cruel but fascinating way...(direct damage casting value 21) Place the 5 inches pattern on the Slann and move it 1 to 5 D6 in a straight line from the Slann. A miscast happens on a double 1. Every model that was touched by the pattern suffers a strength 5 hit even if the model is in combat! When a miscast happens you have to place the pattern on the Slann and every model under the pattern suffers a strength 6 hit.

    Yeah... that are the spells until now... Thanks for all your help and ideas until yet and especially for waiting...
    I really hope the spells are okay because I wanted to create a cool Lore for the Lizardmen after every Warhammer book told you how powerful and special Slanns are... I would still be happy about feedback even if Warhammer like I loved it has passed and AoS arrived... I will keep playing Warhammer Fantasy with my friends because I like it much more but I guess thats another thing;)
    So again Thank You very much, best wishes and see you later...
    n810 likes this.

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