Fiction Expedition to the Ancients

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by The Sauric Ace, May 3, 2015.

  1. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    So I have been doing some more writings,
    This piece will probably be a more ongoing thing, hopefully not that long though, perhaps two three chapters al-a-round. This is more due to the fact that I tend to neglect older projects, so I want to get it done, before it never does.
  2. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    Chapter I

    The beach was a welcoming color pallet of green and sand, the water clear blue and so pure that one could easily see every fish and coral living there. Not long out, when the small gulf became part of the massive ocean and would stretch as far as the naked eye could see, a ship had anchored. It was a big three mast ship, its large sails had been folded and set tight and the crew had begun their collective routine when settling for unexplored land. A rowboat was already on its way into land, on it was to be found five men, two of them was rowing, while the rest were examining, what seemed to be an ancient map.
    " I tell you, this is not the right position," a man wearing a small hat made of leather, shading most of his face, "It should be right here, I'm quite sure of it. Look at the rock formations!" The man with the map proclaimed. He was shorter and stouter than the rest of the men, with a less ravage face and clothing that seemed finer, without being specifically of high stature, yet still noticeable around the rest of the sailors garments. "We just need to make sure we can find the passage and it shouldn't be that long." The map reader continued to convince his fellow comrades, "You see we don't want to go too far into these jungles-" "HAH! Are you afraid of some bugs and slugs, professor?" A tall and slender man in the front of the boat proclaimed, almost cutting the professors last word in half, "I tell you, the stories of the new lands are of ancient decent, we have been here many times before. There are no monsters lurking here, only tales sailors tell other to make them stay away from the goods." He continued in a gloating manner.
    " I get that the stories of Old Ones and magic toads are of times where men didn't knew better, but there's still venomous snakes and spiders, large reptiles extinct from the rest of the world, captain.
    " Beside we wouldn't want to run into any Skeggi men, I hear their camps are not far from here." The Professor toke up a watch from his pocket, it was of glimmering silver with beautiful crafted patterns around the sides. He held it towards the sun while attempting to read the time.
    " Just what I thought. We should be at the proper altitude and latitude, that's the beauty of this little clockwork wonder."
    " Are we there soon?" one of the men rowing the boat asked, " Soon, just keep it up, sailor" The captain replied him.
    They landed not soon after, and helped each other out of the clear water and unto the shores. The sand was of such fine quality that they could walk barefooted and feel as they were walking on clouds. However none of the men had any time to find themselves that luxury. The captain and the professor had already begun exploring the possible options of routes into the jungle.
    "So Captain Lindburg, what do you find the most suiting approach?" The professor asked after some time passing with both of them having examined multiple option and made sure that the map was seemingly up to date. "I would say that we should go through the northern passage, that way it seem as we can keep a high ground, I know how these jungles can be deceiving. We want to be able of looking ahead of us for as long as possible."
    " I thought the same thing. However the bounty would be difficult, if not impossible to get with the same way back." The professor seemed to have already made up an alternative in his mind, " But maybe that the good captain has an idea, I myself would go straight through the rock passage and then leave the way we carve ourselves throughout the jungle vegetation.
    " Far easier than having to make it for two distinct routes. One forth and one back." He continued while using the map to explain the situation.
    " No deal," The captain quickly replied him, "We do not want to be caught in a situation with no mean of escape and especially not a place, with such a likelihood of an ambush."
    " I thought there were no need for safety in these, oh-so quite jungles." The professor smiled to the tall captain, whom didn't seem to share his humor, but altogether did understand the reasoning behind the slight mockery. "Well, you said it yourselves, the Skeggi camp isn't far from here." The captain said, clearly attempting to make a reasoning for his previous statement. He knew that he had perhaps boasted a bit too much about his indifference to the dangers of the jungle. A uncertainty of which the professor found a pleasure in the remainder of their expedition.
    They took their boat into the water again, a again with similar roles in the vessel has before; The captain were in front, the two rows men and the Professor and the other man, of whom were the pilot, in the back.
    Back onboard the night was spent with tales of wonders and many fables of the new world jungles, the men told how in olden days, men had arrived to the lands and found it inhabited by lizard like folk, with scales instead of skins and tails, claws and fangs. The professor listen to the stories, but his learned mind knew better then to believe such odd tales. He went to his bunkers after an especially silly story about mummified toad, coming back to live and casting powerful magic. The professor had to shrug his head and stop himself laughing out loud about the mere silliness. Back home the fairytales about the undead was at least about people coming back from the dead. Not more scientific accurate of course, but a dead big toad wielding magic, seem so farfetched that it had to have been made up, while they were out exploring the land today.
    "Silly sailor story" He calmly said before he went to bed, to the pilot already laying down after a cup of rum too much. "I don't know, I kind of want to see a big toad, like that." The pilot attempted to speak the words, though they fumbled out of his mouth and the meaning of the sentence were almost impossible to deduce by the professor.
  3. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    I have the feeling this is not going to end well...

    Looking forward to the inevitable.
  4. Rednax
    Cold One

    Rednax Active Member

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    Death to the warm bloods!

    Nice story, keen to see MOAR

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