9th Age The new bastiladons 9th ed.

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by skink chief, Sep 18, 2015.


go back to the old ones?

  1. yes

    1 vote(s)
  2. no

    3 vote(s)
  3. no, but I would like to see the new ones changed aswell

    4 vote(s)
  1. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    The 8th Age Bastilladons are found in our armybook page 48-49

    We had the Solar engine giving a +1 Initiative 6inch bubble with a bound spell for 150pts.

    And then there was the Ark of sotek: It spawned Jungle swarms and had a ranged attack, range d6 inch, enemy units hit take 2d6 strength 2 hits, as distributed for shooting ( also 150pts).

    The 9th age bastilladons:

    Sun Engine 90pts): Bound spell burning gaze ( 1D6 S4/S6 hits or if daemons/undead are the target 2D6 S4/S6 hits). The engine also gives a 6inch bubble buff of +1WS.

    Alter of the snake gods (110pts): Buff Bubble of 6 inch, giving all friendly units in the bubble poisen attacks.

    Pls fill in the poll and explain to us your choice.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015
  2. Trociu
    Chameleon Skink

    Trociu Active Member

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    I think that old ones should go back to us :)

    But seriously, I like the change but it is too powerful for this price, and should be possible to assemble in two ways with different possibilities. Arkadon was weak because he provided support rule for support units (swarms). It was fluffy, but useless. Now its not fluffy but usable.
  3. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Remember that this is a temporary solution. I will push hard for fluff since all our newest 8th edition units basically got their fluff shafted (no snakes, no egg, an engine on the troglodon lol..).

    And then there's the Slann..
  4. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    I'm very sorry. I have made these threads half-*ssed and had to go rather quickly. If someone wants to take over so they can fill in more information on the rules then pls be my guest since I am not near a pc untill tomorrow morning. I do apolegize for this.
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    no worries. ;)
    Pinktaco likes this.
  6. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Added more information. ( wasn't in the pub as long as I thought I would be :p)
  7. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Voted option 3 but I'm pretty close to say go to the old ones.

    The solar engine: I liked the +1I buff but.. it had no effect on our saurus warriors. So if our saurus warriors got +1int in their statline I would like that back. If we got a direct buff from the sacred spawnings then ofc this is rather unnesesary*.
    The spell we got now is oke for me. It perfectly fits our fluff but doesnt offer that much more.
    Then here is my biggest issue with this new one. It makes no sense fluffwise to give a 6inch bubble +1WS. It makes our monster just a buffwagon, something I don't like. +1I was also a buff.. but very different, very less effective and definatly not a MUST take in our army lists. This new one is... this makes our lists pretty predictable.. boring...

    The snake god engine: giving poisen I must say... again I don't like it. Makes little sense to me, and yes also our jungle swarms giving poisen attacks made not too much sense to me. If they would say, the enemy is bussy with watching out for poisenous snakes at their feet giving them some negative effects like Initiative 1, or they must reroll 6es to hit, or they lose a WS because they are simply worrying about the snakes at their feet or something like that, it would be a better fit for me.
    My 2nd point: it does nothing else so again just a buffwagon... I do not like this and would not want to play my monsters like this.

    My pov offcourse.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    The snake one could have the poisoned attacks, but maybe it could work like Jungle swarms, as it basically is the same thing with They are everywhere.
    The snakes could also just work like Tehenhauins snakes, so the Bastiladon just gets some more attacks.
    It has to have some kind of buff I think, but what exactly might not be the easiest thing to find out, if it has to be useful and fit the fluf.

    In a way I think the +1 WS makes sense. It is the heat from the engine that does it, and we are cold blooded, so the heat would make us more active, and WS can also be described as how hard someone fights, the initiative boost made more sense though. If we get spawnings, dependeing on the spawnings, the +1 WS might be too much, as again (dependeing on the spawnings), we could get Saurus with WS 5, that might be too much.

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