8th Ed. Possible tournament list? 2400 points

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Nukes4life, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. Nukes4life

    Nukes4life Member

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    Hey everybody, there is a local tournament of 8th edition warhammer without the End Times rules and I am planning on competing. I just started so I know chances of doing good are slim but it should be a lot of fun.
    Here's what I got right now:

    Slann: BSB, Focus of Mystery, Harmonic Convergence, Soul of Stone, Channeling Staff

    Scar vet: GW, CO, Crown of Command, Dragonhelm, light armour and shield (i know he cant use the shield in combat)
    Scar vet: GW, Armour of Destiny
    Skink priest lvl 1: Scroll
    Skink priest lvl 1: Cube

    26 Saurus FC
    2X 10 skinks
    2X 11 skinks

    Stegadon no upgrades
    22 Temple Guard: FC

    Ancient stegadon with blowpipes no upgrades
    Salamander with snack

    I wanted some insight on this list and possible chances I could make. I also have three terradon, 2 stegadon I can convert to all options, some cold ones and 2 more salamanders.
  2. rantapanda

    rantapanda Member

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    Im not loving the list too much. High Magic overall isnt good in my opinion, I prefer wandering deliberations. Double scroll is good. and Channeling slann is always nice. Imo the best discipline a slann can get is Becalming Cogitations. Makes your magic defense just that much better.
    Im not in love with regular sauruses, Im afraid they will not do much for you. Perhaps just more skinks.
    I have a feeling you need more TG if you want to run them. and you need something to buff them in combat.
    Steggies are pretty much useless. no swiftstride, 3 attacks and the chance you roll 1 on the impact hits, just hurts them too much for the points. their shooting doesnt do much.
    Sallies are nice.
    Skinkies are best ^^
  3. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Think that if you are going to a tournament, you will not have a lot of succes with the list as it is standing if the lineup is strong. I will go past the entries of your army point by point, and i will review them as if you are in a normal meta, so that means WOC and DE with Princes.

    Slann: BSB, Focus of Mystery, Harmonic Convergence, Soul of Stone, Channeling Staff. Solid. Would only just give him the Banner of Discipline for that sweet 10 rerollable with 3D6. 9 and 10 seems a small difference, but it has won me games in the past to have this upgrade, and it is only 15 points. Do not forget that if your Slann runs, the game is almost over, as the BSB is slain when he runs from CC. If you have this, you have a very solid Slann to build your army around. Arcane Unforging is very strong against Princes, and Walk Between Worlds will help you against ultra manouvrable DE armies. Another option is Cogitation, as i will argue further into your list, but this is a solid basis that will serve you well, especially if you get the hang of swapping spells around.

    Scar vet: GW, CO, Crown of Command, Dragonhelm, light armour and shield (i know he cant use the shield in combat). Why get him the Crown, he is supposed to win combats, not lose them. You do not have a dawnstone in your army yet, make this guy GW, CO, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone, LM for 1+ rerollable armour save with S7 and 4 attacks. Should serve you a lot better then this.This guy will jsut get hit by a bolt thrower/cannonball/arrow/magic missile turn one and die, simple as that.
    Scar vet: GW, Armour of Destiny. With scarvets, either go big or go home, so just have the one guy i just described in a bodyguard of 5 COC and have them hunt monsters, or take like 6 solo ones to make sure some reach their lines as their shooting is not good enough, and they do not know where the items are. As you cannot take 6 solo ones due to no end times rules, take one, and use the points spent on this one to make a 5 man bodyguard (no champion, else no look out sir) for your other scarvet.
    Skink priest lvl 1: Scroll Don't see why you need 2 scrollcaddies in an already very magic heavy list. Most tournament lists only bring one lvl 4, mostly without a scroll, so you do not need this much anti magic. Scrap these 2, or keep one with Beasts and Wildform if you reaaaally like your scroll and the arcane vassal thing, but i am mehed by this.
    Skink priest lvl 1: Cube

    26 Saurus FC I dislike champions, you are paying 10 points for one extra attack while you could also pay one point more and get 2 extra attacks, an extra wound, and another guy they have to kill to ignore steadfast. Champs should imho be seen as challenge magnets, but as we do not have any models that want to be in this slow unit while fighting in challenges, i think that there is not a single instance where a champion is good in a unit of Sauri.
    2X 10 skinks. Take it you have them as skirmishers, with javelins, without champions? If so, good choices, if not, change it to that for reasons found it the tactica section :).
    2X 11 skinks

    Stegadon no upgrades Good, steggy always works, keep it in range of your slann for the juicy LD10 reroll with stubborn. Best flank guarder for LM TG units.
    22 Temple Guard: FC Once again, dislike the champion for reasons mentioned. 22 is also on the small size, i like to think of 20 of them of the absolute limit for TG units with Slann in them, but as this unit will be shot at a lot, taking 25 or even 30 is a good idea. Consider taking the banner of Swiftness on them for just that extra bit of movement for the spells of your Slann and charges, or take the Flaming banner if your local meta has a lot of Trolls/Hydras and lacks Dragonbane Gems, Dragonhelms and Dragonprinces.

    Ancient stegadon with blowpipes no upgrades Fine again
    Salamander with snack The best sallies come in pairs. One money shot will often pay back 2 of these guys, so to be somewhat sure (it will be around 90% of the time with 2 sallies) to hit that scary unit of Swordmasters if you focus both your sallies on them, you should be golden.

    Your list lacks Warmachine Hunting, consider taking some Terradons or Chameleons for this job, your 2 monsters and Scarvets, and even your TG will suffer against Dwarves and Empire due to this. Your list also lacks bodies, if i could give one piece of central advice it is to really get rid of the 3 characters i mentioned, they ad little and they take up a lot of space in your list. WIth that room you should be able to get warmachine hunters and a bodyguard for your Scarvet, and you should be fine, if the meta is not to harsh. For a real tournament list, you sortoff have to take around a 100 skinks in your core and either go super big on Scarvets on COC or monsters. If i am a bit harsh, i am sorry, but i get that way when rating tournament lists. In the end, you go to a tournament to not only have fun, but to also win, no? ;)

    Good luck in your tourney

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