8th Ed. 1500pts Vs Empire 9th rules / 9th magic lores

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by skink chief, Sep 22, 2015.


What list seems to be the best choice?

  1. list 1 *Full Skrox/ SW / 1 Sally / Tetto bunker*

    0 vote(s)
  2. list 2 *2 Krox / SW / 2 Sally's / Tetto bunker*

    0 vote(s)
  3. list 3 *Tetto in Skrox unit / TG / 2 Sally's*

    0 vote(s)
  4. list 4 *2 Krox / TG / 1 Sally / Tetto bunker*

    0 vote(s)
  5. extra list bottem page!

    1 vote(s)
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  1. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Hi all,

    I've got an upcominig encounter vs an Empire list of 1500pts.

    My main goal is to test some units out that I haven't used before and to check the 9th age rules and lores.
    We will however not use the 9th Army books, since we feel they are unfinished.

    So what am I trying out?
    - Skrox unit
    - Ripper unit
    - Tetto' Eko

    For Tetto I'm hoping my opponent grants me 3 spells. Explenation on this: In 9th loremaster changed to *the wizard can choose he's spells* where it used to be *the wizard know all the spells of that lore*.
    So since Tetto is a lvl 2 char, taking 2spells when he used to be able to take 7 is a biiiiig hit. With 3 spells I feel I'm ok with him. The spells I'll be taking: signature spell, comet spell and chain lighting ( if she brings no heavy armoured troops) or Thunderbolt (if she does bring something like knights of inner circle).

    So here we go:

    List 1:
    Skink Priest lvl 1; beasts; dispel scroll
    Scar Vet; BSB; shield; Armour of Destiny.

    19 Saurus Warriors; full cmd
    Skrox unit of 24skinks and 3 Krox; banner; musician.
    14 skink cohort ( Tetto bunker)
    10 skink skirmishers; javs & shields
    10 skink skirmishers; javs & shields

    6 camo skinks
    4 ripper riders

    Salamander + snack

    So in this one I got a good size Skrox unit. These will be fighting the heavely armoured stuff. It is my first time using a skrox unit, they should be able to beat 8 Inner Circle knights if need be (maybe hold up 10 of them).

    List 2:

    Heroes are the same.

    19 Saurus warriors; full cmd
    Skrox unit of 20 skinks and 2 Krox; banner; musician
    12 Skink cohort ( Tetto bunker)
    10 skink skirmishers (J&S)
    10 skink skirmishers (J&S)

    6 camo skinks
    4 ripper riders

    Sally + snack
    Sally + snack

    Here I have 2 Salamanders to fry things up at the cost of a krox basically. This makes my Skrox unit less effective, and I don't really know what they can do with 2 Krox in there... ( since I don't realy know the unit). They might be able to go even vs 8 inner circle knights I guess?

    List 3:

    Heroes are the same

    Core: 380pts*
    Skrox unit of 24skinks and 2 Krox; banner; musician
    10 skink skirmishers (J&S)
    10 skink skirmishers (J&S)

    18 Temple Guard; full cmd; banner of swiftness
    5 camo skinks
    4 ripper riders

    Sally + snack
    Sally NO SNACK!

    SO here I basically have to run Tetto in the Skrox unit. I don't really know if this is a good thing... The Skrox lose 1 Kroxigor, so again the effectiveness in CC kinda worries me...
    2 Sally's again but 1 Sally has no snack and I've had to trim down the camo's from 6 to 5 models. Temple Guards replace the SW.

    List 4

    Heroes are the same

    Skrox units of 24 skinks and 2 Krox; banner; musician
    13 skink cohort ( Tetto bunker)
    10 skink skirmishers (J&S)
    10 skink skirmishers (J&S)

    19 Temple Guard; full cmd; banner of swiftness
    5 camo skinks
    4 Rippers

    Sally + snack!

    So I lose 1 Sally to the previous list, but I do gain a bunker for Tetto. Again The Skrox unit has only 2 Kroxigors though. Temple guards in the army.

    >Let me know what you think. Give me some insight on how to use the Skrox unit efficiently. :)
    > one question: A Krox is 2 skink bases does this count as 2 Ranks?

    Edit extra option:
    List 2 => but add 4 skink cohort to skrox unit and 1 krox. Lose 1 of the skirmishers! Ive got everything I want exept for TG!
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2015
  2. rantapanda

    rantapanda Member

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    There is no tetto eko in the 9th age rules at this time : / Had a 1250pts game against empire just a few days ago. He had one volley gun. and plenty of fire magic.
    IT DESTROYED MY FACE :D I had vanguards and scouts. No avail. I got my but handed to me. I had no aswers for the gun nor could i stop all the fireballs cast towards me.
    My idea is to get amber spear with two skinkpriests. and shoot the machine from a distance, if my skinks cant get it. Nope. didnt get it xD
    Also their fast cav shooters are crazy nowdays too.
    I could have had a chance if id manage to destroy the warmachine. So take note, you need to dispose it if you wish to win.
  3. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Yes I know, but like I said. We are not playing with the new army books yet.
    As for a volley gun... well everyone knows they are painfull to deal with. If I can get it to only shoot me if it throws a 4up for 1 of the 2 or 3 rounds I'm not in combat, that will help me. Then I got camo's and rippers to hopefully take it out :).
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2015
  4. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    I'm in a knot with this. I really want to take the 3 krox. I really want 2 salamanders. I really don't want tetto in a skrox unit but in he's own bunker aaaaand I would really like the TG because of better armour vs shooting ansd their swiftnes banner.... help me out guys!

    Maybe I should take out 1 of the skink skirmisher units.. but that leaves me with only 1 redirecting chaff option...

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