Army Fluff my army fluff

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Revered_Guardian, May 4, 2009.

  1. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    Well Seeing as my enemies are orcs, skaven and tk...


    Before the the city of Chupayotl sank into the ocean and the last link to the southlands from Lustria was lost, the mage priests sent a message through the geomantic web to the priests of the temple city of Zlatlan. The message was recieved by the revered skink priest Tehe-Xili, who immediately aroused one of the most powerful slaan in the city, Tekti.

    An army was assembled and marched out into the jungle south of Tlaqua, with the slaan at it's head. Many skaven were in their path, but the army was on a sacred mission, and not one of the vile rat men could stop them from completing it, with cold fury, the army cut down swathes of rat men until they were finally beaten off and the army was far south of Tlaqua. The slaan, knowing what had happened to Chupayotl and why he couldn't contact his brethren in Lustria due to the message that Tehe-Xili had recieved, ordered the construction of a massive temple city. To this day the temple city is still under construction and although in it's later stages, each day brings the city closer to completion. The very army that set out with the slaan now has a single purpose, to protect the temple city of KaiChaqHua ( meaning the city hidden in the dark mist), and they regularly patrol the jungle for intruders. Soon the city will be complete and the Slaan will have contact with their brethren in Lustria once again.

    The army was spawned as sotek drove the skaven out of lustria and they all bear his markings. Tekti, unlike his slaan brethren, no longer worships the old ones, for they abandoned him long ago, the snake god now the only god he will recognize.
  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Cool story, I enjoyed it.
  3. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    Sets up a nice backstory, good basis to narrate your battles and why you guys fight who they do, as well. GJ.
  4. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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  5. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    The following is some fluff I wrote up for chameleon skinks, my favourite unit, which I intend to one day include in my army

    Beneath the jungle canopy, the chameleon skinks slipped through the muddy waters, they had been tracking down their prey for days and now it was time for an ambush. The humans sat by the waters edge, taking out strange looking cups and things, and taking whatever water they could. The chameleon skinks looked like logs floating in the water, and even the leader of this jungle expedition didn't take notice. A shrill chirping sound came from behind the pirates, but they heeded no warning, to them it sounded just like any other bird in the jungle, but they couldn't have been more wrong. The chameleon skinks heard their signal to attack, and from underneath the water held there blowpipes to their mouths, letting the end stick out of the surface to look like a fallen reed. As one the chameleons exhaled, their tiny, poisonous darts finding their way into soft man flesh. Before the men knew what was happening, a second volley came from the forest above and as they turned to face this new threat the chameleon skinks in the water darted away. The men frantically searched the trees for their enemies, firing bullets all around, but to their dismay, they just couldn't find their assailants, the few survivors staggered back into the camp, the attack had finished. Longbeard the pirate walked into his tent, only to burst back out again "Those damned lizards took my Treasure!!!"
  6. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    Nice fluff, although the last one has abit too much stereotyped stuff in it (ie: longbeared, the pirate. No offense intended, its just be done to death, but funny :))

    In the first one, are you saying that they have almost finished a whole templecity? Its just that seems... strange unless their building on...... speed (dun dun dun) Again, i don't mean to be mean, but the reconstructed (well, almost) temple city is only just in its final stages...

    But still outstanding fluff.
  7. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    thanks! The first one is that they are in some of the final stages (but for temple cities this is still like 1-400 years.... but if you see in the beginning they began as chupayotl started to sink, which was millenia ago, so it should be fine....

    more to come....mostly about the characters
  8. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    Can't wait, i love fluff people write.
  9. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    the savage orcs were climbing atop a ruined temple in the middle of the jungle, a large number of skinks firing down onto them as they came, poison dropping dozens at a time.

    "Keep um moving" Screamed a particularily large an heavily ornamented orc, a huge glowing axe and a pendant around his neck.

    As the orcs came closer and closer, the skinks started climbing higher, until they were on the top of the temple. "Quick! down the other side!" shouted one of the skinks, the orcs in hot pursuit.

    Suddenly the orcs stepped to the top of the temple, only to find their path blocked by unmoving saurus, who immediately charged into their foe. Warlord Gazka watched as his minions and the saurus clashed. The saurus appeared to be stronger, and started to gain ground, the combat becoming a swirling mass of scale and skin, without the regular ranks and positions.


    Gazkabat dodged the falling orc just in time, and, as it plummeted to its doom, he lept upon the temple. With every swing of his mighty axe a saurus fell, quite literally as they either fell off the temple or to their knees.

    A bone chilling roar overpowered the sound of battle, the orcs momentarily distracted as a white saurus stepped atop the temple. He was mostly albino, for he bore the mark of his masters, but every scale on his back is red as the blood that now flowed towards the ground. He was the champion of chotec, he was Chun-Kata the decapitator.

    Instantly 2 of the orcs charged towards him, choppa's raised, ready to slice the scar-veteran into pieces. With a sudden burst of speed Chun-Kata was past them, and within a second the two orcs that stood before him a moment earlier started spraying blood out of the burning wounds created by the blade of chotec.

    Chun-Kata cut a bloody swathe through the orcs, till he was right infront of Gazkabat himself. "Leave this one to me" he shouted amongst the orcs cries and the saurian roars.

    "You dun tink dat you can beat ol warlord Gazkabat do yu?" cried the orc, and within and instant, the duel began.

    The orc swung his axe in a horizontal strike, Chun-kata parried the blow with his shield, and the orc continued his onslaught. To the regular warriors the blades seemed to move at a speed unnoticable to the naked eye, but as far as Chun-Kata was conscerned, it was like he was moving in slow motion. Thousands of years since his spawning during the very rise of sotek had honed his skills, and time seemed to move much more slowly to him. Catching the orcs axe on his shield once more, the saurus used his shield arm to shove the orcen weapon aside, before a vicious kick to the stomach that sent the orc reeling, and before he could even recover, Chun-Kata was on him. The saurus began to drive off the remaining orcs as they watched Chun-kata's blade flash, creating a series of burning cuts all over the orcs body before a clean stab ended the creatures life.
  10. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    Nice fluff. But why does the champion of Sotek have another gods sig. weapon? I know there is no Soteck-specific weapon.... but it just seems alittle... wrong... Sorry, but it just seems odd to me.
  11. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    The point is for him to have the sign of every lizardmen god, but since he was born in the time of sotek he is his champion, as he wears that distinct mark along with the sign of the old ones.

    I wish there was sotek weaponry for saurus, but riding on a cold one and with the old ones blessings he should be killy enough (i have never backed down from a challenge with him-probably never will)
  12. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    And good fluff... again.
    Nice, a Brave, Champion Killer.
    About the never shy from a challenge, what if it was a Chaos Lord who'd been shewing up your other people in challenges?
  13. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    I guess im lucky I only play HE,skaven, orcs n tk then aint I :D
  14. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    I won't be vsing them either (thank God). I'll actually be the one using them if any (i just got up 1 day and though "wow, WoC are pretty cool").
  15. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    TRAITORS MUST DIE!!! :rage:

  16. TheAncientOne
    Cold One

    TheAncientOne New Member

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    I love fluff. Often , when im bored, ill think up some stuff for my army .

    PS: I HATE one color scheme :rage: , so each of my units of 12 skinks(3 w/ javvies, 3 w/ blowpipes) has a different scheme, as well as the rest of my army. Currently I'm working on my saurus. Makes for great fluff-fodder, each having diff spawnings, etc. :smug:
  17. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    Tehe-Zili awoke from his contemplations, something he did often, even though he was not a slaan. The skink priest stepped onto the roof of the temple, eyes glowing with magical power, uttering words of power, his spirit was suddenly separated from his body.

    In this form he could fly above the jungle and scout for miles, all without the risk of running into a dangerous beast, in the distance he could see an army of skeletons aproaching the jungle, the tomb kings of khemri attempting to gain ground, to the left he could see the tainted pyramid comple that had once been in control of the lizardmen, but the vile ratmen of clan deathclaw had taken it decades ago.

    Quickly the spirit snapped back into his body, he turned to chun-kata "the tomb kings are trying to get into the jungles, we must stop their advance"

    nodding chun-kata gathered the army, Tehe-Zili jumped down onto his stegadon, and as his eyes glowed a comet crashed down into the ranks of the tomb kings far ahead, crushing many before the battle to come....
  18. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    chun-kata is now the champion of chotec :D makes more sense
  19. Iggy Koopa
    Chameleon Skink

    Iggy Koopa New Member

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    Hey, nice stories, I enjoyed reading them. Keep up the good work.

    Iggy Koopa
  20. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    The empire captain sat in his tent, writing in his journal whilst 2 guards positioned outside. The cool night air of the jungle made the leaves all around them rustle, they were weary, but they were cautious.

    The day walk through the jungle had been a disaster, creatures of all shapes and sizes gradually picking away at the army, but the captain made them keep going, with promises of mountains of gold rising above their heads.

    Suddenly a loud thump was heard to the right of the guards, instinctively they turned...

    Te-Qui the chameleon skink snuck behind his prey, slitting the guards throat, he was practically invisible, and as the second guard turned around, he was met with a hooked blade to his gut, and the chameleon skink snapped his neck...

    Without a sound, the chameleon skink entered the tent, invisible, he crept up on the captain, still writing, oblivious to what was happening.

    The skink coated a blow dart with poison, and stabbed it into the captains neck...

    The captain began to convulse, his mouth filling with foam as he collapsed to the ground.

    Stepping outside, Te-Qui grabbed his feathered cloak he had left in the forest, and spreading his arms, the champions sotek began to fly back to his master, his task completed

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