Vroom vroom!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by CaptainFaux, Oct 2, 2015.

  1. CaptainFaux

    CaptainFaux Member

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    Hello folks!
    I guess I forgot to pop my head in here before posting, hahaha.

    So about me: I'm pretty new to the wargaming scene. I've been interested in the 40k universe for a while, but always scoffed at fantasy. I avoided the whole wargaming scene due to price and how complicated it is, but with the Age of Sigmar, I'm having a lot of fun already! My roommate has been playing 40k for years and bought the AoS starter box with the casts and daemons. I've outclassed his army (he combined the two!) within a week and he's pretty pissed. :p

    I'm also very new to painting. English and writing is my talent and major. I've always been very bad at painting and drawing, but miniatures are extremely relaxing for me adn one of the few things i can focus on for hours. I love the attention to detail i can bring and the sense of accomplishment to know /I/ painted that army the way /i/ wanted it. I can actually paint minis because the main body exists already! I love it!

    As far as my actual life I'm a veteran at a wonderful private liberal arts school, Maryville College, in Tennessee. I served 4 years in the marine corps as a combat engineer. Currently I'm an english major with a philosophy minor, going into juvenile law once I'm done here. I am a CASA (court appointed special advocate) and Big Brother. I serve children that are abused an in need of help and love and encouragement. I also assist in a literacy program every week to tutor and help struggling primary schoolers with reading.

    Basiically I'm busy as hell and all I want to do is play and paint warhammer. :p

    I also play league of legends and heroes of the storm when I can; I've played both since their respective betas.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forums!

    Impressive resume of personal accomplishments.

    Let us know if you have any specific questions about gameplay, painting, modeling, fluff, rules, or anything else.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    You've come to the right place. There is lots of amazing content on here.

    Welcome aboard. May the Old Ones smile upon you! :)
  4. CaptainFaux

    CaptainFaux Member

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    Thanks for the welcome. <3 I've been here less than a week but I can see a well knit and not only knowledgeable but very helpful community. Many forums I've been around over the years feel too big, like a shopping mall where you can find one or two people, but this place feels more like some neighbors house where we all go to watch Bob make fun of everyone via comics. Maybe paint or something, but who knows what those nerds do is their creepy basement. I love it!
    spawning of Bob likes this.
  5. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    If you are speculating what might happen in my basement, don't forget there is a horror based short story competition underway. You could share your darkest fears and pass them off as 'fiction'.

    (No comeback to the Zorba Ogre Horde?. You disappoint me!)

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