8th Ed. 9th age battle. Lizardmen vs WOC 2400

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by rantapanda, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. rantapanda

    rantapanda Member

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    Heyo. Im having my third game of 9th age. First big one, as the other ones have been smallish practise games.

    im strugging what to take, whats good. While looking at the WOC lists I still feel our choises are sub par, now that slann has been nerfed and saurus characters hit with a higher price tag. Cold ones got a boost, but they are still more expensive (40pts vs 35pts) than WOC equivalent. Skinks cannot do double flee, but that doesnt show in their price tag, alas shield now costs +1 more, which i dont see why with skinks.
    shield nurgle Warriors are pretty much hit with 5+ and carry 3+ armor, which is still kinda scary.

    anyways, Ive though of perhaps
    One or two Slanns, either one beasts, two beasts, one beast and one light OR one light and one all sig spells.
    Hard to figure out whats best, perhaps one beasts and one skink priest with beast supported By loads of Saurus, TG, one T-rex and Scarvet with raptor/dukestone. And a couple of skinks. Idea would just be just to grind with beasted up blocks.

    What do you fellow lustrians think? Had any experiences?
  2. npowell88

    npowell88 New Member

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    Pardon my ignorance...9th age? Please tell me this is a fan made update to 8th to move the game forward instead of settling for AOS? And if so...is it any good, or do you prefer 8th?
  3. LawGnome
    Chameleon Skink

    LawGnome Active Member

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    The 9th Age is a project currently being put together by the ETC and Swedish Comp guys. They are currently in the beta and have a full rule set and army starter out there, and are in the process of making the official army books for every army.

    The intention of the project is to create the 9th edition that we all wanted, rather than having to deal with AOS. They are taking public opinion on matters and are working to balance the game from the word go.

    You can find all the information on it here: http://www.the-ninth-age.com

    It looks very good thus far, and is the ruleset that they are using for the ETC tournaments next year.
    npowell88 likes this.

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