AoS Catch the Wild Korgorath!

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by CaptainFaux, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. CaptainFaux

    CaptainFaux Member

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    Hey guys!

    So yesterday in my local shop, I played a game with my roommate (it counted for our escalation match lol) that was actually based off of the AoS scenario 'No Quarter'. But instead it was his chaos/corrupted storm cast vs my lm. This is all normal.

    We asked the manager for an idea and we came up with CATCH THE WILD KORGORATH!! Basically this starts with both armies (we had 4 scrolls total; one monster and one hero) starting at the edge. In the middle was a neutral Korgorath. At the start of each turn, the one who won initiative would roll hit dice (the ones with the arrows and direct hit or not or whater). If you got a direct hit, you could control the neutral korgorath for that turn. If not, the Kor moved in the direction of the arrow, running if it was not withing 12" of one of the players. Within 12" it would charge.

    The objective is to Knock Out and capture the Korgorath. The unit that reaches it can use their turn to pull it back to their side at half speed and cannot attack or shoot, as they are doing everything they can to carry it.

    We thought of another rule halfway through: every turn the Kor heals d3 wounds, and if it gets possitive it gets up and attacks. Now, lets say it has 1 wound left and you do 5, it would be at -4 and would have to heal those 4 wounds before coming to.

    For us, my opponent was able to roll to control it. I had:
    -7 cav
    -Mounted Old Blood
    -10 camo skinks
    -Solar Engine Bastilladon

    He had:
    -20 bloodletters
    -3 retributers with hammers
    -1 korgorath of his own
    -That khorne hero guy that comes in the AoS starter box. He has a dog

    He was able to get control and charged me with the neutral Kor, taking out 1 cav while his forces moved towards the middle. On my shooting phase I was able to use the solar engine and chamo skinks to take out the remaining wounds and begin to drag him away with cav.

    The next turn he was able to close the distance with bloodletters and stop the mounted force from dragging the body away. The retributers and khorne hero failed their charges. He sent his korgorath after the skinks hiding in the woods to the right flank.

    In my hero phase the skinks hid and moved to the left side of the board, avoiding the Korgorath and succesfully baiting it. During the shooting phase, the bastiladon rolls a massive 12 attacks, making 4 and hitting 2 on his Kor. The bloodletters and cav and the old one exchange blows while the hero and retributers move in.

    I made a poor decisions and deployed the skinks within range of his hero to charge, ultimately losing 3 in one turn. :( The retributers and bloodletters, over two turns, devistated the 6 remaining cav, killing them all but losing all but 1 ret and bloodletter, which Old Blood finished off easily.

    By this point it was easy to shoot down the enemy korgorath and hero with the skinks and bastiladon within 8" of the old blood.

    MAJOR VICTORY! Which brings the escalation score to 2-0 against my roommate! :D

    I meant to write everything in detail as it happened, but I totally forgot lol. First battle report, written without glasses. Please excuse typos if they exist, I literally cant see.

    Do you guys have any interesting or cool made up scenarios? Thoughts? Suggestions?
  2. StealthKnightSteg

    StealthKnightSteg Well-Known Member

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    That's really original thinking there! Love that wild Korgorath element :)
  3. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    That's a really cool scenario, very fitting to the spirit of AoS! What donyou think of the Cold One Cavalry now, are they worth their poi... err, wounds?
  4. CaptainFaux

    CaptainFaux Member

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    Absolutely. If you give them the old one they get an extra mount bite And quite a few attacks of their own PLUS rerolls. In our first match, with my 8 cavalry and some saurus warriors I tabled his blood letters and angel flying things. The cav did 90% of the killing (nostly because he flew those guys in way before they had backup and gurenteed Me surrounding him). They're probably my favorite unit uuntil steggy comes tomorrow.
    Caprasauridae likes this.
  5. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    He is called khorgos khul and it's a hellhound called Grizzlemaw, Chaos do not have pet dogs :D

    Check out my version of him here,

    I'm also working on a Goretide version of Khul were Grizzlemaw is set loose, expect pics this week.

    I really like your ideas and I will try that this weekend with my Son. ;)
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This is a great scenario! Will have to try something like this for my next game! Maybe catch the drunken dwarf! Haha!
  7. Trociu
    Chameleon Skink

    Trociu Active Member

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    Great scenario.

    My friend played one cool scenario in wfb but it can be used in any other game. The goal was to get magic casket from temple in the middle of battlefield and hold it till the end of 6th turn.

    But they did not know that there was demon trapped in it. He broke free after leaving sacred ground (12" around temple) and destroyed army of high elves which got the cascet. Of course direction of his movement was random but high elves had bad luck.
  8. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    I must play this game mode.
  9. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Played this on Sunday with my Son

    I played DE,

    Malus on Coldone
    5 Dark Riders
    10 Executioners


    15 TG , 1 unit of 5, one of 10

    We played on a 6*3 table with no Scenery just to get a feel for the objective, it lasted around 2hrs, Archie won (again)
    DE left at the end 10 Executioners and Sauce, Seraphon 5 TG, he managed to keep me occupied while the unit of 5TG kept the Koro under control.

    Were going to play more wounds add scenery and a treasure chest in the next match, the chest will be central and could contain the following on the roll of a d6

    1 Monster for your army Steggy or Hydra, placed within 6" of the chest
    2 Monster for your opposition Steggy or Hydra, placed within 18" of the chest
    3 Unit for your army 10 models, either TG or Executioners, placed within 6" of the chest
    4 Unit for your opposition 10 models either TG or Executioners, placed within 18" of the chest
    5 A bomb that inflicts d6 mortal wounds to your enemy, range 18"
    6 A bomb that inflicts d6 mortal wounds on the chest opener unit within 6"
    Trociu and Kor-Lot-Ko like this.
  10. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    The treasure chest sounds like a fun idea (although the local PETA would probably have something to say about stuffing a monster into a chest like that...). Can it only be opened once?
    Trociu and Kor-Lot-Ko like this.
  11. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Yeap opened once and I'm putting it in the middle of a sylvaneth wyldwood to add a bit more danger :)

    Just got to paint the wood and chest now! (tutorial for the wood will be done as well)
    Seraphage and Kor-Lot-Ko like this.

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